Aug. 22, 1837-Aug. 31, 1875. XIX Olympiad -- 1968. Microfilm / S / 2595, reels 10-11, title A-67. Sept.23, 1882-July 14, 1909. Louisville Defender. Microfilm / N / 1008. Oct. 25, 1889, May 2, 16-July 4, 1913, Aug. 21, 1914, July 19, 26, Aug. 23, 1918. Sept.17, 1970-Aug.26, 1971 (some issues missing). (weekly). Microprint 21. Gate City Guardian. Dec. 2, 1742-Aug. 28, 1793. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 32, title 17; reel 41, title 23. Film F / 2848 / P75 / 1999, reel 1. June 3, 1947. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 6. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 61. May 31, June 28-Nov.15, 1968. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 91, title 2. African American newspaper. June 25, 1943-Nov. 18, 1960. 1 undated issue, ca. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 20; reel 19, title 1. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Aug. 4, 1835-Mar. June 17, 1893. Sept. 19, 1848-Sept. 8, 1849. La Reforma (in Spanish). New Citizen. Mar.-Nov.1969. 2. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 87, title 3; reel 114, title 4. Diario de San Francisco (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 11, title 4. Sunday issues are not included from 1925-1967; Saturday and holiday issues are not included for some years. Microfilm / N / 194. June 7, 1912. 1 Mar. Democrat and Planter. Feb. 9-Dec. 7, 1970. July 2, 1943-Dec. 18, 1945. Apr. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 4. Friday, 13 January - Take the day off. Brownfield on July 29, 1904, and the paper's name changed to the Terry County Herald. Jan. 7-July 1, 1945 (some issues missing). Russian language edition. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, no.27. Military newspaper. Apr.15, 1896. La Voz del Pueblo (in Spanish). Nov.21, 1896, Jan.9, May 15, 1897. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Dec.1935-Feb.1940. Jan./Feb. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 10. July l975-Aug.1983. 1892-1898 (many issues missing). The GAR. Reel 29, title 13. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title no.5. May-July 1969. Jan. 8-Feb.5, Apr.8-June 3, July 1-29, 1968. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 7; reel 37, title 16; reel 59, title 5; reel 105, title 4. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 11. Revolucin. HD / 8396 / C5.2 Evans stacks. The Movement. Peninsula Observer. East Bay Monitor. Microfilm / N / 554. Publication suspended from Dec. 13, 1941-Oct. 13, 1945.. La Bagatela. Feb.1968-Sept. 1969. Liberation News Service. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 13, title 2; reel 14. Water Tunnel. July 17, 1770-Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 10. Star. Microfilm / N / 785.3. Military newspaper. Jan. 1-Dec. 23, 1970. Aug. 16, 1837-June 1845. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. May 8, 1970-Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 74, title 2; reel 97, title 3. Nov. 5, 1745-June 10, 1746. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 21. Military newspaper. Feb. 10-June 29, 1945. Mar.-July 4, 1969. The New Southwest and Grant County Herald. Microfilm / N / 524. Microfilm / S / 2779. Microfilm / N / 682. Undated issue, 1968. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 2 / C46. 7 issues, 1972. HG / 1 / B3 Evans stacks. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 2; reel 52, title 2. Continues Gold Coast Aborigines. Aug.25, Nov.24, 1818. 15-July 22, Aug.26-Dec. 1970. Campaign Bulletin. Bryan Weekly Eagle (title varies). Feb. 1, 1870-Apr. Dec.6, 1809, Dec.6, 1820. Military newspaper. Jan.1951-June 27, 1974, Sept.5, 1974-Dec.1997. Fort Worth Gazette. Dec. 1967. Jan.1, 1940- . Mar. Apr.30, 1971-Dec.15, 1972. Norwich Mercury. Jan.2, 1948-Dec.1984. Latin Reporter. 16, 1924. June 15, 1942-Oct. 30, 1943. Le Redingote Grise. Alternative News. (Previous title: Notes from the Underground). Microfilm / N / 619. 18-July 2, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 14, title 13. Minisink Bull. 16, 1827-Mar. Sunday, 1 January - New Year's Day. News Release. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 109, title 3. 30, 1779-Dec. 12, 1839. Clothing trade newspaper. 27, Nov. 6, 1852. Microprint 18. July 7, 1969-Dec. 21, 1970 (many issues missing). Workers Power. Dec. 22, 1942-Oct. 23, 1945 (some issues missing). Jan.-Dec., 1971: reel 69, # 3, Jan.-Dec., 1972: reel 89, # 3. June 4-Nov. 19, 1970. Other Other. July 1969. June 1969, Oct.3-Dec.26, 1969. Military newspaper. Oct.19, 1888. (Special historical edition). Microfilm / N / 800, reels 17-18. 5, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 13. Common Sense. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. June 28-July 11, Sept.27-Oct.24, 1974. Feb.12, Mar.4, 18, 1876, May 26, Dec.27, 1877. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Texas Republican. National Bittersweet Chocolate Day. Jan.3, 1930-Dec.26, 1941 (some issues missing). Microprint 7. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. American Avatar. Microfilm / N / 548. Spring 1973. Aug. 1-23, 29, 1904. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 31, title 8; reel 39, title 14; reel 85, title 3; reel 111, title 4. Apr. Continued by Outlaw. First Issue. July 1969-Dec. 10, 1972 (some issues missing). Austin Statesman. Cincinnati Daily Enquirer. Mar.1968. 18, 1764-Feb. 28, 1781. The Green Revolution. July 26, 1888-Dec. 21, 1900. Mar.1874-Dec.1882, Oct.1898-July 1913, Jan.1920-Dec.1923. Publick Occurrences. and Kerry Bacon, of Healthy Diet Habits, Copyright 2012-2022, Child Labor Day - January 22, 2023 (Fourth Sunday in January), National Bible Sunday - January 22, 2023 (Fourth Sunday in January), National Sanctity of Human Life Day (or Pro-Life Day) - January 22, 2023 (Closest Sunday to January 22), Bald Eagle Appreciation Days - January 21-22, 2023, Chinese New Year Festival and Parade - (San Francisco) - January 14 - March 5, 2023, Parade on February 4, 2023, International Hot Air Balloon Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Fourth Full Week of January), International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week - January 21-27, 2023 (Begins on Third Saturday in January), International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - January 18-25, Kiss a Shark Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Fourth Full Week of January), National Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Last Full Week in January), National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week - January 17-23, National Handwriting Analysis Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Week of John Hancock's birthday on January 23), National School Choice Week - January 22-28, 2023 (Last Full Week in January), Snowcare for Troops Awareness Week - January 22-28, 2023, Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking Month (TANYRSS) - December 17, 2022 - February 5, 2023; December 17, 2023 - February 5, 2024. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 18. Film HD / 9940 / U3 / W65. National Republican. 7, 1907 (some issues missing). The Free Aquarian. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 16. Hist. Jan.20-Feb.18, Mar.17-May 26, July 27, Sept.27-Oct.18, Nov.1-15, Nov.30-Dec.14, 1972. Sept. 17, 1942-Aug. 31, 1945 (some issues missing). Corpus Christi Caller and Daily Herald. Alumni Monthly of Austin College. 5 issues 1968. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 17. Microfilm / N /427, reel 9, title 6; reel 10, title 1; reel 20, title 4; reel 21, title 1; reel 60, title 1; reel 81, title 1; reel 106, title 1. Raleigh-Bartlett Star. Microfilm / N / 706. News Project. Mar.15, 1845. May 24, 1968-Mar. Feb.12-Oct.7, 1970. 1987-1994. These include: 1923: Sept.1926 The Combined New York Morning paper was published during this period and can be found on the microfilm reel for the NYT. Jan. 14, 1774-Dec. 27, 1820. All rights reserved. Microfilm / N / 631. Diario de la Marina. Microfilm / N / 598. Microforms Department Microfilm / N / 430. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 98, title 7. College Press Service. Jan.4-June 20, 1980 (some issues missing). Our Daily Bread. Microfilm / S / 2595, reel 176, file # S 9. Obzor. WIN. La Voz del Pueblo. The Texas Times. Film E / 185.615 / B5384 / 1994, reel 22. Military newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 15, reels 9-10. Modern Utopian. Bandersnatch. Microprint 22. Richmond Dispatch. Oct. 21, 1847, Feb. 3, May 26, Nov. 24, 1849. Oct.19, 1835, Sept.9, 1837. Microfilm / N / 734. June 26, 1970-Aug. 18, 1972 (some issues missing). Beeville Bee. Hard Times. Microfilm / N / 551. Boston Weekly Messenger. Open Door. July 9, 1980-June 28, 1984, Oct.11, 1985-Apr.2, 1987, Apr.5-Aug.2, 1989. The Black Panther. Nov. 3, 1778-Jan. 18, 1780. San Francisco is busy during Winter Break, the week between Christmas and New Year, as well as just before Christmas when people come to see the holiday decorations. Poston Chronicle. Nov. 18, 1763-Oct. 1, 1773. May 8-June 12, 1968. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 3. , which comes in a rainbow of colors. 7, 1763-May 23, 1770. Oct. 1885- . Apr.1921-Dec.1967. Apr.26-May 10, 1819, Feb.7, 1831, Jan.2-May 7, 1832, July 29, 1833, Jan.25, 1836, Jan.15-Dec.31, 1838, Jan.18-Dec.22, 1847. Kentish Gazette. Dec. 31, 1849-May 15, 1851 (some issues missing). Religious newspaper. Love. Marshall Messenger. 1905-1988. Jan. 8-Apr. The Cauldron. July 12. June 19-Dec. 20, 1942. DC / 1 / M6 Evans stacks. Oct. 26, 1895. Daily Territorial Enterprise. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 4; reel 37, title 8. Time and Date AS 19952023. Oct. 24, 1942-July 21, 1945 (some issues missing). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 7. 1 issue 1901, Apr.12, 1902. Student Mobilizer. Oct.3, Nov.14, 1896. Microfilm / N / 755. Dec. 1, 1941-Dec.1945. Times. 1 undated issue, 1969. Mesilla Valley Bulletin. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 1; reel 61, title 4; reel 83, title 4. I could definitely get on board with government funded adoption instead that would give the child an opportunity to live. Over the years various strikes have affected what is available on the New York Times microfilm. Sept.5-12, Oct.4-25, Nov.15, 1957. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Kaleidoscope. Jan.29, 1969-Dec. 1972 (some issues missing). 4 issues, 1968-1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 74, title 4; reel 98, title 1. Microfilm / N / 598. Las Vegas Weekly Optic. Published in Kansas City, Missouri, after July 1968. Feb.5-Nov.15, 1969. Apr.1971-Summer 1974 (some issues missing). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 9; reel 3, title 15; reel 11, title 6; reel 22, title 1. July 1970-Dec. 1972. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 15; reel 90, title 3. Microfilm / N / 579. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 24, title 6. 1791-1795. Aug. 15, Sept.19, 1968-Feb.13, 1969, Mar.21-Apr. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Feb.-Dec. 1972. Minority Report. Lucha Obrera (in Spanish). La Cachiporra (in Spanish). African American newspaper. Avinger Citizen. Feb. 25, Apr. Las Vegas Daily Optic. Tyler Morning Tribune. Dec. 17, 1859-Dec. 31, 1892, Jan. 2, 1894-May 1916. Nov. 1844-Dec. 1855. Microfilm / N / 345. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 8, title 13; reel 19, title 7. Apr.5, 1969-Dec.14, 1970 (some issues missing). 25, 1776-Dec. 30, 1820. 1969. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 13, title 9a; reel 24, title 7. Sept.8, 1976. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 9. Battalion. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 4, title 2. Maryland Gazette (title varies: Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer; Maryland Gazette and State Register). Emphasis is placed on the coverage of social and political events. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 16. Sept.17, Oct.22, 1886, Mar.14, July 4, 1890, June 2, 1893, Aug.12, 1895, Oct.2, 1896. Jan.2, 1964-Dec.31, 1989. May 1969, plus 2 undated issues 1969. Hist. Calvert Chronicle. The Eggman. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 17, reels 1-17. 1968. Walrus. Apr.-Dec. 1970. Dec.1, 1970-July 15, 1974. Eyes Left. Microfilm / N / 148. Jan.-July, Sept. 1972. Harbinger. If a date is a movable holiday, that is different every year, I'll include the year as well as the date rule above. South Carolina Weekly Gazette. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 34, title 2; reel 50, title 2; reel 71, title 2; reel 92, title 2. Apr. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reels 45-46, 55-56. El Amigo del Pueblo (in Spanish). African American newspaper. Microfilm / S / 2595, reel 57, title G-2. The Rag. May 2-16, June 13-27, Aug.22-Sept.19, 1969. July, Dec. 1924. Mar. El Monitor Mexicano (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 680. 17, June 30, 1855, May 30, June 6-27, Aug. 8, 22-29, Sept. 12-Dec. 10, 24, 1856, Jan. 17-Mar. Door to Liberation. Mile High Underground. Pennsylvania Gazette. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Jan.1962-Dec.1997. Continues St. Louis Outlaw. Military newspaper. Others indicted include Alfredo "Junior" Maldonado, 35; Felix Hernandez "Pato" Cristobal, 22; Mario "Lil Junior" Guerrero, 22; Benito "Dopey" Canales, 32; Rafael Mariscal "Bad Boy" Camberos, 23; Mario "Trusty" Cardenas, 20; and Denis "Criminal" Sandoval, 20. Courier. Republic. Tex-Mex Reflector (in Spanish). La Revista (in Spanish). I think about my two kids when they were little, and my three grandkids, and I can't imagine life without any of them. F / 381 / T42.Apr.14, 1888. Basement Collection AP / 4 / M2. Philadelphia Free Press. 20 issues, 1969-1970. Mar. Central Texian. Brenham Enquirer. Gothic Blimp Works. Microfilm / N / 950. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 16, title 10; reel 43, title 2; reel 73, title 4; reel 97, title 1. The Alabamian. Mar.20-June 18, 1848. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 53. Edcentric. Microfilm / N / 575. Family Voice. Harry. July 20, 1867-Oct. 29, 1869. Microfilm / N / 618. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 88, title 5; reel 116, title 6. Click on the RedPinterest Button above to follow Holidays and Observances - We have thousands of Pins in hundreds of different topical boards! Civilian and Galveston Gazette. Jan.-Dec. 1972. Jan.6, 1912-Dec.1997 (some issues missing). Fertilizer. June 15, 1878. The Crocodile. 5 The NYT abstracted and indexed various wire services. 1990-2002. Dec. 10, 1853, May 20, 1857. Hoosier Herald (title varies: Indianapolis Herald-Times, Indiana Herald-Times). Microfilm / N / 105. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reels 70-73. 01/05/2018 at 6:42 am Feb. 2-May 25, 1945. Cushing Library / Texas and Borderlands Collection. Dec.19, 1968-Dec.1969. The Herald. Hapt. Communique. Folder 1497. Jan. 23-Nov. 31, 1968. Upcoming Holidays (March 2023) While we diligently research and update our holiday dates, some of the information in the table above may be preliminary. West Side News. Aug. 16, 1791-June 28, 1793. Corpus Christi Americano (in English & Spanish). Oct. 1968, May 1969. Thrust. Frendz (formerly Friends). Nov.8, 28, 1891. Feb.1968-Nov.1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 5. Voice of the Black Community. Reel 30, title no. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 2; reel 37, title 1. Feb. 27, 1970-July 1972, Sept.-Dec. 1972. Damascus Free Press. Other Observances Poland Grandfather's Day in Poland Microfilm / N / 427, reel 24, title 5. Pana-Mericana News. , is the awesome E-Business software that we are using for this site! Nov.8, 1884, Dec.3, 1886. Needle. Freedman's Press. Military newspaper. May 22-Aug. 7, 1980. Microfilm / N / 1012. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection F / 381 / T42. Microfilm / N / 692. New SOS News. Cuban refugee camp newspaper. May-June 1968. May 2, 1796-Sept. 30, 1797. National Holiday Mon, January 22 Franco-German Day: Germany: Observance Mon, January 22 Ukrainian Unity Day: Ukraine: Observance Mon, January 22 . North Carolina Magazine, or Universal Intelligencer. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 95, title 3. McKees Rocks. 19 issues, 1967-1968. This is a collection of scrapbooks covering African Americans; contents date from 1901 to 1950. Microfilm / N / 637. El Diario - La Prensa (in Spanish). Highland Park News - Herald & Journal. Military newspaper. El Promotor Escolar (in Spanish). Oct. 24-Dec. 29, 1944. Two undated issues, 1968? Microfilm / N / 631. Microfilm / N / 600. Oct.1968-Nov.1969. Voix des Femmes. Jan.1, 1930-Dec.1933, Jan.2, 1935-Dec.29, 1937 (some issues missing). Facts and Tidings. Republique Rouge. Navarro Express. Microfilm / N / 829. 1 undated issue, 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 6, title 10; reel 16, title 6. Thursday, 26 January - Republic Day. 1 issue 1967. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 2. Goodbye to All That. January 2022 Calendar with Holidays in printable format - United States. Documents microfiche). The Southern Patriot. African American Culture and History: The L.S. Aug.22, 1895. Albany Liberator. Oct. 1967, Feb.-Mar. French title: L'Abeille de la Nouvelle Orleans (in French and English). Oscars Underground Ghetto Press. Microprint 27. Microfilm / S / 2657. Free Statesman. Aug.26, 1982. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 3. 3, 1939- . Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 16; reel 7, title 8; reel 90, title 4. Grinding Stone. 28, 1895-Feb. 25, 1897, Aug. 1929 (Second Annual Rural Life and Industrial Edition), July 23, 1956 (Centennial Edition). Military newspaper. Dec. 8, 1855-June 8, 1878, Jan. 13, 1881-Dec. 3, 1885. 1 undated issue, 1969. The Planter. Microprint 17. Microfilm / N / 556.5. Undated issue, 1969. Happy BirthdaySteve Perry, of Journey! Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 7; reel 58, title 5. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 7, title 1. Aug. 27, 1968. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Cushing Library / Texas & Borderlands Collection. Jan.27, 1969. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 36, title 4. Jan.1, 1971-July 4, 1972 (some issues missing). Religious newspaper. Feb. 26, 1842. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. Microfilm / N / 542. Womens newspaper. Sept. 17, 1892. Nuevo Mexicano (in Spanish). 9, 1840. Mar.4, 1926-May 13, 1933. Jan.28,1908-Dec.26, 1909, Jan.29, 1922-Dec.30, 1923. The Old Market Press. Jan.1930-Apr.12, 1935, Jan.-Dec., 1938 (some issues missing). New Orleans Bee. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 3 / N678. Observation Post. The Trumpet. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. 1 undated issue. Boston News-Letter. 16, 1899. June 14, 1860-Feb.27, 1931. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 8. El Defensor (in Spanish). Mar. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 23; reel 91, title 4. Continued by Peninsula Observer. La Patria (in Spanish). Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3628. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. (Eastern edition). June 1973. July 2, 1866-June 29, 1867, Jan.24-Oct.24, 1877, May 1-June 30, 1891, Sept.1-Oct.31, 1893, July 1-31, Sept.1-30, 1913. Jan.-Oct. 1971. Essex Gazette. Oct. 10, 1835-Apr. Cushing Library / Rare Books AP / 3 / M67. Nov. 1969, Jan.-Feb., Apr., July, Sept.-Nov. 1970. Liberation News Service. Jan.17, 1908, July 18, 1913. 1 undated issue, 1967? Sept.25, 1690. Aug. 31, 1752-Jan. 25, 1768. Free Press. Microfilm / N / 730. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 9. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 19. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 64, title 3. May 5-Aug.4, 1946, Aug.18, 1946-July 20, 1947. Microfilm / N / 800, reel 16. January 22nd is the twenty-second day in the Gregorian calendar. Northwest New Mexican. Microfilm / S / 2595, reel 175, file # N 103. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 19; reel 11, title 11. Japanese relocation camp newspaper. Microfilm / N / 532. Der Zeitgeist. The Edinburgh Evening Courant. Mar. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 54, title 9. Bryan-College Station Eagle. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 11. Hi. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 27, title 19; reel 29, title 6. Brenham Daily Banner-Press. July-Nov. 1970. July 11-Dec. 25, 1969. May 26, July 14, 1923. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 57, title 2; reel 103, title 2. Lancaster Independent Press. Devoted to the Exposition of the Mutual Interests, Political and Commercial, of Great Britain and the Confederate States of America. May 1, 1862-Aug. 12, 1865. El Heraldo de Brownsville (in English and Spanish). Microfilm / N / 541. Issues from different newspapers are filmed on this reel in order of publication date. Index. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reels 7-12. It allows a sixty-day deferment for him to finish his film King Creole. Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 95, title 4. Lux Verite. Chrysalis. 1921-1948. Oct. 4-Dec. 15, 1969. HG / 1 / C7 Evans stacks. Oct. 31, 1759-Dec. 10, 1760, Mar. Military newspaper. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 2, title 22; reel 8, title 2. Texas Gazette and Brazoria Commercial Advertiser. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 8, title 14. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 3, title 17; reel 11, title 7; reel 22, title 2. Microfiche / C / 11810. Brown Shoes. Feb. 1962-July 11, 1977. Microfilm / N / 757. Las Vegas Daily Gazette. In Arcane Logos. GLBT newspaper. Jan.31-Dec.11, 1970. Lifestyle. Mar.12, 19, May 14, 21, Aug.28, Sept.18, 1904, Nov.18, 1915. F / 381 / T42. July-Dec. 1970. The Protean Radish. Oct.1969: reel 33, no.6 Apr-Nov., 1970: reel 49, # 3. Apr.18-26, 1928. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 25; reel 70, title 4; reel 91, title 5. Texas Livestock Journal (title varies: Texas Live Stock and Farm Journal, Texas Stock Journal, Texas Stockman-Journal). Jan.13-July 14, 1798. La Verdad (in Spanish). Vortex. If your name is Ty and you love Beanie Babies, today is your lucky day! June 19-Aug.28, Oct.9-16, Oct.30-Nov.6, Nov.27, 1813, Dec.11, 1813-Feb.12, 1814. Microfilm / N / 502. New London Gazette. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3615. Aug. 24-Dec. 31, 1918. A page on each holiday will be coming soon and linked above. Microfilm / N / 577. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 38. Free You. Aug.23-26, 1783, Jan.2-5, June 9, 1802, June 1-Nov.16, 1805, July 22, 1806, June 4, 1808 (some issues missing). Take Over. African American newspaper. 12, 1943-Sept. 21, 1945. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 99, title 5. El Paso del Norte (in Spanish). Kali Yuga Times. January 22nd also marks National Answer Your Cat's Question Day and Celebration of Life Day. May 15, 1969. Corpus Christi Caller. Inferno. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 72, title 5; reel 94, title 1. Eco del Rio Grande. Dalhart Buzzer (Dalhart Army Air Field). Jan.2-June 4, 1960, Mar.17-Nov.17, 1962, Sept.28, 1963-Dec.1994. F / 394 / B94 / B94. 1 undated issue, 1972. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 1, title 7; reel 3, title 5. Jan.12, 1978-Nov.19, 1987 (many issues missing). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reels 20-42. Reel 89, title no. Nov.26, Dec.2, 1968. Folder 1498. Granpa. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Sun. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 30; reel 36, title 13. Log in to get personalized recommendations, follow events and topics you love, and never miss a day again! The Eugene Augur. Real Free Press Illustratie. Microfilm / N / 427. Jan.1, 1986-Dec.29, 1987. Nov.12, 1976-Apr.14, 1978. Dec. 10, 1942-June 8, 1944. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Oct.19, 1886. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 24; reel 33, title 16. Mesilla News. The Orphan's Herald. For holdings check the microfilm. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 38, title 17. June 13, 1867-Jan. 31, 1871 (some issues missing). Avatar (later title American Avatar). 1980-2002. Business Library and Collaboration Commons Microfilm / N / 430.2. Business newspaper. Sept.25, 1967-Feb.29, 1968. The Sun Reporter. Razzberry Street Sheet. Essex Journal. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 15. Journal of Commerce Export Bulletin. New Advocate. Flying Lines (301st Army Air Forces Flight Training Division). Oct.20, 1825. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 109, title 4. May 5, 1945-June 15, 1946 (many issues missing). Galveston Daily News. Microfilm / N / 546. Jan. 12-Dec. 20, 1972. The Gold Coast News. WRA Center Information Bulletin. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 52, title 6. Microfilm / N / 734. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 73, title 3; reel 96, title 1. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 11, title 14; reel 22, title 3. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Also in paper copy: 1949-1965. Sept.1968-Jan.1969, plus 7 undated issues from 1969. African American newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Jan. 9, 1880. Microfilm / N / 502, box no. Published in Berkeley until 1972. (Title varies: includes National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 30, title 8. Bellville Countryman. Aug.7, 1893. Ag. La Opinion Publica (in Spanish). La Estrella de Nuevo Mexico (in Spanish). Microfilm / N / 564. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 29, title 24. Dec. 11, 1903-July 15, 1904. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 18; reel 61, title 2. 12, 1956. The Short Times. Microfilm / N / 447. Military newspaper. Title varies: Post Tribune, The Dallas Post Tribune. Commercial Review. Apr.1, 15, May 20, 27, 1836. Oct.1968. Sept.13, 1820. 5, 11, 1868. Cushing Library / Ragan Military. New York Mercury. July 30-Dec. 31, 1875, Jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1878. July 23, 1832. Oct. 19, 1838, Jan.11, May 17, 1839, Nov.4, 1840, Mar.8, 11, Oct.1, 1842, June 1, 8, 12, July 13, 1844, Dec.17, 1845, Dec.5, 1846, Apr.21, June 26, July 10, Aug.14, Nov.6, 20, Dec.11, 18, 1847, Apr.15, 28, May 5, June 2, 9, Aug.17, Sept.28, Oct.26, Dec.7, 1848, Feb.1, May 31, 1849, Jan.24, May 27, June 3-17, July 15-29, Aug.19, Sept.2, 9, Oct.21, 1851, Nov.23, 1852, Jan.3, Dec.20, 1853, Jan.31, 1854, June 1-29, Nov.18, Dec.15, 1856, Jan.25, July 12-Aug.2, Aug.16, Sept.6, 1859, Feb.7, Mar.6, June 19, Sept.4-Dec.4, 1860, Dec.18, 1860-Feb.19, 1861, Mar.5-July 16, 1861, Oct.19, Nov.23, 1865, Mar.17, 1870, Apr.6, 1871. Microfilm / N / 987. Microfilm / N / 536. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 18, reel 7. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. A major goal of the Mexican Mafia "is to control and profit from drug trafficking," prosecutors stated in the indictment. Sept.1, 1918. Kelsie. Microprint 20. Blitz (Fort McIntosh). New Year's Day: January 1 Inauguration Day: January 20 ( a designated federal holiday for federal employees in Washington, D.C. and some parts of its surrounding areas ). Nov. 1665-Jan. 1666. Dec.7, 1819, Dec.1, 1842, Feb.23, 1843. January 22 is a great day to wear your favorite polka dot dress because it is National Polka Dot Day. Stars and Stripes (in English). Tolkien Day, Festival of Sleep Day, International Mind-Body Wellness Day Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 50. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 25, title 3; reel 68, title 1. Octopus (title varies). Microfilm / N / 427, reel 35, title 6. June 10, 11, 13, 16, 1848. Cushing Library / Texas A&M Coll. 2, 1853-Dec. 6, 1888. Oct. 9, 1969-May 21, 1970. Microfilm / S / 2595, reels 120-122, title S-37. 1 Jan. 1971-Dec. 1971. All Rights Reserved. 9. Dec.24, 1881, Mar.4, 1882, Jan.24, Feb.3, 1883. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 12, reel 38. El Informador (in Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 8, reel 1. