Its very subtle at first, and each time, it may be a different spirit, trying a new technique on me. Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but He has given us a SPIRIT OF POWER, of love, AND A SOUND MIND. It could no longer deceive me. Help me look to You for help more often so that I can be radiant with Your joy. We know this because of the following verses. I spent years in therapy before considering the use of medicine because I held the belief the quality of my faith was not where it should be. Believing the symptoms or B) Believing God. I thank God for everyone here who reached out and prayed for you. WHO HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS Are you able to track down a devout Christian or a minister that believes in deliverance? You shall receive POWER after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Jesus said, I give you power over ALL the power of the enemy. Understand, when you received the Holy Spirit, God already gave you all the power you need. You are a liar depression and we shine the light of truth of Gods Word on you. Sometimes the best place i have been in is when i have been completely weak and unable to save myself, and i sit down and say God i cannot save me, i have no strength left, i cannot do this, i need you to take over. Fear is NOT from God. God Bless you and your family. To think of His anger at my bondage to fear and anxiety completely overwhelms me. Our Lord Jesus is our first witness. He wants to and can help you. 1 Corinthians 15:57, You may be at the beginning of your journey, or at the end, but wherever you are, know that God is with you and will take you through. However, there is also depression that is caused from having a chemical imbalance. You know that sometimes life and the circumstances we face are just hard. He is the author of multiple books and speaks at churches, conferences, and other events. Prayer Against Anxious Thoughts. Through faith in something . Sin cannot take root in a person who is full of the consciousness that he is righteous in Christ. But again, we have to remember, the context of this passage is how the church should function when it comes together, not the special giftings each person will have for their whole life. And I realize the guilt makes it difficult to get closer to Him. Lets talk! 5:00PM EDT 7/19/2014 Kris Vallotton. 10And He rode upon a cherub, and flew;He flew upon the wings of the wind.11He made darkness His secret place;His canopy around Himwasdark watersAndthick clouds of the skies.12From thebrightness before Him,His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire. Not even Satan can snatch us out of His Mighty hand! May God Bless you in your journey in recovery. In the oldest manuscripts of the New Testament available today, the Greek simply states, There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.). Do you hear him saying this to you? Through depression, I was rescued from a life lived for the wrong purpose, an exhausting existence in a dry, harsh territory and delivered to a new land, blooming with joy and watered by peace. He is teaching YOUto fight, so that YOUwill indeed be able to leap over the next wall that comes your way, so that YOU will be more than a conqueror!YOU will not be the same when you are delivered from this. They have helped me greatly during a very difficult time: Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. I believe Gods Word. This way, you will be able to help others. In the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of worry, stress, fear & anxiety over your people and . But depression is a disease., a proven scientific disease. During the ministry time, I prayed for a young lady who was a visitor to the group that night. Unless you become aggressive with it, you may come across as weak. Resist the devil and he will flee. I as well suffer from fear and anxiety. This gentleman doesnt have much but I felt that God had prepared me financially for both of us and that was not an issue for me.. Many give up at this point. Books that may help you are Victory Over Darkness and The Purpose Driven Life. Each point sounds simpler than they actually are. I will keep you in my prayers! ******Understand what you have been given and who you are in Christ. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch, Who's going to do the bowing? Extra tip: In future, have no involvement with movies or books or listen to anything which is negative. I didnt know I had to accept Jesus into my heart to become born again. Within six months of that decision, I was completely under the spell of the Spirit of Depression. I did this and as i was praying commanding it to go, it persistently defied to deceive me it wasnt working, but i pressed in. I know your heart is broken for what she is going through. Deliverance from Anxiety We have talked about our physical health, our relationship with God, our mental thoughts, and practical ways to deal with panic and anxiety, and all of it is good.However, I can teach you all of these things, and it won't change the fact that you still have a wolf staring you down, gnawing at your ankles and trying to devour you. I say the presence of the Holy Spirit is here right now indwelling me and his presence overpowers YOU. WHO has more power? 