Note: The value for different categories of country of birth may not sum to the totals due to rounding. A European Commission Communication adopted in October 2008 emphasised the importance of strengthening the global approach to migration: increasing coordination, coherence and synergies (COM(2008) 611 final) as an aspect of external and development policy. The Stockholm programme, adopted by EU heads of state and government in December 2009, set a framework and series of principles for the ongoing development of European policies on justice and home affairs for the period 2010 to 2014; migration-related issues are a central part of this programme. Population and Vital Statistics. In 2005, the European Commission relaunched the debate on the need for a common set of rules for the admission of economic migrants with a Green paper on an EU approach to managing economic migration (COM(2004) 811 final) which led to the adoption of a policy plan on legal migration (COM(2005) 669 final) at the end of 2005. Portugal, long a country of emigration, that have created big Portuguese communities in France, USA and Brazil has now become a country of net immigration, and not just from the former colonies; by the end of 2003, legal immigrants represented about 4% of the population, and the largest communities were from Cape Verde, Brazil, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, UK, Spain, China and Ukraine. In the case of Latvia and Estonia, the proportion of citizens from non-member countries is particularly large due to the high number of recognised non-citizens (mainly former Soviet Union citizens, who are permanently resident in these countries but have not acquired any other citizenship). Citizens of EU Member States have freedom to travel and freedom of movement within the EU’s internal borders. Migration flows: Immigration to the EU-27 from non-member countries was 2.4 million in 2018. Population archives. Asylum seeker: First-time asylum applications are country-specific and imply no time limit. Poland dropped from the first place in 2018 after roughly 100,000 Poles left the UK over the previous two years. Romanians and Poles account for over 30% of foreigners in the EU and EFTA, although the state of immigration differs wildly from country to country. Therefore, data collected by Eurostat concern migration for a period of 12 months or longer: migrants therefore include people who have migrated for a period of one year or more as well as persons who have migrated on a permanent basis. 2.4 million immigrants entered the EU-27 from non-EU-27 countries in 2018. As reported in the July 2018 migration statistics quarterly report, Home Office visa and Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data show that non-EU long-term student immigration has remained broadly stable since 2013. As in previous years, the largest group of new citizens in the EU-27 Member States in 2018 were citizens of Morocco (67.2 thousand, corresponding to 10 % of all citizenships granted), followed by citizens of Albania (47.4 thousand, or 7.1 %), Turks (28.4 thousand, or 4.2 %), and Brazilians (23.1 thousand, or 3.4 %). Try the new automatic translation by clicking on the blue icon “Translate” up in the right corner of the article! The implementation of the Regulation is expected to result in increased availability and comparability of migration statistics. This means that in most EU-27 Member States, the majority of non-nationals were citizens of non-EU-27 countries (see Table 5). Before this, detailed statistics on international migration flows and stock were published by the United Nations Statistics Division in two issues of the Demographic Yearbook: 1977 and 1989. As stated in Article 2.1(a), (b), (c) of Regulation 862/2007, immigrants who have been residing (or who are expected to reside) in the territory of an EU Member State for a period of at least 12 months are enumerated, as are emigrants living abroad for more than 12 months. For emigration, the highest rates in 2018 were reported for Luxembourg (23 emigrants per 1 000 persons), Malta (19 emigrants per 1 000 persons), Cyprus (18 emigrants per 1 000 persons), and Romania (12 emigrants per 1 000 persons). The number of people acquiring the citizenship of an EU-27 Member State in 2018 was 672.3 thousand, corresponding to a 4 % decrease with respect to 2017. This section provides a list of the tables published in the Immigration Statistics release. Source: Eurostat, First permits by reason, length of validity and citizenship [migr_resfirst], This website uses cookies for its functionality and to analyse how users are engaging with the site. More. Immigrants into EU-27 Member States in 2018 were, on average, much younger than the total population already resident in their country of destination. This incredibly handy map shows the immigrant and emigrant populations by country of origin and destination. 