By refusing to give them anything to feed on, users can continue their discussion and stay focused on the issues they want to talk about. There is little if any "exploration" of a given subject if only people who agree with each other are allowed to echo one another in the context of a community discussion/forum. Concern troll. This begs the question: What quality of discussion can we have if only those who have A) made up their minds, and B) agree to "preach to the choir" are tolerated? Many people were tired of thinking constantly about this virus until our president seized our attention on Friday with the news that he has it. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and The term does such a disservice to troll dolls, sadly. The problem is that identifying a CT beyond all shadow of a doubt — if we really give this matter any thought — would require actually knowing the person we have identified as a CT. And frankly, that's knowledge very few of us in an Internet community or discussion are privy to about the people we agree with, let alone the people we brand as CTs! This occurs in groups rallied around a particular issue, especially in political parties, and the goal of concern trolling … They Question What You Order. For example, on a blog post about a particular political party, a Concern Troll might post something like this: I am a … 1. exciting challenge of being a wiseGEEK researcher and writer. It immediately makes them defensive, irritated; they end up spending time and effort debating someone who is allegedly on their side. ‘But this is par for the course with him, the law's most enduring concern troll.’. These interpretations of what complete strangers "really mean" are just that — subjective interpretations. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns". Coronavirus fatigue. noun. In fact, the concern troll is opposed to the view of the discussion, and he or she uses concern trolling to sow doubt and dissent in the community of commenters or posters. Definition of concern troll in the dictionary. This is a fluid conversation and I am open to your thoughts. What is a "concern troll?" I know a few people who will make this kind of comment, mostly they are trying to cause trouble amongst a community or friends. In the Body Acceptance movement, the term “concern troll” gets thrown around a lot. It's not just someone who's concerned about something. concern troll. Tip-offs that someone is a concern troll include a recent registration date, for sites that require registration to post, along with minimal personal details in a user account. While this isn’t the most garbage of garbage behaviors, concern trolling is a massive drain of energy for the person being trolled. There are limits to how often or how reasonably the CT label can be applied. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Concern trolling also tends to come from people with no commenting or posting history, so if a brand-new user shows up and starts raising doubts, it may be a concern troll. (noun) Internet Trolls Who Enjoy The Online Harassment Of Women, Especially On Social Media Like Facebook, Perpetrate Painful Acts Of Cyberbullying, So One Women Explains What Concern Trolling Is … Meaning of concern troll. Concern Trolling the President on COVID and Obesity. Historically, artists, writers, philosophers, social critics — and our best teachers and professors — encouraged us to question prevailing wisdom. And even without actual groupthink in play, many Internet posters find dismissing an argument much quicker and easier than evaluating it. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but Again, what IS a discussion if questioning assumptions or broadening the line of thought is met with the view that such efforts are entirely suspect? To assume the "concern troll" is inherently insincere is a mistake, if only because it relies on having a level of insight into a person that we can't possibly ascribe without the benefit of personally knowing them (or how they arrived at the conclusions/opinions they express). I won't go so far as to claim that CTs are an entirely fake phenomena. "he or she uses concern trolling to sow doubt and dissent in the community of commenters or posters...". Here is the “Urban Dictionary Definition of Concern Troll.” (Photo credit In addition to disenfranchising those who want to see a discussion go deeper (as opposed to cheekier), the notion of concern trolling may serve to marginalize those who are "on the fence" (he who waffles, rather than merely being undecided, may very well be perceived as an agent of "dissonance" and "disinformation"). Concern trolling involves someone opposing an idea or viewpoint, yet acting like they’re an advocate for the cause. And there is no "dialogue", similarly, if there are not two or more points of view expressed by "two or more people or groups". Don’t cry for me well-meaning concern troll, The truth is i won’t listen to you All through my diet days, my great confusion I bought those products, and their delusions. As students, we study comparatively few topics that force us to reflect on our own beliefs and values. In school we learn to read, write and research subject matter that is more often than not "other" focused. Since I have often voiced my honest opinion that I want Sanders as President, but also am aware of the need to get actual control. I've seen this happen a few times on sites I like to visit, it's annoying and sometimes quite upsetting. Concern trolling is someone purporting to be on one 'side' bringing up 'concerns' about something while actually being in the other 'side', similar to how sock-puppet accounts work. The conversational equivalent of the concern troll is the person who says, “You look tired,” in a sympathetic, understanding-oozing tone when you have just arrived at a morning meeting. In Web Forums, Newsgroups and Chat Rooms, what is a Spoiler. You think Citizens United is bad, my lord what will be facing! 