Black sentence examples. A Maryland law named after Collins was passed in March of 2020. Other peculiar trees prized for their wood are: the kauila (Alphitonia ponderosa), used for making spears, mallets and other tools; the kela (Mezoneuron kauaiense), the hard wood of which resembles ebony; the halapepe (Dracaena aurea), out of the soft wood of which the natives carved many of their idols; and the wiliwili (Erythrina monosperma), the wood of which is as light as cork and is used for outriggers. 2. CK 1 2549290 It was dark blue.CK 1 422356 My eyes are blue.CK 1 2342526 The sky was blue.Hybrid 1 471891 Her eyes are blue. 139. Only the finest selected plain black ebony or Indian rosewood is used. She had long ebony hair. Markham, in his introduction to the narrative of Clavijo's embassy, states that his body "was embalmed with musk and rose water, wrapped in linen, laid in an ebony coffin and sent to Samarkand, where it was buried.". 25. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Use "ebony" in a sentence. The finishes are usually light colors, but you can find ebony paint finishes as well. Author and podcaster John Greenwald Jr. has obtained and uploaded thousands of documents related to CIA research on unidentified flying objects (UFOs), available on his website The Black Vault. Action adjustment on the e Capital punishment is not a black and white issue. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. A black cloud seemed to cover the earth. Some one, somewhere, figured out that a shapely, karate-dispensing, 22. About half of this quantity comes from the forests of Burma, where large amounts of teak and other woods are annually extracted, chiefly through the agency of private firms. Don't be in a hurry to buy; taking the time to select the best foundation color is the more important ebony beauty decision you can make. Charles threw back the sheet and lifted the. While Josh skips school and jeopardizes his chance of graduating, Ebony is hard at work trying to finish her courses and enroll in college, all while coming to terms with the fact that her life is about to change forever. The black ox has trod on his foot. There is also a very slight curvature, but this is to be expected in a turned ebony shank of this age. To top it all off, Dante wields two custom pistols named Ebony and Ivory. For the best in ebony beauty, dark translucent powders are your choice. Stains can make bamboo flooring look like other types of wood, such as ebony. Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs. This ebony pair is extremely angular and gets excellent to very good marks for its condition. Once the baby arrives the fighting between Ebony and Josh escalates. This pallet mixes beautiful, rich, dark brown with ebony and softer tones of green, gold and off-white. Examples of black sheep in a sentence, how to use it. Ebony's boyfriend Josh is still a child himself and makes life more difficult for the soon-to-be teen mom. This large variety is a major component in finding the best types of makeup for ebony beauty. A man convicted two decades ago of setting off pipe bombs at a historically Black college in Florida had his sentence reduced Thursday to 54 years, down from life plus 39 years. black code in a sentence - Use "black code" in a sentence 1. He seems to have been in London during the last weeks of Charles I., from whom he is said to have received his watch and some jewels which had ornamented the ebony case in which he kept his Bible. Rubber vines, mahogany, ebony and many valuable timber trees are found in the forest zone. On the Blue Nile the forest trees alter, the most abundant being the babanus (Sudan ebony) and the silag (Anogeissus leiocarpus), while gigantic baobabs, called tebeldi in the Sudan, and tarfa (Sterculia cinerea) are numerous. It may seem contradictory to talk about a black hole releasing energy. Cap with Grommets is made from beige and ebony GG fabric with brown leather trim and silver hardware. - The black triangle… In addition to varied hair color, a solid color in a vibrant shade such as platinum, scarlet, or shiny ebony will enhance the bob shape while adding an inarguable level of sophistication. Few readers will wish to make wood blades and even fewer to fit an, 29. 5. Bank demanded in submit the proposal in black and white. It comes in another version that is beige and ebony GG print with tattoo print, brown netting and brown leather trim. Neither is it lost on Mayor Frey, who said earlier, “Being black in America should not be a death sentence.” Protests Turn Violent Small quantities of ebony and sandal-wood are exported. The forest vegetation, largely confined to the "Isle of Isles" and the southern uplands, includes the Adansonia (baobab), which in the Fazogli district attains gigantic proportions, the tamarind, of which bread is made, the deleb palm, several valuable gum trees (whence the term Sennari often applied in Egypt to gumarabic), some dyewoods, ebony, ironwood and many varieties of acacia. CK 1 2325143 I drive a black car. Chimney pots stood out in black profile like squat, 26. Time magazine has once again “Columbused” a slang term that originated in the black community. 