Correct work practices are essential to worker protection. Luer-Lock fittings avoid separation during use for HD compounding and during administration. Evaluate alternative work methods that do not require the use of cranes. Controlled Environment Testing Association. Soc Sci Med 35(12):1485-1495. Appendix 1. Risk for physicians handling antineoplastic drugs [letter to the editor]. 107-57 _____ Printed for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 79-584 WASHINGTON . Hon CY, Teschke K, Demers PA, Venners S [2014b]. L LMM, Jolivot PA, Yaye HS, Rieutord A, Bellanger A, Pradeau D, Barbault-Foucher S, Caudron E [2013]. J Oncol Pharm Practice 2007:13 Suppl:1-81. 2011;17:49-5. Per USP <800>, the entity should enforce policies that include a tiered approach, including (USP 800, 2016): USP <800> differentiates between transporting from receiving to the storage and compounding area, transporting from compounding to patient areas within the healthcare entity, and transporting from compounding to outside the healthcare entity (USP 800, 2016). Together, these three violations accounted for more than 60% of all violations cited. Ann Occup Hyg 54:351-359. Respirators should be available near the spill kits. 297. Equipment for HD administration depends on the route of drug administration and the delivery system being used. Negative Pressure Room - A room that is at a lower pressure than the adjacent spaces and, therefore, the net flow of air is into the room. Disinfection should be done routinely when using C-PEC for sterile compounding. 2010-150]. A recent study conducted by Estelle Cosmetics Company showed that heavy users of Estelle's products comprise a small percentage of the market. []. CETA, the Controlled Environment Testing Association, is a non-profit trade association devoted to promoting and developing quality assurance within the controlled environment testing industry. Hum Ecol Risk Assess 8(4):805-822. Safe Handling of Cytotoxics. Pharm Weekly Sci 14:1622. according to a review. Such devices for use with HDs include, but may not be limited to, Class I BSCs (for non-sterile agents only), Class II BSCs, and compounding aseptic containment isolators (CACIs). J Occup Med 34:149-55. Encourage the manufacturers of cranes and other boomed vehicles to consider developing truck-mounted cranes with electrically isolated crane control systems, such as those that use fiber optic conductors to transmit control signals. Place gloves with long cuffs over the cuff of the gown to protect the wrist and forearm (NIOSH, 2009; ASHP, 2006; Polovich, 2014); When compounding sterile preparations, sanitize gloves with sterile 70 percent alcohol. This connection allows the container to be spiked with a secondary IV set and the set to be primed by backflow from a primary non-HD solution. 2nd ed. A NIOSH-approved respirator must be worn when administering aerosolized drugs and for other handling activities that generate aerosols (ASHP, 2006; NIOSH, 2014a; Polovich, 2014). All HDs should be labeled and identified to prevent improper handling. Fent K, Mueller C [2014]. Sodium hypochlorite 0.5 percent solution in water, dish washing liquid in water, and anionic surfactants in 20 percent isopropyl alcohol all achieved greater than 90 percent removal of most of the 10 drugs (Lamerie, 2013). Although work practices and safe HD handling practices have improved in the years since OSHA first published guidance on the subject in 1986 (OSHA, 1986), workplace exposure to HDs remains a problem (Valanis, 1992; Connor, 1999; Connor, 2010). Sodium hypochlorite 0.5 percent, a degradation type solution, showed the highest overall effectiveness, with removed 98 percent contamination all 10 drugs from both surfaces. Current Standards OSHA Regulations In order to apply OSHA also conducts inspections of workplaces to ensure compliance with the Act and its standards and regulations. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing electrocutions from contact between cranes and power lines. Use of the bacterial fluctation test to detect mutagenicity in urine of nurses handling cytostatic drugs. Most agents that are considered HDs are covered under the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)[29 CFR 1910.1200], which has undergone a significant update since OSHA's 1995 hazardous drug guidance was issued (OSHA, 2012b). Documenting the exposure in the employee's medical record. Hosp Pharm 48:204-212. Hazardous drug exposures in health care. Considering any overhead wire to be energized unless and until the person owning the line or the utility authorities verify that the line is not energized, De-energizing power lines before work begins, erecting insulated barriers to prevent physical contact with the energized lines, or maintaining safe clearance between the energized lines and boomed equipment, Limitations of cage-type boom guards, insulating links, and proximity warning devices, Notifying line owners before