3) Judge them as dishonest even if you don't know the person's real name, let alone what life experiences (or qualifications) may have led them to defy expectations for what constitutes a "normal" or "accepted" opinion. They then claim that their victims are essentially "doing it wrong," to help, they offer advice which would either invalidate their victims' position, cause an inherent hypocrisy with their philosophy, or render them unable to effectively advocate for it. When someone comes along with the desire to do just that, he/she will defy the mandate to over-simplify an issue by interjecting the "gray areas". 2) Read between the lines to deduce others' true intentions. In the offline world — the real world — there is great diversity in opinion, thought and life experience (professional and personal). That's not concern trolling. The concern troll comes along and acknowledges X, Y or Z and then continues on with a "but" — and that's where he/she breaks rank with the cheeky or superficial treatment that is expected of a subject, and in doing so risks earning the "concern troll" label. Depending on the context, a concern troll may use a sockpuppet, a false account which conceals his or her real identity. To “make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them” (Oxford Living Dictionary). Trolling itself may be understood as any of the following: 1. The K-12 education system, in general, does not require students to study forensics, sociology/psychology or even, for that matter, mandate coursework in critical thinking skills. ‘It looks like a contingent of concern trolls has hit the comments section of that article.’. Information and translations of concern troll in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. It has a meaning. Thanks for that definition; it has become all too obvious that these trolls are entering discussions only to subvert open discussion. The tell tale sign of this for me is when they can't move on from their 'concerns', no matter how many opinions or ideas are offered to them. spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors. The problem with labeling anyone who talks about gray areas — or who seeks out areas of common ground — as concern trolls, is that it essentially seeks to marginalize non-mainstream opinions on the basis that the other person's motives do not fall into the usual partisan camps. Find more words! The problem with the ease with which this label is now applied is that it does an injustice to those who genuinely wish to express "dissent" (or are genuinely new/ignorant to a particular issue and had no real motive to offend). The concern troll would log on and say “I'm concerned that this candidate might not be strong enough to beat the opposition,” or “I'm worried that the candidate's history in the legislature might be a problem in the election.”. Here is my definition and please add to it. Someone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming "concern" about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility, or alternatively to give up on group projects entirely. The plural form of concern troll is concern trolls. Perhaps a more concrete example would help. When these cases are exposed, it can be quite embarrassing, as trolling is generally viewed as an underhanded and often questionable tactic. Consider Webster's definition of "dialogue": "A discussion between two or more people or groups, especially one directed toward exploration of a particular subject or resolution of a problem.”. Concern trolling is a form of Internet trolling in which someone enters a discussion with claims that he or she supports the view of the discussion, but has concerns. And since we, individually and collectively, are the purveyors of what passes for prevailing wisdom, that often means turning a mirror on our own irony, hypocrisy, bigotry, intolerance and assumptions. Learn about a little known plugin that tells you if you're getting the best price on Amazon. To positively ID a concern troll, one must engage in a whole lot of assumption making: 1) Be highly cynical about how sincerely anyone else really cares. (Internet slang)Someone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming "concern" about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility, or alternatively to give up on group projects entirely. In real life, there are shades of gray. (Noun) The Concern Troll differentiates itself from more outwardly nasty cousins by using generally polite language and claiming to agree with their victims. It would be unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same perspectives on things. Concern trolling is a form of Internet trolling in which someone enters a discussion with claims that he or she supports the view of … But that doesn't mean that those who challenge prevailing wisdom — or merely the political bent on a given website — always have a dastardly agenda? ‘Bit of concern trolling here on your part methinks.’. of the U.S. Supreme Court, so for that reason alone we have to get a Democrat in office, as unpalatable as it may be! A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the user's sockpuppet claims to hold. Troll definition is - a dwarf or giant in Scandinavian folklore inhabiting caves or hills. So, I read your comment about the 400 pound mother who suffered health complications during. I recently used that term and got a thumbs-up from a fellow DUer who had, apparently, never heard it before. “Concern Trolling” is a type of trolling where the person in question will attempt to come across as an unbiased party that has “concerns” about a particular subject. Because my day job requires me to emphasize "objectivity" in reporting, this same effort may "color" the way I contribute to a discussion. The action or practice of disingenuously expressing concern about an issue in order to undermine or derail genuine discussion. Concern Trolling. In conclusion, I personally can't run with the notion that it is okay to typecast people as CTs simply because it's not clear who's side they're really on (or because they try to remain neutral in a world that is overwhelmingly polarized politically and otherwise). For that matter, what level of "diversity" do we support, if diversity of opinion is met with skepticism if