17He delivered me from my strong enemy, From those who hated me, For they were too strong for me. Ive made some progress and I was delivered from the kundalini awakening but I struggle everyday with condemnation and deep rooted pain and fear etc. This season of trouble can pass and become a distant memory if you are ready to put in the hard work and discipline. The Holy Spirit gives different gifts, tongues is one of many gifts. me to feel hopeless. It may take several tries. Amazing how powerful our words and confidence in Christ is! Refrain fromany association with the occult. I will pray for you. Within that sentence he says he GAVE YOU the remedy. Dont let the enemy keep your fear of man, from your deliverance. Many groups simply blame it on demons, SPIRITUAL. But even if you don't, I know I don't have to be a slave to my fear. I just accepted I was a Catholic and that was it! You must address it as you would an enemy that has invaded your house. There is no worry too small for Him. Some days anxiety stalks me like a deceitful predator, and the temptation to worry draws me in. Bless you! I am going through a deep depression an urgently need help.I have lost the will to live. The devil persistently attempts to deceive that he has power over you that leaves you frightful as you seek a way out, wondering why God isnt answering. That is your armor against the depression. and to walk in the liberty that You purchased for me Ohhhh Lord, theres nothing I can do.. but you are the God of our Salvation. If this doesnt work, seek help from a Minister who is familiar with deliverance. And, Im done listening to him and am ready to fully armour up! And the lie tries its hardest by making you believe its not leaving. This was funny though. I am calling out to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Deliverance From the Spirit of Anxiety. Pray and fast. What do you have to fear if God is with you? There will be speaking in tongues coupled with interpretation of tongues when that time comes (1 Corinthians 14:27). He indwells you. Lord Jesus, the stresses in my life often reach a dangerous proportionor so it seems. I know deep down that I in Your grace, forgiven, restored by Your sacrifice, You have set me free. When the devil comes around seeking WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR (the ones who ALLOW him), understand he comes with SYMPTOMS to convince you he has power over you. Do you really think hes unfaithful to fulfill that in you when he called you into his kingdom? Bethany, Ive been dealing with a very similar experience for a long time. It shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered. You are his little girl and hes got this. Far from us drive the foe we dread.. From the Spirit of distraction, We implore Thee, Deliver us O Lord. Let me explain. And the last book belings to a ministry that helps in many countries , www. Tell them to go immediately and not to return. Who has the power to knock out depression? You are complete in Him. Praise & Worship, 9138 E. State Highway 76, Branson West, MO 65737, United States 417-860-2504 [email protected] I began to verbally cast this thing away from me in the name of Jesus Christ and it had no legal right over me. Help me to come to You at the beginning of my fears and anxieties instead of waiting until I can't stand them anymore. The pressure will lift, but it is one thing to be delivered; it is another thing to stay delivered. You said you want to give up praying because God is not answering. Id be posting several day. I felt a little over a year ago that he had brought the Man he desired me to have into my life. It will not come in five minutes. The severe panic attacks went away and I learned some practical ways of coping. In my distress I called upon theLordDavid cried out to God for his deliverance. It may be the end of 2018 but I just want you to know that this is still touching people. 13575 58 St. N., Suite 105 Its up to you. But I must say when I read both your comments and other readers replies, I was so inspired. Tell me what is troubling you to keep your mind in such despair. HE HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS. sentment that have imprisoned me for so long. Annas, One day, Rachels mom was praying for her and God gave her my name. Be just as persistent. Amen. And finally in Ephesians 6 after you have your armor on, it says. Depression and anxiety are tough to deal with, Ive been for 40 some years on and off. Jesus will deliver you ask and you will receive. God wants you to know, to fully understand what hes given you. PRAISE be to you God that you HAVE given us power by your Spirit and we no longer need to continue asking for the precious precious promise you already gave to us. FORBID IT TO OPERATE IN YOUR LIFE ANY MORE. GOD HAS GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF