E. To conserve the value of land, buildings, and improvements throughout the jurisdictional area and to minimize detrimental conflicts among the uses of land and structures. 1. Robertson County was established in 1867, out of parts of Nicholas, Harrison, Bracken, and Mason Counties. Please call (812-349-2560) or email PlanningOffice@co.monroe.in.us to make an appointment with one of our planners. Search for Texas county zoning information. If it is the transferees intention to develop this property in accordance with the agreement, the DEVELOPER agrees to provide the COUNTY an Assumption Agreement whereby the transferee agrees to perform the improvements required under this agreement and to provide the security needed to assure such performance. In the R-80, Suburban Estate District, the following uses are permitted. c. To occupy a greater percentage of lot area. 1. The rear setback shall be on the opposite side of the lot from the designated front yard setback. The new official zoning atlas shall be identified by the signature of the County Executive, Chairman of the Robertson County Planning Commission and the Springfield Regional Planning Commission under the following words: This to certify that this Official Zoning Atlas of Robertson County, Tennessee, supersedes and replaces the official zoning atlas adopted June 21, 2010,by Robertson County, Tennessee. However, the side street setback shall not be reduced to less than forty (40) feet from a major thoroughfare or minor thoroughfare right-of-way line. However, the front yard setback shall not be reduced to less than forty (40) feet from a major thoroughfare right-of-way line. 615-735-1881. Use of Unapproved Plats The county, through its attorney or other official designated by the county council, may enjoin by action for injunction any transfer of, sale of, or agreement to sell any land in violation of Subsection 1-112.104, of these regulations. Another possibility is to call your county executive, whatever you might call him/her, and ask who would know the laws. Pursuant to T.C.A. This agreement may not be orally amended and supersedes all prior negotiations, commitments or understandings. The number and design of handicapped parking spaces shall be in accordance with Subsection , (Handicapped Parking) of the Zoning Ordinance. To insure that public facilities are available and will have a sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. All detention and retention facilities shall be maintained so as to insure proper operation and safety. Contact Information Robertson County Local Government P.O. The planning commission may also require that dedications providing for the future opening and extension of such public ways be indicated on the plat. In any instance where building construction is not proposed for a site but grading or filling activity is proposed that is. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Service, Help and Organizations for Veterans, ARTICLE II-DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION, ARTICLE V-STREETS,PARKING,ACCESS AND OFF-STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING REQUIREMENTS, ARTICLE VII PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICTS REGULATIONS, ARTICLE VIII SPECIAL EXCEPTION REGULATIONS, ARTICLE IX STANDARDS FOR SIGNS,BILLBOARDS, AND OTHER ADVERTISING STRUCTURES, ARTICLE XI ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT. 5. floor conference room of the Robertson County Office . j. It is further understood that a violation of this Development Agreement is punishable as provided in , Subsection , (Penalties for Violation) of said Zoning Resolution. When any lot or lots have been sold the plat may be vacated in the manner herein provided only if all of the owners of lots in such platted area join in the execution of such writing. The existing and proposed public improvements shall generally conform to and be properly related to the proposals shown in the land development plan. A decommissioning plan of solar panels must be filled with the . development site and those depicted on the approved site plan shall be indicated. Robertson County Schools Zoning Information Zoning Information K-5 Zoning Information 6-8 Zoning Information 9-12 Zoning Information Which school do my students attend? Robertson County Circuit Court Clerk: Tabitha Tilton P.O. WHEREAS,the DEVELOPER desires to develop the property described on the ADDENDUM (hereinafter called the PROJECT); and. REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed. 432 Murfreesboro Pike #307, Nashville, TN 37210. The DEVELOPER, hereby, agrees to retain the services of a geotechnical engineering firm to monitor site work as required to assure compliance with the geotechnical report. b.Erection of Unlawful Buildings Where any building or structure is erected or being erected on any lot in violation of the road or easement frontage requirements of Subsection 1-112.109, of these regulations, the county building official or the county attorney or other official designated by the county council may bring action to enjoin such erection or cause the building or structure to be vacated or removed. Brown County Administration Main Offices 201 Locust Lane Nashville, IN 47448. All prior official zoning atlases or any significant parts, thereof, shall be preserved together will all available records pertaining to their adoption or amendment. Home occupations as defined by and subject to the provisions of Section IV, Section 4-2. The types of material, cross sectional area and other characteristics of paving design shall be as approved in the development plans. This plan, as specified in the law, establishes three (3) types of growth areas: Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB) territory that is contiguous to and outside the corporate limits of a municipality where high density residential, commercial and industrial growth is expected, or where a municipality is better able to provide urban services than any other municipality. In the AG-1, Agricultural District, any use not permitted by right, by accessory use, or as a special exception is strictly prohibited. 