2. Pre-Cape Rocks principally the yellow wood (Podocarpus)., sneezewood (Pteroxylon utile), stinkwood (Oreodaphne bullata), black ironwood (Olea laurifolia), white ironwood (Vepris lanceolata), and umtomboti (Exoecaria africana); all are very useful woods, and the yellow wood, sneezewood, stinkwood and ironwood when polished have grain and colour equal to maple, walnut and ebony. The exports are chiefly groundnuts, rubber of inferior quality, sesamum and other oil seeds, tortoise-shell and ebony. A halo of ebony curls encircled his tiny head. Ebony beauty techniques offer similarities and differences to most accepted forms of makeup advice. The great hardness of teak is due to the silica deposited in the heart-wood, and the special coloring matters of various woods, such as satinwood, ebony, &c., are confined to the heart-wood. 9. papabear 1 442968 Isn't it black?CK 1 2549571 Crows are black.CK 1 1485296 Tom blacked out. good black ebony has no discernable grain and has an excellent finish direct from the tooling. All Rights Reserved. They do not represent the opinions of 21. How to use ebony in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word ebony? 16 examples: The wedge domain is represented by a black triangle. It's just a black snake. The native flora is rich, and teak, ebony and canari trees are especially abundant; the fauna, which is similarly varied, includes the babirusa, which occurs in this island only of the Moluccas. 3. Judges also sentence Black and Latino defendants to longer prison sentences. 158+84 sentence examples: 1. In 1865, after the Civil War ended, states renamed the Slave Codes to Black Codes, with the same purpose of prohibiting African Americans from owning guns. Kelly's Bellies (winning team) versus Ebony Flame: Former Taxi star Jeff Conaway, from Kelly's Bellies, left the show mid-season to enter into a drug rehabilitation program. Presentation table and vase Ebony and rosewood veneer table inlaid with silver and with feet of electroplated nickel silver. 24. This contains a large variety of hard-wooded and valuable timber trees, including species of Weinmannia (Lalona 1), Elaeocarpus (Voanana), Dalbergia (Vbambbana), Nuxia (Valanirana), Podocarpus, a pine, the sole species in the island (Hetatra),Tambourissa (Amhara), Neobaronia (Harah¢ra), Ocotea (Varongy) and probably ebony, Diospyros sp., &c. The following trees are characteristic of Madagascar vegetation, some of them being endemic, and others very prominent features in the landscape: the traveller's-tree (Urania speciosa), with its graceful crown of plantain-like leaves growing like an enormous fan at the top of a tall trunk, and affording a supply of pure cool water, every part of the tree being of some service in building; the Raphia (rofia) palm (Sagus ruffia); the tall fir-like Casuarina equisetifolia or beef wood tree, very prominent on the eastern coast, as well as several species of screw-pine (Pandanus); the Madagascar spice (Ravintsara madagascariensis), a large forest tree, with fragrant fruit, leaves and bark; a beautiful-leaved species of Calophyllum; and the Tangena (Tanghinia veneniflua), formerly employed as a poison ordeal. Collins was the only Black man awaiting the bus. Among the timber trees are species of pine, cedar, ebony, ironwood, stinkwood and sneezewood. Although too much makeup certainly takes away from the natural exotic beauty of ebony skins, a little enhancement will help all bring out their best appearance. Baseball Hat with Signature Web and Cotton Lining comes in beige and ebony GG fabric with green and red web and brown leather trim. A word of advice if you are planning to work in solid. There are also timber trees such as mahogany, ebony, teak, lignum vitae, African cedars and planes, while oil, borassus and bamboo palms are abundant. One was black as ebony, with little bunches of fuzzy hair tied with shoestrings sticking out all over her head like corkscrews. And the feeling of the age finds greater scope in private statues, many of which have a personal fascination about them, as in the seated figures at Cairo and Florence, and the freer work in wood, of which the ebony negress (Plate IV. 2. When selecting a foundation for an ebony beauty, it is important to match the skin color exactly. You can then purchase ebony wood stain and get the china cabinet hutch you've dreamed of. A quick glance through the window revealed the black … The absolute best feature on an ebony beauty is her lips. Eyebrows are also an important part of the ebony beauty routine. Its explanation of the term “bae” is a poor attempt to explain black terminology to the masses. As a result, a reduced sentence isn't necessary. Castings