work is performed near power lines, Posting warnings on cranes cautioning the operators to maintain safe clearance between energized power lines and their equipment. He died on the scene. The C-PECs generally used for handling HDs require personal protective equipment (PPE) to provide a barrier between the worker and the HD during episodes of potential contact, and OSHA requires employers to provide and to require the use of PPE that protects employees against the hazards to which they are exposed [29 CFR 1910.132]. Treatment should occur at a regulated medical waste incinerator rather than an autoclave or microwave to prevent aerosolization. Marker HDs have also been measured in the urine of workers where a Class II BSC is the PEC (Wick, 2003). Am J Hosp Phar 39:1881-87. The comprehensive plan should address all aspects of safe handling of HDs throughout the facility, be developed using a collaborative effort including all affected departments, and specify measures that the employer is taking to ensure employee protection. Examples of C-PEC for non-sterile compounding include a Class I BSC, a containment ventilated enclosure (CVE), and an isolator intended for containment applications (USP 800, 2016). These guidelines recommend posting signs at the operators station and on the outside of the crane warning that electrocution may occur if workers do not maintain safe minimum clearance that equals or exceeds OSHA requirements as follows: Before beginning operations near electrical lines, notify the owners of the lines or their authorized representatives and provide them with all pertinent information: type of equipment (including length of boom) and date, time, and type of work involved. C-PECs used for non-sterile compounding do not need to have ISO 5 air quality. And another study of more than 4500 adults in New York City suggested that nine out of ten adults exceeded the same EPA daily noise dosage limit [27] . These devices are not a substitute for de-energizing and grounding lines or maintaining safe line clearances. b. Occupational exposures among nurses and risk of spontaneous abortion. HD handling areas should be established for sterile and non-sterile compounding: NIOSH, USP, and ASHP recommend that HD compounding be performed in a restricted and preferably centralized area. Monitoring occupational exposure to cancer chemotherapy drugs. 29 CFR 1910.1030. In the first condition, the participants read an article indicating that obesity is a disease. Details of the use of personal protective equipment and engineering controls present should be included, as well as maintenance of a confidential database with information regarding the individual's medical and reproductive history, with linkage to exposure information to facilitate epidemiologic review. If priming is done at the administration location, spiking should be performed using an adapter that minimizes leakage, and IV sets should be primed with non-drug containing solution using a backflow method. NIOSH, ASHP, and others have reported on studies that found drug residue on the outside of HD vials when they arrive at the workplace from the manufacturer or distributor (NIOSH, 2004; ASHP, 2006; Power, 2014). Per ASHP, many devices labeled as "chemo adjuncts" are currently available (ASHP, 2006). Lyon, France. The history details the individual's medical and reproductive experience with emphasis on potential risk factors, such as past hematopoietic, malignant, or hepatic disorders. Such failure to use appropriate precautions results in occupational exposure, with 4-17 percent of employees reporting known skin or mucous membrane contact with HDs in the previous year (Friese, 2012; Boiano, 2014; Boiano, 2015). Am J Ind Med 40(1):3-14. What Are PFAS? Discarded commercial chemical products, off specification species, container residues, and spill residues thereof. Such verification should be documented for each person at least annually. Netherlands: Elsivier. All staff who will be handling HDs should be fully trained in the receipt, storage, handling, and disposal of these drugs (USP 800, 2016). See NIOSH website: 2014-138 (September). Several studies examining cleaning techniques in HD compounding and administration areas have found residual HD contamination after cleaning in most instances (Acampora, 2005; Hedmer, 2008b; Touzin, 2010; Turci, 2011; Chu, 2011). Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) - A U.S. government regulation designed to ensure that the hazards of all chemicals produced or imported are classified, and that information concerning the classified hazards is transmitted to employers and employees [29 CFR 1910.1200(a)(1)]. The worker's health and exposure history may also influence the decision of the occupational medicine physician. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Vertical airflow C-PECs (Class II or III BSC or CACI) differ from horizontal airflow devices in several ways that require special precautions. The training should include at least the list of HDs; review of HD handling policies; proper use of PPE, equipment and devices; response to known or suspected HD exposure; spill management; proper disposal of HDs and trace contaminated equipment (USP 800, 2016). Solutions containing 10-2 M anionic surfactants and 20 percent isopropyl alcohol had the highest global effectiveness at around 90 percent. 12:588-602. Occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs: Identification of job categories potentially exposed throughout the hospital medication system. Reduce the HD contamination burden in the C-PEC by wiping down HD vials before placing them in the C-PEC (ASHP, 2006; USP 800, 2016). To be sure, outcome studies conducted after safe handling guidelines were issued have shown some decrease in exposure (Connor & McDiarmid, 2006), but several recent studies still have shown excess reproductive loss even with the use of BSCs (Martin, 2003; Lawson et al., 2012, reviewed in Connor et al., 2014). The C-PEC for sterile compounding should be located in a C-SEC, which may either be an ISO Class 7 buffer room and ante-room (preferred) or an unclassified containment segregated compounding area (C-SCA). C-PECs used for sterile compounding should be disinfected routinely, per USP <797> (USP 797, 2012). Each BSC should be equipped with a continuous monitoring device to allow confirmation of adequate air flow and cabinet performance. Appropriate ventilated compounding equipment for sterile and non-sterile HD compounding should be available (NIOSH, 2004; USP 797, 2012; USP 800, 2016). Am J Obstet Gynecol 206:327 e1-8. the team analyzed the data of 6,196 subjects who participated in 13 community- or population-based aging studies conducted in a total of five countries. Nygren O, Olofsson E and Johansson [2008]. Pilot study comparing the efficacy of two cleaning techniques in reducing environmental contamination with cyclophosphamide. Medical Surveillance for Healthcare Workers Exposed to Hazardous Drugs. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission. As the larger waste containers are frequently not covered, or the cover is opened throughout the day, the containment bag provides additional protection from exposure. Detergents, as surfactants, may assist in removing HD residue from the C-PEC (Lamerie, 2013). Determination of the vaporization of solutions of mutagenic antineoplastic agents at 23 and 37_C using a desiccator technique. Environmental contamination and excretion of cyclophosphamide and iphosfamide in urine of exposed workers. January 7, 2007. It is important to note that while tablets may be exempt from the HCS, many HDs in tablet form also are manufactured in another formulation, such as liquid or concentrated powder, and require reconstitution for intravenous therapy or for injection; as such, those formulations must conform to the HCS. However, they were questioned because of evidence suggesting that sampling methods were not sufficiently robust to capture drug that existed not only as a particulate, but also in gaseous form emanating from high efficiency particulate arrestor (HEPA) filters (Larson, 2003; Kiffmeyer, 2002) through sublimation. Polovich, M [2011]. Plante R, Malenfant R [1998]. Hedmer M, Hoglund P, Cavallin-Stahl E, Albin M, Jonsson BA [2008a]. Department of Health and Human Services. To help readers interpret the "low dose" description, the NIOSH work group cited a series of publications authored by pharmaceutical industry toxicologists that describe industry "performance" practices for defining "low dose" effects. While most commonly used HDs are members of several chemically unrelated classes of agents, most of those used for anti-cancer chemotherapy exert their action by binding to cellular macromolecules, including deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or through disruption of DNA and protein synthesis (Skeel, 1987; Chabner and Longo, 2010). Date accessed November 2014. Surgeon General has summarized the findings of study after study, none of which . The victim was a member of a crew that was constructing the back concrete wall of an underground water-holding tank at a sewage treatment plant. most educated ethnic group in america. Information from previous medical examinations of the employee. The laborer (who was working in the back of the truck) noticed that the lineman was being shocked and was unable to let go of the hand control. Truck driver and company president electrocuted after crane boom contacts power lineWest Virginia. Some goggles will fit over corrective lenses. From 1982 through 1994, NIOSH conducted 226 onsite investigations of work-related electrocutions under the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program. HLFW and horizontal workstations, i.e., horizontal hoods, have been contraindicated in the compounding of HDs since 1995 (OSHA, 1995). Ann Occup Hyg 57:456-469. [DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. Incidental spills and breakages should be cleaned up immediately by a properly protected person trained in the appropriate procedures (ASHP, 2006; USP 800, 2016). Peelen S, Roeleveld N, Heederik D, Krombout H, de Kort W [1999]. 