Certainly unique. She goes over to him and takes his left hand and holds it tightly. When the Dursleys kick Harry out, he flees to Gringotts to retrieve his inheritance. He was impulsive. Rated M. The author has a lot of other, very well-written Tomione stories do check them out! You can also subscribe without commenting. And the army of the dead heeded his call. Well wait and see. We need to do an inheritance test, as Miss Granger shouldn't have gone through an inheritance and as far as I know Mr Potter shouldn't have either." He explained. The Snake Who Changed My Life. But when Dracos world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins. The hard fought battle ended in an unexpected way. A Harry who has received training, already knows the prophecy and has no scar. Pansmione Harry grows up in a home full of love, and he learns the truth about his parents much earlier in life. Harry He explained. She takes care of young Harry and raises him on her own, just as James Potters portrait tells her to. Brilliantly lampoons all the clichd Dramione tropes. Ill still kick your arse.[Non-magical AU. When he finds her, he sees Ginny making out with Draco. This story is quite dark, so read at your own risk. The two of them have been facing the world together and are prepared to take down anyone who stands in the way of their goals. It is an Inheritance Test to see what families you are heir to, blocks, creature inheritance, and parents and siblings," Ragnok explained to Harry. You can get paid to write for us! What if that snake just so happened to be magical?Harry enters the magical world with plans. Starts at end of 4th book. He declared proudly and it made Severus choke a little o #hermione Will he decide to follow Dumbledores plan for his life again, or will he take matters into his own hands? How will this affect Harry, and the entire Wizarding World? I'd better go back to Gringotts and apologize to the goblins," Harry said. Rated M.], She was dramatic. Most importantly he is not Harry Potter!With everything that he thought he knew turned on it's head can old rivalries heal new hurts and can Harry find everything he ever wanted in the last place he expected to find it. Harry and Hermione and the Granger's go to Gringotts and learn some things about the potter line. [A funny one-shot with the perfect twist. She musters all the fury in her 7-year-old body and channels it into her voice when she speaks through the tears. My name is Jenna. _______or Harry is smart and goes back to Gringotts to find out about himself. Some of these tropes are specific to the world of Harry Potter, while others are more generic and can be used in any genre. ], Will they or wont they? Then Harry asked Hermione how it happened. Only to find out that what they had done caused even more harm they could imagine. Hermi #boyxboy Harry nodded his head and pricked his index finger and watched the required drops fall onto the parchment and was shocked to see the cut heal itself after the seventh drop of blood. Those other than purebloods are deemed less than human. Throughout the course of Harry Potter, Harry and Hermione are nothing more than great friends. In this Gringotts inheritance test fanfiction, there are just four short chapters, and each one is better than the last. I will need five drops of blood into a phial then I will pour the potion on the charmed paper. You can get paid to write for us! Severus sat down and Tom nodded as he began to read the results aloud. Just hit the button below to get in touch. The next time I die, I'm taking Riddle and all his minions with me. Ron told her that if she doesnt fight for herself no one will ever leave her alone so shes just trying to follow his advice. Rated M.], Hed watched the swotty Gryffindor for years, jealously nursing his lust. Harry and Hermione go through an early inheritance on the 31st of July, their birthday. Dumbledore tells Harry that he can go back in time to the day that he learned about the Wizarding World, and he can change the course of his life. Drarry Tom Riddle asked seriously. Singer. This article will look at some of the most popular Harry and Hermione fanfiction featuring this ship! And so, in the year 1941, Hieronymus Harry Peverell shows up to start his fourth year at Hogwarts.----------Title comes from the song This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller; I felt it fitting for the type of Harry Potter I'm writing. When I opened my eyes I was in Gringotts and I saw Harry. The world of Harry Potter fan fiction can be highly overwhelming, especially if youre a beginner. Hermione shrugged off Harry's hand roughly. A Harry Potter raised by the Delacour's and educated at Beauxbatons doesn't give a damn about Dumbledore or his Tri-Wizard tournament. But come on, isnt he the perfect James? *There are some spoilers on the tags, and I might add more as the work progress. Im right here Little Demon, The Devils got you,. What if Hermione told the truth about why she was atacked in first year? When Hogwarts starts they get resorted. Eventually H/Hr, Words: in progressLast Updated 2021Story Link. Rated M.], When Ginny decides Draco is the only boy in the castle who can teach her how to effectively woo her crush, she learns more than just technique. Impossible, even. Your email address will not be published. I am an avid book lover and collector. I grabbed a hoodie, resized my trunk so I could put in my pocket and grabbed the letter. Draco uses dark magic and curses to get what he wants, and he wont let anyone stand in the way of what he wants. "Hermione, have you seen the person you love kiss someone else?" Book Riot no longer promotes J.K. Rowling in light of statements she has made against the trans community. After Harry left, Hermione felt herself blushing as she was madly in love with Harry since their first year and now they are in their seventh year at Hogwarts. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. I am an avid book lover and collector. She met his eyes with no hesitation and he nodded. If he could change things, would he? 49. r/HPfanfiction. What are secrets they are keeping? Rated T.], Draco and Hermione have a yearly arrangement. Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read. What shall happen now that certain truths have been brought to fruition? I hope this article has helped you find some great Gringotts Inheritance Test fanfiction! The story of a woman coming into her own & finding out that real love sometimes stares you in the face. It will save you all rage and me having to deal with annoyed and angry commenters, thank you, On Hiatus due too real life being a biotch and have made me loose motivation for writing. Harry tells Hermione that she has to tell him if Ron touches her again to let him know so he can deal with Ron. Rated T.], What will happen when a goblin-raised Harry arrives at Hogwarts? She told Harry that she tells him, he would have to promise her that he'll never leave all alone. Harry discovers that he is trying to be forced into a marriage to Lucius Malfoy. Some are finished; others are still works in progress. Fanfiction Authors: How do I show that my character is mysterious and edgy? This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Severus picked Harry up and took him to Hermione's room. It is exciting to see Harrys choices and how he wants his life to play out. It has nearly 200,000 hits, and that number just continues to rise as the author publishes each additional chapter. The self-titled Man of Midnight, The Marriage Counsellor, smooth as syrup and as suave as a law-man. Then Harry asked Hermione how it happened. Of course, they wont all be good, but therell be something to suit everyone! #tom. And Hermione told him that it didn't matter because 'he' only her as a friend. [Hermione x Theodore. Rated M.], Sirius decides to stay in England after escaping Hogwarts and makes protecting Harry his priority. This work isn't hosted on the Archive so this blurb might not be complete In the act of relearning how to feel like a person, Harry rediscovers the affection he holds towards his friends, except it seems the feelings have different connotations this time around. Fate and Giovanni Zatara meet at a small house in Godrics Hollow to find the bodies of James and Lily Potter, as well as the unharmed baby of them, they decide to take the baby to the only person they know who can protect and raise a child, Bruce Wayne. This is going to be a long night, Granger.[Smutty, but not PWP. 11 of the Most Popular Dramione Fanfics to Check Out in 2022, The Best Harry and Hermione Fanfiction to Read in 2022, 10 Popular Fem Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2022, 20 of the Most Popular Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories (2023 Edition), 10 Amazing Kim Possible Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, The 10 Best Fanfics Based on The 100 to Read in 2023, The 10 Best UnOrdinary Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. Once I read the letter I was shocked I went through an inheritance. Rated T.], They were right, those old wizards who thought Parseltongue was a Dark gift. One extraordinary family, and how they became one. "Why are we here? #darkhermione [A hot, well-written one-shot featuring Hermione Granger x Teddy Lupin. Rated M. The author has OVER 900 Harry Potter fan fictions, mostly erotic one-shots. ], The true time-turner was slammed savagely into Hermiones throat. OOC:Out of character, i.e. And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! Lucky for her she stumbles across a certain snake in her aunts rose bushes. After the war, Harry became the Master of Death, and also very, very pissed off at the world. But when Hermione starts seeing someone else, he can't help but stick around to stake his claim at the girl he loves. That muggle absurdity called the House of Lords is entirely unknown to magical politics. Tom gestured towards Hermione and Severus nodded, picking Hermione up and laying her in his bed. This story takes us through their first three years at Hogwarts, and we get to see their relationship grow and progress as they age and mature. Harry and Hermione fanfiction changes all of that. It's me, Harry." Something about an inheritance? Harry prepares for the war following Voldie's return by studying and gathering allies. After getting divorced from Ginny, Harry has no where else to go except his best friends' house. Rated M.], We both know you were hoping and praying Potter would get called in tonight so you could come to me and get what you really need. What if Voldemort bound his followers with a modified Leige Lord Oath? Once in London Hermione and Harry collected their trunks and debarked from the train and went up to Hermione's parents. Rated M.], Pureblood vignettes of various pairings. Likewise, I'd totally forgotten the part of Arthuriana where Merlin goes to Beijing, how stupid of me. Hermione noticed that Harry was upset. I love harry finding out about his old life and what has been past down to him and his journey to re-claim what was lost to him by evil!dumbles. "It's not Ron. Inheritances By: moondustangel Tired of being lied to Harry and friends go about uncovering the truth about themselves which Dumbledore has worked so hard to hide. His obsession makes him act in erratic and terrifying ways, and Harry does everything he can to protect Hermione from him, but to no avail. 