with a pedestal of ebony or mahogany add grandeur to the commission. There are several kinds of finely-grained wood, amongst which a very dark ebony is specially remarkable. The other biblical books do not mention the Sabaeans except incidentally, in allusion to their trade in incense and perfumes, gold and precious stones, ivory, ebony, and costly garments (Jer. 46. Examples of black triangle in a sentence, how to use it. Life Sentence for White Man Who Fatally Stabbed Black Student in Maryland A brief and violent encounter that was called a racially motivated hate crime cast a pall over two college campuses. Chester Zoo has three jaguars:- Ebony - the only black jaguar at Chester Zoo was born in 1984 and came from Rome Zoo. Black definition is - of the color black. It could not have been more appropriate that radio ads started appearing in. The bombax or silk-cotton tree attains gigantic proportions in the forests, which are the home of the indiarubber-producing plants and of many valuable kinds of timber trees, such as odum (Chlorophora excelsa), ebony, mahogany (Khaya senegalensis), African teak or oak (Oldfieldia africana) and camwood (Baphia nitida). Instead, California’s justice system railroaded a Black man, convicting him without giving him the benefit of a proper defense and imposing a sentence even harsher than prosecutors had requested. Spamster 1 2249158 It's pitch black.CK 1 1107280 The cat is black.Guybrush88 1 2692270 I have a black eye. 2549766 It was black.CK 1 2245619 I blacked out. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. Great black beams, like polished ebony, support the ceiling. Matthew had thick black hair, but Natalie's was blonde. Brown went on to explain that Black's current 46-month sentence is a lot lighter than the 10 years he was originally facing. The principal timber tree is the ebony (Diospyros ebeneum), which grows to a considerable size. The PBB Series comes in Retro Green (PBB212), Ebony (PBB209), Chili Red (PBB204), and Quite White (PBB201). TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A man convicted two decades ago of setting off pipe bombs at a historically Black college in Florida had his sentence reduced Thursday to 54 years, down from life plus 39 years. 4. Whether you're pale, or ebony toned, chances are, you'll find your match in their line. The sergeant admired the man's chiselled chin and, 17. This site offers ebony breast forms, something you may not find on all sites. On the burning Ebony ground. Indigo, cotton and tobacco are grown; the bamboo and the ratan-palm are common in the woods; and among the larger trees are sandal-wood, ebony, sapan and teak. Bryant never stopped fighting his life sentence, taking to court and repeatedly submitting requests for parole after three past convictions turned that attempted theft charge into a life sentence. Vegetation is luxuriant; magnificent forests clothe the mountains, and sandalwood, ebony and lignum vitae, besides a variety of palms, are found in them. Marble, glass, alabaster, sandalwood, plastic, ivory, rosewood, crystal, and ebony are among the most beautiful and durable chess materials. The blender comes in Brushed Chrome (WPB05BC), Ebony (WPB09), Chrome (WPB05), and Chili Red (WPB04) colors. 75. Agilawood, the camphor tree, and ebony are also found in smaller quantities. CK 1 1402695 Tom has a black cat. It pained Dean to see her 30 pounds thinner, wearing an ill fitting wig in place of her waist-length ebony hair, but her indomitable spirit continued to leave him in awe. Here are some examples. The pot calls the kettle black. There is a large trade in wood-carving, the material being generally Indian ebony in northern India, sandal-wood in southern India, and teak in Burma and elsewhere. black hole in a sentence - Use "black hole" in a sentence 1. 12. A parole hearing has been set for a Black man sentenced to life after stealing hedge clippers, a punishment the Louisiana Supreme Court's chief justice said is rooted in racist law. The forests contain valuable timber trees such as African oak or teak (Oldfieldia Africana), rosewood, ebony, tamarind, camwood, odum - whose wood resists the attacks of termites - and the tolmgah or brimstone tree. Rubber, ebony and other timber, cocoa and gum copal, come next in importance. ... and his sentence also has the possibility of parole. In turn, sparse eyebrows on an ebony beauty can be almost completely invisible. blay_paul 1 287682 His eyes are blue. Which would you rather I talk about? After black clouds, clear weather. Ebony chastises her baby's daddy about being immature and selfish, then urges him to start acting like a father. 98 examples: The black sheep are those who, at the time they place the order, already know… Line upper and lower lash lines with MAC eye pencil in Ebony for definition that won't upstage your blue peepers. Examples of Ebony in a sentence. The chief trade is in, and the principal exports are, palm oil and kernels, rubber, cotton, maize, groundnuts (Arachis), shea-butter from the Bassia parkii (Sapotaceae), fibres of the Raphia vinifera, and the Sansevieria guineensis, indigo, and kola nuts, ebony and other valuable wood. The darkest of ebony skins tends to have a strong grey or reddish undertone. His style has been characterized with justice as dark and resplendent like ebony. Black comes in many hues from a smoky gray to the deepest ebony, and many black pearls have overtones of red, blue, pink, green, or yellow. Pearl gemologists estimate there may be as many as 40 shades of black, from light gray to rich ebony, all of which have deep layers of color and iridescence to add to their mystique. His attorney called his sentence of life in prison "unconstitutionally harsh and excessive." The Spirit also investigates how Ebony wound up in a sultan's harem and why Commissioner Dolan harbored a criminal in his house. The study also found the average White felon in the state has committed a more severe crime than the average Black inmate. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. The Southern states passed the Black Codes to deprive the freedman from voting after the Civil War, which meant they were routinely charged with crimes such as vagrancy and moral turpitude. Swan vision in ebony rising before us, each movement a serenade. She was tall and slim with a huge curly Afro like a crown above her smooth sharp-boned, 30. Examples of Ghetto in a sentence Many Jewish people died in their ghetto due to living in small quarters of their hometown and being exposed to disease. The natural and forest products of Mexico include the agave and yucca (ixtle) fibres already mentioned; the " ceibon " fibre derived from the silk-cotton tree (Bombax pentandria); rubber and vanilla in addition to the cultivated products; palm oil; castor beans; ginger; chicle, the gum extracted from the " chico-zapote " tree (Achras sapota); logwood and other dye-woods; mahogany, rosewood, ebony, cedar and other valuable woods; " cascalote " or divi-divi; jalap root (Ipomaea); sarsaparilla (Smilax); nuts and fruits. The neighbouring forests furnish ebony, molave, tindalo and other very valuable hardwoods. British colonial furniture is typified by hard, tropical woods, such as mahogany, teak, and ebony, which will withstand the humidity of the tropics. 3. The neck and scroll are carved from one piece of maple, and an ebony fingerboard fitted. Ebony skin looks best with a brownish red and the ivory skin tones should save red lipstick for only those special occasions calling for some extra drama. Black, 23, has been serving a three-year federal sentence after he pleaded guilty to falsifying information on federal documents used to buy guns from a Miami gun store. black. 33. A simple face-framing ebony short wig may be on sale for $34, down $30-$40 from the original price. CK 1 716174 I blacked out. The contents of the tombs have been nearly destroyed by successive plunderers; enough remained to show that rich jewellery was placed on the mummies, a profusion of vases of hard and valuable stones from the royal table service stood about the body, the store-rooms were filled with great jars of wine, perfumed ointment and other supplies, and tablets of ivory and of ebony were engraved with a record of the yearly annals of the reigns. A Black man in Louisiana who was serving a life sentence over two bags of weed worth only $20 has finally been freed from prison after 12 years. Other wild fruits are the so-called Cape gooseberry (not native to Natal) and the kaw apple or Dingaan apricot, which grows on a species of ebony tree. 6. Chopping the log in half, the inside of the ebony showed a contrast of light outer wood and the dark inside wood Nothing that happens inside a black hole matters to the outside world. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. My daughter is still very young to understand the shades of grey, she talks in black and white. Caught in the torch beam were a pair of eyes, glittering, 27. Ebony has always dreamed of joining the US Air Force. 2248442 Is it blue?CK 1 2245740 I feel blue.CK 1 2245933 I like blue.CK 1 2249741 One is blue.CK 1 2549750 They're blue.CK 1 18275 The sky is blue.CK 1 34285 Brian looks blue.CK 1 2359360 I have blue eyes. Another rider appeared on a black horse. Due to the Nazi takeover, many cities in Germany and the surrounding countries would set up a ghetto or two in order for the Nazis to have better control over the Jewish citizens. 55 sentence examples: 1. It features high end details like a bookmatched ash body, ebony fingerboard, gold hardware and two super 80 pickups. It is, however, only the more valuable of the woods, such as teak, sandal-wood, ebony and the like, which find a market abroad. Lines of tiles shimmered in the slivers of moonlight. For this reason, an important makeup for ebony beauty is the cover stick. He had rich, soft ebony hair. Using local cabinetry made of ebony gave the Costa Rican house an authentic charm for the tourists. 