Migration within Europe after the 1985 Schengen Agreement, Immigration from outside Europe since the 1980s, Immigrants in the Nordic countries in 2000–2020, Statistics for European Union 27 (post-Brexit), CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. [61][62][63][64][65] By world regions, in 2006 there were around 2,300,000 from the EU-27, 1,600,000 from South America, 1,000,000 from Africa, 300,000 from Asia, 200,000 from Central America & Caribbean, 200,000 from the rest of Europe, while 50,000 from North America and 3,000 from the rest of the world. Political parties campaigning against immigration into the EU (and against migration within the Union) are expected to do well in the vote on 22-25 May. [50], In 2014 the net increase was 318,000: immigration was 641,000, up from 526,000 in 2013, while the number of people emigrating (for more than 12 months) was 323,000. However, over 6 million people residing in Italy have an immigration background. Parents born in overseas territories are considered to have been born in France. Welcome to the EU Immigration Portal. Which of these migrants are in search of employment, and which of them are fanatics s… The European countries that have the highest net foreign populations are: The European countries with the highest proportion or percentage of non-native residents are small nations or microstates. There were substantial population movements within Europe throughout the Early Modern period, mostly in the context of the Reformation and the European wars of religion, and again [citation needed] In 2005, an estimated 565,000 migrants arrived to live in the United Kingdom for at least a year, primarily from Asia and Africa,[49] while 380,000 people emigrated from the country for a year or more, chiefly to Australia, Spain and the United States. [78][79][80][81] Public discourse by the media hold that the phenomenon of immigration is uncontrollable and of undefined proportions. [83], In 2018, a poll by Pew Research found that a majority (71%) wanted fewer immigrants to be allowed into the country, 18% wanted to keep the current level and 5% wanted to increase immigration.[74]. While most immigrant populations in European countries are dominated by other Europeans, many immigrants and their descendants have ancestral origins outside the continent. According to the Financial Times, Spain is the most favoured destination for Western Europeans considering to move from their own country and seek jobs elsewhere in the EU.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. The largest absolute numbers of people born outside the EU were in Germany (6.4 million), France (5.1 million), the United Kingdom (4.7 million), Spain (4.1 million), Italy (3.2 million), and The Netherlands (1.4 million).[94][95]. Therefore, they result in higher expenses for social benefits and pay less tax. As living standards in these countries have risen, the trend has reversed and they were a magnet for immigration (most notably from Morocco, Somalia, Egypt to Italy and Greece; from Morocco, Algeria and Latin America to Spain and Portugal; and from Ireland, India, Pakistan, Germany, the United States, Bangladesh, and Jamaica to the United Kingdom). While working-class migrants tend to be the focus of anti-immigration sentiment, there is also some discontent about Russian, Chinese, Singaporean and Gulf Arab multimillionaires resident in the UK, particularly in London and South East England. Discover all statistics and data on Migration in Europe now on statista.com! Furthermore, among the authorities, there is a clear inability to distinguish between refugees, economic migrants, and even criminals. This means that immigration laws in host countries have transformed immigrant youth into virtual human visas. Media coverage has made immigration one of the most widely debated issues in Europe. Western Europe countries, especially, saw high growth in immigration after World War II and many European nations today (particularly those of the EU-15) have sizeable immigrant populations, both of European and non-European origin. ... from roughly 44,000 in 2007 to nearly 90,000 today. Esipova, Ray and Srinivasan (2010), p. 3. In the late medieval period, the Romani people moved into Europe both via Anatolia and the Maghreb. Of them, 90,250 were from Africa and 13,710 from elsewhere in Europe. In 2009, Sweden had the fourth largest number of asylum applications in the EU and the largest number per capita after Cyprus and Malta. La presenza di questi immigrati in Europa non e' semplicemente finalizzata alla ricerca di un lavoro, (per lo piu' come camerieri, venditori ambulanti, braccianti stagionali, ecc.). ", "An Englishman's home is his casa as thousands go south", "BBC NEWS - UK - 5.5m Britons 'opt to live abroad, "BBC NEWS - UK - More Britons consider move abroad", "Migration and migrant population statistics", "Summary of Population Statistics 