POWER. I give I believe my prayers for healing have been answered by providing the antidepressants my body needs. The lessons should be followed in chronological order to derive maximum benefits. Do you have any pets? Breath in deep, hold it for 20 to 30 seconds and then breathe out. May the God of Love shine a light so bright into your spirit that it casts out anything that doesnt belong. Rather he was saying that when believers come together each one has a gift of the Spirit that the Holy Spirit wants to manifest at that specific point and time. To think that you are mindful of me it overwhelms my soul. I ask him to allow me to park over him but its like battling with that spirit of the enemy so I have to walk away call on Jesus . As you pray, may the God of peace crush The devil hates people knowing this. During a Gospel Campaign in Southeast Asia, a woman experienced a tremendous deliverance. I wish I could offer some words of wisdom, but I know that Jesus never abandons anyone. The same is true in regards to the gift of interpretation of tongues. Hallelujah . Look how far you have come, and praise God for that ground you just conquered and rejoice as a warrior rejoices in the spoils, But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. When he placed the Holy Spirit in you, his Spirit IS power. In our frail bodies we are a little lower than the angels, but once we have been translated at Christs coming, we shall be above the angels, as the bride of Christ and also the sons of God. Edwin, As I focus on You, remembering Your promises and Your words, I believe You will fill me with a peace that is beyond all understanding. We are to especially do this if we are speaking in tongues in a church setting, and we can even do this to receive revelation from the Lord in our private prayer lives. By his stripes it is our inheritance at the cross to claim in the blood name of Jesus he bore all our sicknesses deseases and all our sin thank you Jesus so as I prayed this lord Jesus I will not fear the feelings of fear no anger or opression or hopelessness how can we be hopeless helpless when we because by your name blood in Jesus Christ I am a child of the most high god Dont stop but press in. You are an amazing Warrior of God! For Your sake we are killed all day long;We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter., 37Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. If you have tried following prayer and reaching out to your pastor and you feel helpless go to your doctor and ask for help. I cannot bear the weight of this anxiety and panic any longer. I BELIEVE GOD, and kept repeating it. I often pray and beg God I do believe, help me in my unbelief! I have truly waited on the Lord. It does work. 1: Try to do self-deliverance if you are strong enough in faith and conviction by doing the prayer below in its entirety on your own in a quiet place . Is everyone prophecying? Several months later, I saw her at a friends birthday party. Speaking in tongues is the prayer language God gives us to see us through life. I did this once in a showdown with anxiety and kept saying, you must leave right now. You want to free me from ALL my fears. Greetings in the name of the Lord. Hes not angry at you, but at the enemy who has ensnared you. It was the third Sunday of that month. We are humans-thats the issue. He can do the same for you. It could be fear, hopelessness, depression, anxiety yes they have a name of what they are assigned to do, because they work on the mind. Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us. (Acts 1:8), 5) HE HASSSSS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS and translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. Example.praying oh God, please bless us. He says in ephesians we ARE blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ!!! Christian Counselors, Deliverance Ministry and Spiritual Warfare. I have decided to come back this day and keep this as a reminder of my wayward thoughts and life. He IS who he says he is. I am in the exact same situation as Maria. Because there is always hope if you chose to hold on to Jesus. People wonder, as I did, why when they pray they dont get an answer. I spent many nights trying to figure out how I had become so ill, so fast, with no hope of healing. It is up to us to make our mind realize that it is our servant, not our master. Please pray for me tombe delivered from this spirit. To understand what it means to be In Christ and Christ In you. Its the HOLY SPIRITS SWORD! Go through the motions of having the sword of the spirit in your hand, and slash it out of your life! If you do, it will be a miracle from the Lord, He answered my prayer. Have you ever wanted to sing a song? Be careful brothers & sisters in the Lord. The times you dont want to are the best When deliverance takes place and the spirit(s) leave a person they will always try to get back in after a period of time and if we continue in sin they will return stronger with other spirits. He says he gave it to you. To be born of the spirit means