7. These instruments have ebony pegs (as well as fingerboard, nut & saddle ), which enables easier and more accurate tuning. There are, too, valuable timber trees, such as the yellow pine (Podocarpus elongatus), stinkwood (Ocotea), sneezewood or Cape ebony (Pteroxylon utile) and ironwood. 5. Gulo_Luscus 1 2548601 Tom has black hair. Its paleness escapes looking bland thanks to contrasting inlays of ebony, walnut and amboyna, a wood distinguished by bird's eye curls. The racial component of this and other police killings of unarmed black men is not lost on the black community and their allies, some of whom took to the streets to protest. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Due to the weight of the ebony, the wooden plank quickly sunk to the bottom of the ocean. 2. Common species in the woodbush are three varieties of yellow wood (Podocarpus), often growing to an enormous size, the Cape beech (myrsine), several varieties of the wild pear (Olivia) and of stinkwood (Oreodaphne) ironwood and ebony. Slightly off center in the room stood a breathtaking, nine-foot, ebony Steinway concert grand piano. When this ebony bird flew in it was beguiling my sad fancy into smiling by the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore. One was black as ebony, with little bunches of fuzzy hair tied with shoestrings sticking out all over her head like corkscrews. 50. In southern Kordofan and in the higher parts of the Bahr-el-Ghazal the silag and ebony are also common, as well as African mahogany (homraya, Khaya senegalensis) and other timber trees. - The name "Costa Rica," meaning "rich coast," is well deserved; for, owing to the combination of ample sunshine and moisture with a wonderfully fertile soil, almost any kind of fruit or flower can be successfully cultivated; while the vast tracts of virgin forest, which remain along the Atlantic slopes, contain an abundance of cedar, mahogany, rosewood, rubber and ebony, with fustic and other precious dye-woods. Every bean has its black. lacking colours except black and white; Example Sentences. Ebony definition: Ebony is a very hard, heavy , dark-coloured wood. A marble white face with ebony eyes. 4. Their house was featured in "Ebony" magazine last month. Black will take no other hue. Does journey resource collect area having, 21. It then took more than an hour of bathing and shampooing to get Tosh back to his natural, 24. Examples of ebony in a Sentence Adjective the ebony loudspeakers on their chrome stands look very sleek and modern Recent Examples on the Web: Noun Nabokov started to seem less like a lovable, bumbling Professor Pnin and more like a pitiless White Russian with a … Another enticing look for ebony eyes is our article on Smoky Eye Makeup. It was a posh room for Hell, carved of smooth ebony stone that was characteristic of all the buildings in Hell. The Nile valley afforded a passage by ship or on foot into Nubia, where, however, little wealth was to be sought, though gold and rarities from the Sudan, such as ivory and ebony, came that way and an armed raid could yield a good spoil in slaves and cattle. 55. The more rugged districts and higher elevations are clad with such tropical forest trees as ebony, Spanish cedar, sandalwood, rosewood and mahogany. His heart, embalmed and enshrined in a coffin of ebony and silver, which she always kept beside her, was, at her death in 1290, buried with her in the precincts of the abbey, which thus acquired its name (Abbacia Dulcis Cordis, or Douxquer). Ebony in a sentence | ebony example sentences. Titanium's natural color is a medium gray or grayish white hue, but by creating an alloy with various rare earth metals, that color can be deepened to a charcoal or ebony shade. Curl mahogany veneers inlayed with boxwood lines and Macassar ebony. Throughout Reconstruction, Grant and the military protected the rights of black codes. Among other valuable forest products are thingan wood (Hopea odorata), largely used for boat-building; damar oil, taken throughout Indo-China from the Dipterocarpus levis; agilla wood, sapan, rosewood, ironwood, ebony, rattan. The glued-on neck is made from three pieces of maple and capped with a fingerboard of tight-grained, 23. How to use black in a sentence. I'd been looking for an excuse to make something in, 28. In fact, to help disapprove that assumption, all you need to do is take a look at the Ebony & Ivory purse; it's shaped to give the appearance of a piano keyboard. He angled a sardonic ebony brow. Sentence Examples. Paint finishes as well I have a strong grey or reddish undertone for a number... Good sentences for a large number of words tree, and ebony fighting between ebony and many valuable timber are. Is also a very slight curvature, but this is to be in. 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