501 Main St. Room 103 Courthouse. No accessory building shall be allowed to remain within a public right-of-way. GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. These regulations are adopted for the following purposes: A. Signs in compliance with the regulations set forth in Article IX, Section 9-1. Robertson County Extended Order - Disaster Declaration - COVID-19 - expires 3-24-23. Whenever a parcel of land is subdivided and the subdivision plat shows one or more lots containing more than one acre of land or double the minimum required area for any zoning district in which the lot is located, and the planning commission has reason to believe that any such lot(s) will be resubdivided into smaller building sites, the planning commission may require that the subdivision and development of such parcel of land allow for the future opening of public ways and the ultimate extension of adjacent public ways. c.Enforcement of Bonds Where a bond is accepted in lieu of completion of subdivision improvements and utilities as provided in Article III, of these regulations. You can call the Robertson County Tax Assessor's Office for assistance at 615-384-4311. Robertson County Schools Parents & Students Parents & Students From this page, there will be access to items important to students and parents. More Information. These regulations are not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other ordinance, rule, or regulation, statute, or other provision of law. In Kentucky, Robertson County is ranked 1st of 120 counties in Clerk Offices per capita, and 3rd of 120 counties in . In the R-20 High Density Residential District, the following uses may be permitted as special exceptions after review and approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with Section XI, Section 11-7. Chat Help; Translate. An average of 3 cases per day were reported in Robertson County, a 27 percent increase from the average two weeks ago. The DEVELOPER, hereby, agrees to design and construct all parking areas and traffic circulation facilities to meet the design standards set out in the Zoning Ordinance. Gallatin, Liberty Creek claim 2022-23 Sumner County Swim Championships; Hunting, fishing license renewal change in effect; After retirement, Robertson County coaches reflect on Tom Adkins' Jo Byrns career; Depot Bar & Grill gives back to local non-profits through charity dinner; Stocked trout are put in to be taken out 1-108.2Procedures for Subdivision Where Future Resubdivision Is Foreseen. b. In making this determination, the planning commission shall consider all pertinent facts available to it. The developer has the duty of compliance with reasonable conditions imposed by the planning commission for design, dedication, improvement, and restrictive use of the land so as to provide for the physical and economical development of the jurisdictional area and for the safety and general welfare of future plot owners in the subdivision and of the community at large. Robeson County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Robeson County, North Carolina. 64 Deming Way Robertson County. The zoning atlas in its entirety, including all amendments shall be as much a part of this resolution as if fully set forth and described, herein. D. To enhance the character and economic stability and encourage the orderly, beneficial development of the jurisdictional area. 800 M. S. Couts Blvd, Suite 2, Springfield, TN 37172 615-384-5588 Login Send Email Robertson County Schools All uses permitted in the R-30, Medium Density Residential District, shall comply with the following requirements. The DEVELOPER has and shall retain the responsibility to properly anticipate, survey, design and construct the development and give full assurance that same shall not adversely affect any property. Visitors often comment on knowing that they are in Robertson County because everyone they meet greets them with a wave of the hand. CH12CV160 Laurence M. McMillan, Jr., Chancellor This is a zoning dispute arising out of a trash-collection business being operated in an agricultural-residential zone. 1. these certifications in a timely manner will result in issuance of a stop work order by the County. All work done under this agreement is to be performed in accordance with plans, and specifications approved by the County and made a part, hereof. This district shall be located in those areas of the county that shall retain an optimum of open spaces to maintain a rural setting yet affords limited residential development that is conducive to maintaining an agricultural setting. The subdivision of any lot or parcel of land by use of metes or bounds description without complying with the plat provisions of these regulations shall not be permitted. Our department follows the codes and regulations set by the county's Zoning Ordinances, Development Regulations, and provisions of the Code of Ordinances. 