your own spirit unites with the Holy Spirit. Jesus ultimately won the war for Christians. I had so many questions. The shield of faith to block off the enemy darts tossed at you. A common way that the devil will try to bring torment into our lives is through the spirit of fear. Please pray for me. So, when Paul says a statement such as one is given this gift and another is given this other gift he is not saying that only one believer will only have this one gift forever. If its the Lord, he will arrange it. I struggled and struggled for years trying to fix it but didnt know how. No more wishy washy doubt, not even an inch. God bless you. Is everyone healing the sick at once? He lies. The Spirit of God. Be angry at it. I HOPE SO!!!! Amen. I love both of these ministries they have really been used by Go to grow and strengthen me. Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. We talked about how powerful words and scriptures are,morning declarationsand such. The struggle was over my heart either . I grieved before him, and begged him to deliver me so many times. However, I also believe that God provides antidepressants on our earth. INTRODUCTION: Depression is a state of feeling very unhappy or overwhelmed with the feelings of no hope for the future while anxiety is a feeling of worry or been tensed and restless for something that is yet to happen. I let go and take my fleshly hands off it,,,,and THATS when i see Him move miraculously in my life. Fill your home and car with praise and worship music. Must be really hard. I feel guilty like Im not a good enough Christian, Im not reading the word enough because I have no motivation. Hang on you will have a break through. Just like the diabetic, we dont look down on them because they need insulin. emotional stress. And I am the one who has power over you. Rachel began to cry out to God, asking Him to show her that what was happening was real, and that she would leave the service changed and set free. I learned to recognise when I was attacked again, and over time it began to diminish. Am no longer an orphan I have been brought by a price I am adopted never forsaken made whole this sickness of mind body and spirit do not belong to me any more my inheritance in Christ is rich I am the head and not the tail The head is typically a spirit of idolatry or witchcraft (control). I seek reassurance from her. GOD has not given us a spirit of fear but of power. The need to be in control sometimes gets a stronghold on my life. I went through years of depression and he saved me. I know God Is an almighty God and this article knocked some sense into me. However I discovered that Catholicism does not teach the true Biblical Gospel which Jesus described, of how to be saved. I am healed because He says that I am. I can rest in the shadow of your wings and I will rise and overcome by your unwavering strength. Try and get to a professional fast Edwin. Do for God Jesus angels holy ghost and holy spirit come down from sky heaven come over inside of my as deloreszemans live s here jasper Marion county Tennessee with my mom and dad come inside get me a 2 hug get beg hug big used old RV camper let it be great nice sweet Kool great nice RV camper let it be real low price cheap low cost payment pay for the RV camper about the this amount of money cash let it be this amount of money cash not let it go over this amount of cash $$$ 700 dollars cash for two buy pay for a RV camper, Pray over that me as deloreszemans mother over my daughter latosha honea zeman and her 4 kids children her daughter s and her son s and her husband kir and her brother as my son that God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti will come over down inside of their house put love peace joy happyness kind happy love inside of their bodies body heart and were theyll will never ever ever stop having that lovee me as their mother deloreszemans get the devil Saten out of their house were the devil Saten never ever ever come back and like other wise my kids and grandkids come over down to come over down as their mother and as grandmother and pray for God and Jesus angel s holy ghost holy spirit come over down from sky heaven have to get kick take over the evil devil bad break from keep the bad devil evil people Shannon girffth Kyle girffth minlinda Griffith ougest girffth and her boyfriend and her kids Jane donson and her boyfriend and her kids and Angie donson and Kelly donson and her boyfriend and her kids and my daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her kids and my son her brother Carl honea zeman and Shannon and Kyle girffth and as theres girlfriends as theres Kelly tomieson that live in jasper Marion county Tennessee and the other girlfriend that live in Roseville Georgia get the very real far away from us as at our house place were we live at I am talking about at our parent s home place as our mother Martha slatton zeman our father John zeman and daughter deloreszemans our bother Willam Billys zeman his wife and our sisters lizebath zeman and her husband place pray do for real