1960-2019", "Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents", "Nearly 100 000 with Polish background in Norway", "Kristina Kvarv Andreassen og Minja Tea Dzamarija : 2. This list is headed by Singapore, which would experience population growth by +219%. ", "Migration in an enlarged EU: A challenging solution? Immigration is one of the most controversial issues in the upcoming European Parliament elections. A number also went to other European countries (notably France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium). Immigration shake-up leaves employers with skills challenges in new year The launch of an Australian-style points system will force rapid change upon some sectors By Tom Rees 20 Dec 2020, 5:00am The total immigrant population of the country now exceeds 5,730,677 (12.2% of the total population). By 11 March, 348 people had been arrested and 44.353 cases of unlawful entry had been prevented. By the end of 2003, legal immigrants represented about 4% of the population, and the largest communities were from Cape Verde, Brazil, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, China and Ukraine. Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the history of Finland. [88], In 2018, a poll by Pew Research found that a small majority (52%) wanted fewer immigrants to be allowed into the country, 33% wanted to keep the current level and 14% wanted to increase immigration. [72], On August 14, 2020, the Ministry of Immigration and Integration in Denmark revealed that it denied 83 people Danish citizenship in the past two years because they have committed serious crimes. Over the last decades, there has been an increase in negative attitudes towards immigration, and many studies have emphasized marked differences in the strength of anti-immigrant attitudes among European countries. [33], Of the major cities Malmö has the largest immigrant population, estimated to be 41.7% in 2014. Citizens from the European Union make up a growing proportion of immigrants in Spain, coming chiefly from the United Kingdom and Germany, but also from Italy, France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, etc. The region with the largest proportion of immigrants is the Île-de-France (Greater Paris), where 40% of immigrants live. In contemporary globalization, migrations to Europe have accelerated in speed and scale. This year, just over 1 million immigrants will arrive in the Europe, according to Eurostat, the statistical agency of the E.U. The share of residents of Slovenia with countries of birth from the territory of former Yugoslavia among all foreign-born residents was 88.9% at the 2002 Census and on 1 January 2011 despite new migration flows from EU Member States and from non-European countries still 86.7%. ", "To ud af tre vil begrænse muslimsk indvandring", "Eurotrack: UK, Denmark, Finland and Norway not pulling their weight on migrants | YouGov", "Danish citizenship refused to 83 people with criminal records", "Many worldwide oppose more migration – both into and out of their countries", "Greece blocks thousands of migrants trying to enter from Turkey", "New Clashes Erupt in Evros; Migrants Throw Petrol Bombs Over to Greek Side | GreekReporter.com", "Le colpe dell'emergenza migranti? These residents often invest in property and business, and are perceived as living extravagant "jet-set" lifestyles marked by conspicuous consumption while simultaneously taking advantage of tax loopholes connected to non-dom status. [33][36], Sweden has been transformed from a nation of emigration ending after World War I to a nation of immigration from World War II onwards. In the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, the bulk of non-Western immigrants are refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East, East Africa, and other regions of the world arriving since the 1980s and 1990s. Hundreds of Greek soldiers and armed police resisted the trespassers and fired tear gas at them. Another migration trend has been that of Northern Europeans moving toward Southern Europe. In Denmark, the parliamentary party most strongly associated with anti-immigration policies is the Danish People's Party. The Immigration Crisis in Europe. Historical migration into or within Europe has mostly taken the form of military invasion, but there have been exceptions; this concerns notably population movements within the Roman Empire under the Pax Romana; the Jewish diaspora in Europe was the result of the First Jewish–Roman War of AD 66–73. In 2014 the "immigrant population" in Sweden consisted of approximately 2.09 million people, including 1.60 million foreign-born and 489,000 born in Sweden to two immigrant parents. ", Instituto Nacional de Estadística: Avance del Padrón Municipal a 1 de enero de 2006. Switzerland has a history of anti-immigration which dates to the early 1970s and the campaigns of James Schwarzenbach. [72], In February 2020 finance minister Magdalena Andersson encouraged migrants to head for other countries than Sweden. Findings and recommendations from a five-nation study, draws out common trends, makes Photograph: Stefano Montesi - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images This is a list of European countries by immigrant population, based on the United Nations report Trends in International Migrant Stock: The 2013 Revision. )[46], In 2014 the number of people who became naturalised British citizens rose to a record 140,795 - a 12% increase from the previous year, and a dramatic increase since 2009. Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the enlargement of the European Union, the increased movement of people out of countries such as Poland, Romania and Lithuania has shifted much of this attention towards migrants from Eastern Europe. The causes of migration are a mix of push and pull factors and range from security, demography and human rights to poverty and climate change.. Andorra is the country in Europe with the highest percentage of immigrants, 77% of the country's 82,000 inhabitants. [72], A 2015 opinion poll conducted by the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CBOS) found that 14% thought that Poland should let asylum-seekers enter and settle in Poland, 58% thought Poland should let asylum-seekers stay in Poland until they can return to their home country, and 21% thought Poland should not accept asylum-seekers at all. Nevertheless, all holders of valid residence permits of a Schengen State have the unrestricted right to travel within the Schengen Area for tourist purposes only, and for up to three months. Workers should speak English before moving to UK, Patel says, Dutch church service continues for six weeks to protect refugee family, Climate change triggered US immigration by Germans like Trump's family, Young EU migrants could be given two-year work visas after Brexit, EU citizens in UK will have to join new ID register before Brexit, More than 120 migrants feared drowned on World Refugee Day, Theresa May’s plan to slash net migration 'would double unemployment', The fantasy of closed borders after Brexit is finally unravelling, Teenager kills himself in prison after receiving deportation letter, UK economy kept afloat by 'unsustainable' spending binge, EU workers are deserting us already – Brexit will end in disaster, Uproar in Spain over videos of ‘Brexit-related attacks’ in UK, Merkel calls for EU immigration deals with North African states, UN warns post-Brexit EU not to "cower" in face of immigration crisis, French policeman filmed mocking refugee after her camp is dismantled, Michael Gove accused of 'desperate' and “hypocritical' scaremongering, The Brexit vote is about the ethnic make-up of the UK, EU delays decision on Turkey deal until summit in 10 days' time, Hungarians 'aren't migrants or parasites,' David Cameron told, France to build first refugee centre for over a decade, David Cameron 'set to ditch key demand on EU migrants' welfare access', The four charts that show how vital EU migrants are to UK workforce, One paragraph that shows Cameron's EU plans have gone off the rails, Angela Merkel says a deal 'can be done' with David Cameron over EU, David Cameron open to other ways of barring migrants access to benefit, Unethical journalists are exploiting the stories of refugees in Calais, Private housing firms in Sweden 'lining pockets' from refugee crisis, One month after Aylan Kurdi, the baby no-one noticed, Call to segregate rival groups after clashes at German asylum centres. [66], Portugal, long a country of emigration,[67] has now become a country of net immigration, from both its former colonies and other sources. However, immigration from Asia (especially China, as well as the former French colonies of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos), and from Sub-Saharan Africa (Senegal, Mali, Nigeria and others), is gaining in importance. Policies of reduced immigration, particularly from the European Union, are central to the manifestos of parties such as the UK Independence Party. Moroccan immigrants also began migrating substantially to Spain and Italy for work opportunities in the 1980s. In March 2019, the European Commission declared the migrant crisis to be at an end, although displaced people continued to arrive. Migration topics remain closely connected with the territory of former Yugoslavia. But what if the migrant surge doesn't stop? In addition, an estimated 40 million potential migrants within the EU desire to move to another country within the EU, giving the EU the highest intra-regional potential migration rate. At the end of 2017, there were 372,802 foreign born people residing in Finland, which corresponds to 6.8% of the population, while there are 384,123 people with a foreign background, corresponding to 7.0% of the population. The latest breaking news, comment and features from The Independent. Many of these Polish immigrants to the UK have since returned to Poland, after the serious economic crisis in the UK. The United Kingdom (9%), Greece (8.6%), Russia (8.5%), Finland (8.1%), Iceland (7.6%), Norway (7.4%), Portugal (7.2%), Denmark (7.1%), Belgium (6.9%) and the Czech Republic (6.7%),[97] each have a proportion of immigrants between 10% and 5% of the total population. Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin, Integration law for new immigrants to the Netherlands, list of countries by immigrant population, List of countries by immigrant population, List of countries by foreign-born population, List of sovereign states and dependent territories by fertility rate, "International Migration 2009-2010: SOPEMI-report for Norway", "Emigration soars as Britons desert the UK", "Polish Emigration to the UK after 2004; Why Did So Many Come? EU citizens a freedom of movement and residence within the EU, and the term "immigrant" has since been used to refer to non-EU citizens, meaning that EU citizens are not to be defined as immigrants within the EU territory. Introduction; 1. This assumption was disproved by a 2019 study by the Danish Immigration Service and the Ministry of Education, while the second generation non-Western immigrants do better than the first generation, the third generation of immigrants with non-Western background do no better education and employment wise than the second generation. [85], Despite above in year 2017, 683 000 immigrants from outside of EU arrived to Poland. [34] However, the smaller municipalities Botkyrka (56.2%), Haparanda (55.5%) and Södertälje (49.4%) all have a higher share of immigrants. British authorities estimate that the population of British citizens living in Spain is much larger than Spanish official figures suggest, establishing them at about 1,000,000, with 800,000 being permanent residents. Progresivamente, el lenguaje que se utilizara sera el de orden publico, de las varias "tolerancia cero". [68], On 1 January 2011 there were almost 229,000 people (11.1%) living in Slovenia with foreign country of birth. The EU in 2005 had an overall net gain from international migration of 1.8 million people, which accounted for almost 85% of Europe's total population growth that year. There are frequently specific migration patterns, with geography, language and culture playing a role. Popolazione residente per sesso e cittadinanza al 31 Dicembre 2012 Italia - Tutti i Paesi", "British Immigrants Swamping Spanish Villages? [101], This is a breakdown by major area of origin of the 72.4 million migrants residing in Europe (out of a population of 742 million) at mid-2013, based on the United Nations report Trends in International Migrant Stock: The 2013 Revision.[102]. Changes in Mass Displacements: Are Non-Citizens People? [109], The study estimates that about 500 million out of the 700 million potential migrants would be attracted by fifteen countries (the United States being most popular, attracting 166 million). The EU's external border force, Frontex, monitors the different routes migrants use and numbers arriving at Europe's borders and put the figure crossing into Europe in … Family reunification is one of the most common ways to immigrate to Europe today. Illegal immigration and asylum-seeking in Europe from outside the continent have been occurring since at least the 1990s. ( Marseille ) immigration: immigration in Western Europe has a long history, but increased substantially the... Important regions are Rhône-Alpes ( Lyon ) and Drammen ( 27 % ) Africa, Iran and Afghanistan attempted cross! 90,250 were from Africa, Iran and Afghanistan the 1985 Schengen Agreement, there are frequently specific migration,. En el imaginario de los miedos o de las varias `` tolerancia cero '' `` migration Europe! [ 100 ] in addition, cheaper transportation and more advanced technology have further migration! Countries and Western Europe today: Apartheid or civil cohabitation work opportunities in same! 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[ 72 ], Despite above in 2017... 17 ] immigration in europe today largest proportion of immigrants live 2004, a total 11.8... Migration in Europe today: Apartheid or civil cohabitation in 2015 to 29 000 in 2015, the parliamentary that! Primary immigration into Europe both via Anatolia and the campaigns of James Schwarzenbach continuing to pour Europe. Parliament, most significantly the Conservatives a clear inability to distinguish between refugees, economic migrants, and Rajesh.... Ha entrado en el imaginario de los miedos o de las extrañezas each generation to keep fence. Migration topics remain closely connected with the oil crisis of 1973 Macedonia, with geography, language and culture a. Nationals of Morocco, Albania, India, Turkey and Pakistan immigration in Western Europe increased... Continued to arrive immigrants also began migrating substantially to Spain and Italy for work opportunities in the EU Blue in... 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