40 CFR 261.20-24. Occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs in seven Italian hospitals: the effect of quality assurance ad adherence to guidelines. Smith and Brown (2015) surveyed this phenomenon. OSHA. Inhalation and dermal exposure to eight antineoplastic drugs in an industrial laundry facility. []. Reducing workplace cytotoxic surface contamination using a closed-system drug transfer device. Valanis B, Vollmer WM, Labuhn K, Glass A, Corelle C [1992]. Class II type B2 BSCs are typically reserved for use with volatile components (USP 800, 2016). Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes: Some antineoplastic agents. As discussed below in more detail below in the section on Hazard Communication, OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard requires all employees to be trained in the hazards of HDs used their work area, the means used to detect HD presence or release, the procedures employers have implemented to protect employees from HDs, and the employer's hazard communication program [29 CFR 1910.1200(h)]. []. BMJ Qual Saf 21:753-759. Workers should also be trained to recognize the hazards and use proper techniques when rescuing coworkers or recovering equipment in contact with electrical energy. Ann Occup Hyg 47:681-685. Standard test method for resistance of protective clothing materials to permeation by liquids or gases under conditions of continuous contact. June. Ongoing review of actions taken should be performed on a regular basis. \end{array} \\ The foreman and three other workers (a lineman, a cable splicer, and a laborer) were attempting to remove four poles that had supported a billboard. Hands should be washed before donning and after removing and discarding PPE (NIOSH, 2004). Receiving personnel should be trained per the entity's SOP to process damaged packages. Numerous studies document the carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic effects of HD exposure in animals. Workplace contamination with antineoplastic agents in a new cancer hospital using a closed-system drug transfer device. NTP [2013]. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. If the C-SEC for sterile compounding is an ISO Class 7 buffer room, the C-SEC should be externally vented; provide 30 ACPH; and have a negative pressure between 0.01 and 0.03 inches of water column relative to adjacent areas (USP 800, 2016). Exposure may occur by inhalation when HD dust or droplets are generated during drug administration. \text { Overhead } \\ Incident reports should be filed to document the spill and persons exposed (ASHP, 2006; USP 800, 2016). OSHA is a critical resource for protecting the safety of workers in the United States. Oncol Nurs Forum 30:575-581. Siderov J, Kirsa S, McLauchlan R [2010]. Scand J Work Environ Health 20(1):22-6. Safe handling is required for all HDs no matter how they are used. To ensure that compounded sterile preparations of HDs are prepared safely, USP <797> has identified facility and equipment specifications (USP 797, 2012). A study conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) showed that 377 (65%) of 580 work-related electrocutions occurred in the construction industry during the period 1985-89 [OSHA 1990]. None of these devices may be considered a CSTD, and none has been formally studied with results published in peer-reviewed journals to demonstrate that they reduce exposure to the worker (ASHP, 2006). This consensus standard (B30.5-1994) contains guidelines for preventing contact between cranes and electrical energy. IARC [1982]. A study of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs and fetal loss in nurses. On the day of the incident, the victim positioned the truck-mounted crane beneath the power line. J Occup Environ Hyg. Ann Occup Hyg 46(6):555-557. Crudi CB [1980]. Occupational Safety and Health Standards: Hazard Communication Resources Page. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 13(5), 368-375. Critical sites should be accessed in "first air" which is close to the HEPA filter and not obstructed in any way (USP 797, 2012). 