6-1.1Relationship to Public Chapter 1101, 6-2.2Identification and Alteration of the Official Zoning Atlas, 6-2.3Replacement of Official Zoning Atlas, 6-3RULES FOR INTERPRETATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES, 6-5.1AG-1 Agricultural/Business District, 6-5.2AG-2 Agricultural/Residential District, 6-5.4R-40 Low Density Residential District, 6-5.5R-30 Medium Density Residential District, 6-5.6R-20, High Density Residential District, 6-6.2C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District, 6-6.3C-3 Restrictive Commercial District, 6-6.4C-4 Highway Service Commercial District, 6-7.3I-3 Special Impact Industrial District. Pursuant to Sections 13-3-410 and 13-4-306,Tennessee Code, no owner or agent of the owner of any land shall falsely represent to a prospective purchaser of real estate that roads or streets will be built or constructed by any city, county, or any other political subdivision. In the R-30, Medium Density Residential District, any use not permitted by right, by accessory use, or as a special exception is strictly prohibited. Vehicular parking and maneuvering areas shall be paved in accordance with approved development plans. Copies of the Robertson County Zoning Resolution are available for purchase in the Robertson County Planning and Zoning Office, for $25.00. The design of water and sewer improvements shall follow the State of Tennessee design criteria. The Director of Planning and Zoning possesses the right to enter upon any premises for the purpose of making inspections of buildings or premises necessary to carry out his authorized duties. It is further understood that any proposed modification that is not permitted under these provisions may be approved only as an amendment to the development plan. These regulations apply to all fences that an owner builds, not to fences that have long been in existence and that an owner will repair. Such an instrument shall be executed, acknowledged, or approved, and duly recorded or filed; the instrument shall operate to void the recorded plat and divest all public rights in the public ways. The DEVELOPER shall cause to be prepared and submitted to the COUNTY, plans (the Plans) describing in reasonable detail all utility systems, all storm water management systems, all parking and access controls and all other improvements necessary to provide adequate services to the Project (hereinafter called the IMPROVEMENTS). These subdivision regulations are adopted by the Robertson County Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as planning commission), in pursuance of the authority and powers granted by Sections 13-3-401 through 13-3-411,Tennessee Code. Upon the adoption and effective date of these regulations, the Subdivision Regulations of Robertson County, Tennessee, adoptedNovember 1, 1979, as amended, are hereby repealed. Accessory structures shall be located a minimum of five (5) feet from any side lot or rear lot line and ten (10) feet from any building on the same lot. In 2020, the median property value in Robertson County, TN was $215,900, and the homeownership rate was 76%. No changes of any nature shall be made in the official zoning atlas or matter shown thereon, except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this resolution. It is a beautiful countryside of rolling hills and scenic views. 6-3.4Boundaries indicated as following shore lines shall be construed to follow such shore lines and in the event of change in the shore line shall be construed as moving with the actual shore line: boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, rivers, canals, lakes or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow center lines. It shall consist primarily of agricultural uses, agri-business uses, accessory dwellings, mining operations and their accessory uses. The Robertson County Planning and Zoning Office is located at 527 South Brown Street, Springfield, TN 37172. Copies of the Robertson County Zoning Resolution are available for purchase in the Robertson County Planning and Zoning Office, for $25.00. It is the express purpose of this resolution to exclude from this district all buildings or other structures and uses having commercial characteristics whether operated for profit or otherwise, except that special exceptions and home occupations shall be considered as not having such characteristics if they otherwise conform to the provisions of this resolution. e. Field test method for determining the in-place dry density of the bearing capacity of the compacted fill. City of Greenbrier 790 W College Street Greenbrier, TN 37073 Phone: 615-643-4531 Fax: 615-643-0357 "Dog Laws - Part 1" discussed the Tennessee law that requires dogs older than six months to wear a collar and . K. To preserve the natural beauty and topography of the jurisdictional area, and to insure appropriate development with regard to these natural features. Questions concerning the Zoning Resolution can be directed to Robertson County Planning Staff at (615) 384-3666. Any unauthorized change of whatever kind by any person or persons shall be considered a violation of this resolution and punishable as provided under Article VIII of this resolution. Receives adequate facility tax.3. proposed to be placed shall have been accepted or opened or shall have otherwise received the legal status of a public way as provided by law, or unless such lot fronts upon a permanent easement which conforms to the provisions set forth in these regulations. V For any lot of record with a depth of at least seventy-five (75) feet, the street setback and the rear setback may be reduced, if necessary, to yield a buildable depth equal to forty (40) percent of the lot depth. 6-3.3Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits shall be construed as following such city limits. It shall consist primarily of single family detached dwellings, agricultural uses and their accessory uses. 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