15 October 2018 Migration in 2017: immigration to Germany exceeding emigration by 416,000. Economic Outlook. Germany also reported the highest number of emigrants in 2018 (540.4 thousand), followed by Spain (309.5 thousand), France (341.4 thousand), Romania (231.7 thousand) and Poland (189.8 thousand). By clicking Accept you are consenting to the use of them. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. 21.8 million people (4.9 %) of the 446.8 million people living in the EU-27 on 1 January 2019 were non-EU-27 citizens. Acquisition of citizenship data by individual former citizenship are not available for Romania for 2017 and 2018. To switch them off or find out more see Settings. Back to table of contents Integration: the EU may provide incentives and support for measures taken by Member States to promote the integration of legally resident third-country nationals; EU law makes n… The relative share of foreign-borns within the total population was highest in Luxembourg (47 % of the resident population), followed by Cyprus (21 %) and Malta (20 %). Further Press Releases. Historical population data and projections (1950-2060) Population. Europe has been a crossroads of human mobility since ancient times. The relative share of native-born immigrants within the total number of immigrants was highest in Bulgaria and Lithuania (both 51 % of all immigrants), followed by Romania (43 %) and Estonia (40 %). Eurostat International Migration statistics: Immigration; Dataset | 15 January 2021. Immigration of this kind embodies not only lawbreaking but also unfairness, penalizing those from other countries who wish to live in the United States but abide by the established rules for doing so. To interpret the map (and the following maps) correctly, it is important to understand what immigrant (or foreign-born) means within the context of this study.A person is said to be foreign-born if they reside in a certain country but were not born within the current borders of that country. Europe also played a crucial role in developing a set of rules and norms regulating human mobility in the region. Refugee: The term does not solely refer to persons granted refugee status (as defined in Art.2(e) of Directive 2011/95/EC within the meaning of Art.1 of the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951, as amended by the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967) but also to persons granted subsidiary protection (as defined in Art.2(g) of Directive 2011/95/EC) and persons covered by a decision granting authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons under national law concerning international protection. Source: Eurostat (online data codes: migr_imm1ctz and migr_pop1ctz), Migration and acquisition of citizenship data. It provides an overview of the main legal and policy developments taking place across the EU as a whole and within participating countries. Find a country by name. Select background. Currently highlighted. Publications on statistics (EU bookshop) Most consulted statistics. Definitions Until the end of the Second World War, most migration was within and out of Europe. Historically, the relative economic prosperity and political stability of the EU are thought to have exerted a considerable pull effect on immigrants. Europe: Crime Index by Country 2018 Chart: Crime Index Select date: 2020 Mid-Year 2020 2019 Mid-Year 2019 2018 Mid-Year 2018 2017 Mid-Year 2017 2016 Mid-Year 2016 2015 Mid … Numbers are sharply down from their 2015-16 peak because of a 2016 EU deal with Turkey, new border fences in the Balkans, and a 2017 bilateral arrangement between Italy and Libya, but tens of thousands of people are still trying to reach Europe.The UNHCR says Spain has taken in The topic of immigration looms large, as immigration numbers have grown in the last 27 years. A total of 3.9 million people immigrated to one of the EU-27 Member States during 2018, while 2.6 million emigrants were reported to have left an EU-27 Member State. Source: Eurostat, Population on 1 January by age group, sex and country of birth [migr_pop3ctb], Source: Eurostat, 'Population on 1 January by age group, sex and country of birth', [migr_pop3ctb]. Álvaro Sánchez. Citizens of EU-27 Member States who acquired citizenship of another EU-27 Member State amounted to 89.6 thousand persons, thus accounting for 13 % of the total. Most EU Member States base their statistics on administrative data sources such as population registers, registers of foreigners, registers of residence or work permits, health insurance registers and tax registers. This cookie is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the collection of data on high traffic sites. Data on acquisitions of citizenship are collected by Eurostat under the provisions of Article 3.1. The European Commission presented a European Agenda on Migration (COM(2015) 240 final) outlining immediate measures to be taken in order to respond to the crisis situation in the Mediterranean as well as steps to be taken in the coming years to better manage migration in all its aspects on 13 May 2015. Naturalisation rate: The term ‘naturalisation rate’ should be used with caution because the numerator includes all modes of acquisitions and not just naturalisations of eligible residing foreigners and the denominator includes all foreigners, rather than foreigners who are eligible for naturalisation. Throughout history, the region has been a central part of global migration systems which its States helped to establish and shape, mainly through mercantilist and colonial expansions. Italians are the worst in the EU at over-estimating the proportion of immigrants living in their country, a new report claims. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! European Union immigration statistics for 2010 was 43,696,432.00, a 18.8% increase from 2005. In 2018, the relative share of national immigrants (immigrants with the citizenship of the EU-27 Member State to which they were migrating) within the total number of immigrants was highest in Romania (82 % of all immigrants), Slovakia (60 %), Lithuania (57 %), Poland (55 %) and Bulgaria (55 %). 16 July 2019 Immigration 2018: Germany grew by 400,000 people. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality, July 2018 to June 2019. As such, citizens of non-member countries accounted for 84 % of all persons who acquired citizenship of an EU-27 Member State in 2018. However, these total figures do not represent the migration flows to/from the EU-27 as a whole, since they also include flows between … Migration flows: Immigration to the EU-27 from non-member countries was 2.4 million in 2018, Migrant population: 21.8 million non-EU-27 citizens living in the EU-27 on 1 January 2019, Acquisitions of citizenship: EU-27 Member States granted citizenship to 672 thousand persons in 2018, Migration and migrant population statistics: tables and figures, Green paper on an EU approach to managing economic migration, policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third-country nationals, third annual report on migration and integration, strengthening the global approach to migration: increasing coordination, coherence and synergies, action plan implementing the Stockholm programme – delivering an area of freedom, security and justice for Europe’s citizens, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, Article 20 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 21 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 79 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Migrant integration statistics introduced, Population and population change statistics, Residence permits - statistics on first permits issued during the year, EU Member States granted citizenship to over 800 thousand persons in 2017, EU Member States granted citizenship to almost 1 million persons in 2016, EU Member States granted citizenship to fewer persons in 2015, Foreign citizens accounted for fewer than 7% of persons living in the EU Member States in 2014. Regular immigration: the EU is competent to lay down the conditions governing entry into and legal residence in a Member State, including for the purposes of family reunification, for third-country nationals. EU-27 Member States granted citizenship to 672 thousand persons in 2018. In 2019, India, Poland and Pakistan were the top three countries of birth for the foreign-born, accounting respectively for 9%, 9% and 6% of the total (Figure 5). Spain is the most welcoming EU country for refugees, survey finds A Pew Research Center study of 18 nations says that 86% of Spaniards believe people fleeing violence and war should be accepted in the country. Current news. In relative terms, the EU-27 Member State with the highest share of non-nationals was Luxembourg, as non-nationals accounted for 47 % of its total population. However, migration alone will almost certainly not reverse the ongoing trend of population ageing experienced in many parts of the EU. Migration flows: Immigration to the EU-27 from non-member countries was 2.4 million in 2018 A total of 3.9 million peopleimmigratedto one of theEU-27Member States during 2018, while 2.6 million The largest shares of Moroccans acquired their new citizenship in Spain (38 %), Italy (23 %) or France (23 %) while the majority of Albanians received Greek citizenship (51 %) or Italian citizenship (46 %). Foreign-born population (% of total population) in EU Member States as of 1 January 2019: Country % Born in other EU Member State % Born in non-EU country % Total foreign-born population: Luxembourg: 35.0: 11.8: 47.3: Cyprus: 14.2: 7.0: 21.1: Ireland: 12.7: 4.5: 17.2: Malta : 9.8: 10.4: 20.2: Austria : 8.9: 10.6: 19.4: Belgium: 7.9: 9.3: 17.2: Germany: 7.8: 10.2: 17.9: UK: 5.5: 8.7: 14.2: Sweden : 5.5: 13.6: 19.1: … However, most “blue” and “red” countries in the map have been losing population for several decades. This briefing reports data on bilateral migrant stocks from within the EU: that is, the number of people from each of the 27 countries which form the EU who are living in another EU country. In contrast, non-nationals represented less than 1 % of the population in Poland (0.8 %) and in Romania (0.6 %). Concerning the definitions of age for migration flows, please note that 2018 data concern the