no lies let do let this happen let it be do let it come true and this come two past let this do happen this year before this year is up before this year come up year of February year 2023 this is what I want done to happen is for God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti two come over down inside of my parents house home two go ahead take over there take over there body control over inside of their bodies body take them take them home up two sky heaven s they do need to get home up two sky heavens to God Jesus angel s holy spriti and holy ghost they are really very real bad off sick very real bad real bad very real bad in very bad pain they are crying out loud real tears crying out loud real very bad off sick very real bad real bad pain s inside of their bodies body s Every curse of no way tying me down for too long, break and release me, in Jesus' name. Youre up against an intelligent and invisible foe. Fill yourself with the word of God. Only believe. Lord Jesus, the stresses in my life often reach a dangerous proportionor so it seems. Give it your best shot devil. I wont allow it to keep just sitting there after i pray or after i quote the Word of God. If Godisfor us, whocan beagainst us? The ministry of deliverance and healing was birthed in this season of my life as I saw how Christians will come to Church Sunday after Sunday and have the same problems even after hearing the word and being prayed for. It can come on us like a flood, overwhelming our souls. The spirit of depression is trying to keep you from receiving the gift God has for you In time it will not try again. Recognising it, and dealing with it yourself, is the key. Please pray for this person to be delivered from satans hand and that they be saved in Christ. 4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I keep failing and doubting my salvation. Dear Edwin, hello. I BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD. Deanna just saw ur post. 9. Give her an unmovable faith in you as you show her you ARE the God of Miracles. The heaviness then just sits there tormenting, and you wonder why it isnt leaving. The gift of speaking in tongues is clearly what Jesus was referring to here. Fear makes people doubt, unstable, wishy washy. God wants to teach you how to leap over this wall, so he doesnt have to rescue you out of this again. As you attune yourself into what your own spirit is picking up, and what the Holy Spirit is revealing, your mind will take over the thinking process and decide what you need to do. But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. (Jude 20-21). As my mom would say., you better get a hold of yourself. Blast him that its YOU who has power over Him. The occult is something I was in and God delivered me out. It has gone beyond natural human fear, and into supernatural oppression and torment. Then when the refrigerator breaks down you just write a check for it and begin to replenish what you have spent. Whether the anxiety stems from work, parenting, finances, physical issues, or even world conditions, You are there, Lord, to shoulder the weight. For me it was not investing a large amount of time in things like TV, secular radio. That scripture opened my eyes. Food ran right through me; I had diarrhea continually. However, faith is not the solution to their problem. One thing I know for sure is that God doesnt want you living in a depressed state. (The HOLY SPIRIT) (Luke 24:49), 4) YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU. My son is restored and renewed Jesus because he feels like he cant change. The Octopus Spirit. Ugly cries in crowds of people are never anything to boast about. hypochondriasis. Required fields are marked. And again we see an early church leader encouraging all of the believers to pray in tongues. Make sure there are no objects or books or movies in your home or your mothers home, or any religious or worldly practices that are attracting a demon of depression and push it out. 6. do pray for God Jesus angel s holy ghost holy spriti will come over down inside of our house place here jasper Marion county Tennessee state inside of my parent so our mother Martha slatton zeman and our father John zeman and daughter deloreszemans house home two also the same thing about for us our brother Willam Billys zeman his wife and my sister lizebath zeman and her husband mark Nolan andy daughter as in deloreszemans daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her brother Carl honea zeman as my son as me there mother as deloreszemans take out the all of the evil bad devil Saten all of the devil Saten all of the devil drugs and all of the evil devil alcohol drink ing beers party s and all of the bad evil devil Saten evil bad evil badly real very real bad evil mind thinking real very bad evil thought s of doing takeing bad evil bad devil Saten thing s stuff things of doing evil bad devil Saten evil devil Saten evil devil very real bad and evil bad evil bad real bad fighting evil bad evil devil Saten fight s. 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