2022 All rights Reserved. Two-shot. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. I am Tom, he ground out. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. With over 150,000 hits and 46 chapters, this is a story that you will really be able to sink your teeth into. It has nearly 65,000 hits, and that number is growing by the day. I changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt. What happens if the world thought Adeline Potter died? #girlxgirl Please take a seat.". Hermione cupped Harry's face in her hands and looked into his eyes. ], Padma Patil is intelligent, respected, and successful. Do I need to Febreze you before we share an enclosed space?[Non-magical AU. Severus looked over to him and nodded. There are so many acronyms! "I can speak Parseltongue?" [A complex and well-written AU fic. Should be fun. Grieving and unable to move on from the tragedy, she set out to make things right. These 10 are just a small sample of all the amazing stories out there. This story opens with Severus Snape picking Harry up from the Dursleys doorstep before they even realize he is there. Dumbledore, Ron, Molly, Percy and Ginny bashing! My take on Reptilia28's Don't Fear the Reaper Challenge, First work in this fandom pls be nice to me, but if you see something wrong, please call me out. Arise.. And only midnight reveals its secrets. Replies to my comments So you may want to look at the other fanfics with this tag and find your own favorite among them. Harry tells Hermione that if she wants, she can stay with him and that he has extra space for her at 12 Grimmualdplace. (In which Hermione accidentally ends up in 1950, pitted against an ascending Dark Lord in his prime, caught in the entanglement of pureblood politics, dark magic, and Tom Riddles interest). Griphook said. Before I begin, however, heres a quick guide on fan fiction terminology. As the dementor begins to approach Harry, something very unexpected happens. ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} I dont think anything can top this inheritance test. Example: a world where Tom Riddle died at birth and was never a threat. Tom suddenly cleared his throat and Hermione hissed at him to shut it. Rated M.], Theodore Nott has always been the overlooked Slytherin until he is forced into joining the Death Eaters by his elderly father. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Scarred child. Rated M.], Arrogance and bigotry can be well-founded, but perhaps that is when it is most important to fight through prejudices. The first Gringotts inheritance test fanfiction that we will look at today is one of the more popular. "Are you alright?" That depends. Rated T. Modelled on Bridget Joness Diary. Muggleborns don't go through inheritances. [An early fic, short and humorous. Okay, so this isnt the film actor for James Potter. Draco Malfoy might just be their antidote. What he wont give you. . It shattered against her neck, bits of glass and gold piercing into her skin. This is a real harem story. It all came down to the Battle of Hogwarts. #riddle [Funny one-shot bordering on crack-fic. Harry Potter was killed by the hands of Voldemort inside the Forbidden Forest. ", "But Dumbledore has been manipulating me for my entire life and I just found out! "Go away, Ron. Press J to jump to the feed. [Ginny Weasley x Tom Riddle or, as I prefer, Gin n Tonic. He then presents Harry with a third option, which we have not heard before. To do that they have messed with the soul of the last Dovahkiin to prevent him from being able to defeat Alduin. So bravo! "Yes?" After blowing up his Aunt Marge Harry spend the rest of the summer before his Third Year in Diagon Alley. Updated fairly regularly by fan fiction standards. Example: it is canon that Hermione slaps Draco. Harry looked into Hermione's eyes. It was just one more miracle to add to the list of miracles after my reincarnation.Harry Potter was a children's book, right? They find out the truth. If thats what youre looking for, you may wish to skip immediately to this list of Harry Potter erotica recommendations. "Thank you. One-shot. 2022 All rights Reserved. Rated M.], Lily Evans isnt a witch. Everyone around him believes that he put his own name in the Goblet to achieve fame and notoriety. Example: Dracos middle name being Abraxas instead of Lucius. "Oh no," Harry thought. Don't subscribe Machiavellianism ~ is a personality trait centered on manipulativeness, callousness, and indifference to morality. Newsflash, other kinds of high-end real estate exist, and not only castles too! In the seventh story, Harrys soul is sent to his younger body, and he keeps all the memories and knowledge from his first life. We have not heard before in progressLast Updated 2021Story Link show that character. Below to get in touch `` Hermione, have you seen the person you love kiss else! Girl he loves a quick guide on fan fiction can be highly overwhelming, especially if youre a beginner you... 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