respondent’s age reached or age at the end of the reference year for all EU-27 Member States with the exception of Ireland, Greece, Austria, Malta, Romania and Slovenia. Table 6 presents a summary of the five main groups of foreign citizens and foreign-born populations for the EU-27 Member States, the United Kingdom and EFTA countries (subject to data availability). Africapolis. The net migration rate indicates the contribution of migration to the overall level of population change. Eurostat produces statistics on a range of issues related to international migration flows, non-national population stocks and the acquisition of citizenship. Acquisition of citizenship data are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 for Germany on provisional basis for 2018. Country level. Emigration is particularly difficult to measure. Data are collected on an annual basis and are supplied to Eurostat by the national statistical authorities of the EU-27 Member States. An excess of persons entering the country is referred to as net immigration (e.g., 3.56 migrants/1,000 population); an excess of persons leaving the country as net emigration (e.g., -9.26 migrants/1,000 population). This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. A total of 20,760 have arrived in Greece so far this year, bringing the total number of arrivals in the EU in 2018 to just over 76,000. The report noted that EU citizenship brings new rights and opportunities. A total of 22 of the EU-27 Member States reported more immigration than emigration in 2018, but in Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania the number of emigrants outnumbered the number of immigrants. These were the only EU-27 Member States where national immigration accounted for more than half of the total number of immigrants — see Figure 3. The distribution by age of foreigners shows, compared with nationals, a greater proportion of relatively young working age adults. Migration is influenced by a combination of economic, environmental, political and social factors: either in a migrant’s country of origin (push factors) or in the country of destination (pull factors). European Union immigration statistics for 2005 was 36,780,404.00, a 24.25% increase from 2000. In addition, it may generate mutual economic benefits for businesses and consumers, including those who remain at home, as internal obstacles are steadily removed. In order to bring about the changes agreed upon, the European Commission enacted an action plan implementing the Stockholm programme – delivering an area of freedom, security and justice for Europe’s citizens (COM(2010) 171 final) in 2010. People in Barcelona march in support of refugees. For comparison: The corresponding figure for the United States is just 0.9%. Department for Work and Pensions, National Insurance number allocations to adult overseas nationals: January 2002 to September 2019. This statistic shows development of the foreign-born population in the European Union as of 2018. In May 2013, the European Commission published the ‘EU Citizenship Report 2013’ (COM(2013) 269 final). Acquisitions of citizenship were down by 4 % in 2018. Highest naturalisation rates in Sweden and Romania. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Besides policies to encourage labour recruitment, immigration policy is often focused on two areas: preventing unauthorised migration and the illegal employment of migrants who are not permitted to work, as well as promoting the integration of immigrants into society. Non-nationals in these four Member States collectively represented 71 % of the total number of non-nationals living in all of the EU-27 Member States, while the same four Member States had a 58 % share of the EU-27’s population. In these countries as well as in the United Kingdom data concern the respondent's age completed or on their last birthday. Some of the most important legal texts adopted in the area of immigration include: Legislative documents - European Agenda on Migration, Press material - European Agenda on Migration. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. Within the European Commission, the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs is responsible for the European migration policy. On 1 January 2019, the median age of the national population in the EU-27 was 45 years, while the median age of non-nationals living in the EU-27 was 36 years. This defines a core set of statistics on international migration flows, population stocks of foreigners, the acquisition of citizenship, residence permits, asylum and measures against illegal entry and stay. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimate that in 2019, nearly 9.5 million people living in the UK were born abroad, just over 14% of the total population of the UK. In destination countries, international migration may be used as a tool to solve specific labour market shortages. Some countries use mirror statistics, sample surveys or estimation methods to produce migration statistics. 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