not outright hostility? A concern troll is a person who participates in a debate posing as an actual or potential ally who simply has some concerns they need answered before they will ally themselves with a cause. “Concern Trolling” is a type of trolling where the person in question will attempt to come across as an unbiased party that has “concerns” about a particular subject. The danger, of course, is that not everyone with a concern is a concern troll - and not every concern is unreasonable. All this tactic has done is silence dissent and polarize opinions even more when a person who kind of supports one thing but has a concern gets ignored or ridiculed and becomes alienated from that group and ends up taking the polar opposite position since they think their original position's side is hostile. Concern trolling is something specific. The conversational equivalent of the concern troll is the person who says, “You look tired,” in a sympathetic, understanding-oozing tone when you have just arrived at a morning meeting. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. Concern … A phrase of absolutely no meaning, used by, See: Don't you think that concern trolling can happen in non Internet situations too? Their goal is to sabotage the cause being discussed, and to inspire doubt among group members. In environments of genuine groupthink, applying the concern troll label may serve as a means of enforcing conformity and punishing (or silencing) dissent. Information and translations of concern troll in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Oh, and I have been called a troll for thinking maybe a plan B might might be necessary! This is a fluid conversation and I am open to your thoughts. Don’t cry for me well-meaning concern troll, truth is i never asked you For your ideas, your recommendations i … What does concern-trolls mean? Is Amazon actually giving you the best price? In reality they are a … @angelBraids - I hear you! This little known plugin reveals the answer. Awareness is definitely the key! Once a concern troll has sowed dissent or discord, often he or she can sit back and let the other commenters do the rest of the work. It immediately makes them defensive, irritated; they end up spending time and effort debating someone who is allegedly on their side. Here is my definition and please add to it. The list of even one vote on the Court will be the end for us. So I suggest a slight alteration to you definition: Concern Troll (n): One who professes to be on the side of XXX, but who deliberately works to destroy XXX 'from the inside' by spreading Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD), in the guise of concern about the tactics that are being used to achieve XXX. Someone who posts to an internet forum or newsgroup, claiming to share its goals while deliberately working against those goals, typically, by claiming "concern" about group plans to engage in productive activity, urging members instead to attempt some activity that would damage the group's credibility, or alternatively to give up on group projects entirely. And if we are entirely honest with ourselves, the main benefit of keeping the concern troll label alive and well is that we can use it to ignore all the tough, introspective questions that artists, writers, philosophers, psychologists — and our best teachers, journalists and mentors — would no doubt have us ask. Meaning of concern troll. If you feel like ordering a burger and milkshake, that's your business, … A concern troll offers undermining criticisms under the guise of concern. “The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue… The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you … 1. But should this necessarily lead others to conclude, without knowing anything about my life experiences or professional credentials, to assume my only agenda is to undermine cohesiveness or consensus? Find more words! --Eric B. Concern trolling can also be highly distracting, as people band together to oppose the concern troll, rather than discussing serious issues, including valid concerns which should be addressed. The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty, and doubt within the group often by appealing to outrage culture. In fact, the concern troll is opposed to the view of the discussion, and he or she uses concern trolling to sow doubt and dissent in the community of commenters or posters. They point out problems that don't really exist. Concern trolling is a form of Internet trolling in which someone enters a discussion with claims that he or she supports the view of the discussion, but has concerns. Definition of concern troll in the dictionary. In fact, the concern troll is opposed to the view of the discussion, and he or she uses concern trolling to sow doubt and dissent in the community of commenters or posters. And one sidebar to this topic is the president’s risk for severe symptoms. This is where I take issue with the entire concept of "concern trolling". A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of "concern," to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. It has a meaning. For example, on a blog post about a particular political party, a Concern Troll might post something like this: I … It's not necessarily in common parlance, but I think it ought to be. So am I a "concern Troll", because I volunteer and donate to Senator Sanders! This is a particular case of sockpuppeting and safe-baiting. But who decides what the "real" motives are, especially if the dastardly agenda is ascribed to a complete stranger as is typically the case in online discussion forums? Concern trolling is a problematic concept because the label can very well be applied to anyone who takes the position of Devil's advocate (or who genuinely "thinks differently"). In addition, the term "concern troll" focuses not on what the person is actually saying, but on some alleged … Urban Dictionary defines a concern troll as "someone who is on one side of the discussion, but pretends to be a supporter of the other side with '… Concern Troll 1. 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