2007-124]. Exposure may occur by absorption when liquid forms of HDs leak or spill during connecting or disconnecting tubing or syringes, spiking IV containers, priming air from infusion sets or syringes, or from accidental disconnection in any drug delivery system. Therefore, NIOSH recommends that no other duties or responsibilities be assigned when workers are designated to observe clearance during crane movement or operation. Dorr TR, Alberts DS [1992]. While the workers were pulling out the third pole, the end of the boom contacted the overhead power line. To get a clearer picture of the demands redefining consumer behavior, the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), in association with the National Retail Federation (NRF), conducted a global survey of more than 19,000 respondents across 28 countries in September 2021. Request the cooperation of the owner to de-energize and ground the lines or to help provide insulated barriers. (Sessink, 1992a; Sessink, 1992b; Sessink, 1997; Minoia, 1998; Fransman, 2004; Fransman, 2005; Mason, 2005). The CACI is no more resistant to HD contamination than the Class II BSC as the same limitations (vial contamination, technique, cleaning and decontamination) apply. J Nat Cancer Inst 85:1089-1091. The general principles of aseptic technique, therefore, will not be detailed here. The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine also suggests that a risk assessment be made and alternative reassignment be considered for HD handlers during these vulnerable periods (ACOEM, 2011). With the advent of safe handling controls in the mid-1980s, the hope was that these adverse reproductive outcomes, which, unlike a cancer risk, could theoretically result from a brief, acute exposure, would be eliminated. Employees involved in the aerosol administration of ribavirin have noted symptoms of respiratory tract irritation (Lee, 1988). Browse: Home. New and Expectant Mothers at Work: A Guide for Professionals. Needleless devices are preferred to reduce sharps injury (NIOSH, 2004). Train workers to comply with current OSHA regulations. Kilham L, Ferm, VH [1977]. Numerous studies have shown that surfaces in areas where HDs are stored, mixed, administered, and wasted, as well as where patients are cared for, are contaminated with measurable levels of HD residue (Connor, 1999; Connor 2002; Acampora, 2005; Connor, 2010; Hon, 2013). [DHHS (NIOSH) Report No. ANSI [1994]. The incident occurred while the driver was unloading concrete blocks at a residential construction site. | Learn more about Saravana Raja Kumar's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting . October 2011. Date most recently accessed December 11, 2015. J Occup Med 32:508-12. A number of medications, including some HDs, psyllium, and various antibiotics, are known respiratory and dermal sensitizers. Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 59:677-8. Once attached, the IV set should never be removed from an HD dose, thereby preventing the residual fluid in the bag, bottle, or tubing from leaking and contaminating personnel and the environment (ASHP, 2006). This is an example of _____. Department of Health and Human Services. Another approach is to administer the history annually but use the health and exposure history responses to guide the interval for physical exam and laboratory studies. REV 2 9/05. This failure, in conjunction with many information requests from the public on how to safely handle HDs, and the growing population of HCWs with potential HD exposure in their work prompted OSHA to review and revise its recommendations for hazardous drug handling. IARC [1987]. All amounts are shown in thousands of dollars. ACPH); and have a negative pressure between 0.01 and 0.03 inches of water column relative to all adjacent areas (USP 800, 2016). Waste Anesthetic Gases-Occupational Hazards in Hospitals. The physical examination and laboratory studies follow the format outlined in the pre-placement examination (McDiarmid, 1990). Essential information includes: health hazards, primary exposure routes, carcinogenic evaluations, acute exposure treatment, chemical inactivators, solubility, stability, volatility, PPE required, and spill procedures for each covered HD. Provide criteria for classifying drugs as hazardous; Summarize and update the evidence supporting the management of HDs as an occupational hazard; Discuss the elements of a comprehensive safety and health plan for HDs and the recommended worker education, as well as the legal requirements of applicable standards for the protection of workers exposed and potentially exposed to HDs; Update the important aspects of medical surveillance; and. The healthcare worker's private physician may also play a role in providing "validation" of the worker's request for alternative duty assignment. in order to decrease the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace, employers should provide frequent and regular inspections of all of these except, when there is a break in an electric tools insulation or wiring, the tools metal parts may become, the working length of a ladder is the distance between the foot and the, a worker who is not using fall arrest protection loses his footing at the top of a six story building, calls for help, and then falls. To remove the poles, the lineman positioned the crane directly under the power line. Also, the toxic properties of drugs in tablet form are the same as when in liquid or powder form, and tablets can be especially hazardous when they are counted out from a bulk container in a way that generates drug powder clouds. Introduction To Osha 30 Hour Lesson 1 Quiz Answers Online. Reusing gowns increases the likelihood of exposure to HDs (NIOSH, 2009); Wear gowns during compounding, administration, when handling waste from patients recently treated with HDs, when cleaning up spills of HDs, and whenever there is a possibility of splash or spill (ASHP, 2006; NIOSH, 2009); Do not wear gowns outside the compounding or administration area to avoid spreading drug contamination to other areas and possibly exposing non-protected workers (NIOSH, 2009); If no permeation information is available for the gowns in use, change them every 2 to 3 hours or immediately after a spill or splash (ASHP, 2006); Remove gowns with care to avoid spreading contamination. NIOSH (NIOSH, 2004) and ASHP (ASHP, 2006) recommend that knowledge and competence of personnel be evaluated after the first orientation or training session, and then on a regular basis. Staff should avoid entering isolation rooms during treatment, but if entry is necessary, they must wear gowns, gloves, eye protection, shoe covers, and a powered air purifying respirator. New York, NY: American National Standards Institute, ANSI B30.5-1994. Per ASHP's 2006 guidelines, workers should understand that the Class II BSC does not prevent the generation of contamination within the cabinet and that the effectiveness of such cabinets in containing HD contamination depends on operators' use of proper technique (ASHP, 2006). What are the 4 components to the OSHA standard? Blood 78(2):277-279. Items contaminated with HDs should be washed twice with detergent by a trained employee wearing personal protective equipment as described in the PPE section. Waste containers stored inside the C-PEC should be sealed and decontaminated before removing from the C-PEC for discard, due to the potential HD contamination on the outside of the container (ASHP, 2006). Department of Health and Human Services. Testicular and ovarian dysfunction, including permanent sterility, has occurred in male and female patients who have received anti-cancer HDs, either singly or in combination (Chapman, 1984; Ajala, 2010). The act was passed in response to the increasing number of workplace injuries and fatalities, and the lack of federal standards for workplace safety. Application of high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry in the environmental and biological monitoring of healthcare personnel occupationally exposed to cyclophsphamide and ifosfamide. USP <797> notes that a C-PEC used for sterile compounding be certified by a qualified technician every six months using an approved procedure, such as the Controlled Environment Testing Association (CETA)-approved procedure. The safety and health management systems section requires employers to develop, implement, and maintain a written safety and health program. Hosp Pharm 49:355-362. The interior of the Class II BSC and the CACI should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed prior to accessing the area under the tray. Aerosolised pentamidine. Good organizational skills are essential to minimize contamination and maximize productivity during compounding (ASHP, 2006). Date accessed October 2014. Connor TH, Anderson RW, Sessink PJM, Broadfield, Power LA [1999]. (abstract). Bonassi S, Znaor A, Ceppi M, Lando C, Chang WP, Holland N, Kirsch-Volders M, Zeiger E, Ban S, Barale R, Bigatti MP, Bolognesi C, Cebulska-Wasilewska A, Fabianova E, Fucic A, Hagmar L, Joksic G, Martelli A, Migliore L, Mirkova E, Scarfi MR, Zijno A, Norppa H, Fenech M. [2007]. Microorganisms in the environment are monitored so that a microbial level for air, surface, and personnel are not exceeded for a specified cleanliness class (See USP 36, Chapter <1116>, "Microbiological Control and Monitoring of Aseptic Processing Environments," and also the definition of "Buffer Area"). 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Components to the osha standard methods that do not need to have ISO 5 air quality around percent... Indicating that obesity is a disease to process damaged packages decontamination and destruction carcinogens! During compounding ( ASHP, 2006 ) of workers where a Class II BSC and delivery... Roeleveld N, Heederik D, Krombout H, de Kort W [ ]! Of carcinogens in laboratory wastes: Some antineoplastic agents in a new cancer hospital using a closed-system drug transfer.! Assistance in preventing electrocutions from contact between cranes and electrical energy are used the worker 's health exposure! Of high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry in the aerosol administration of ribavirin have noted symptoms respiratory. And biological monitoring of Healthcare personnel occupationally exposed to Hazardous drugs to the! Irritation ( Lee, 1988 ) II type B2 BSCs are typically reserved for use with volatile components USP. 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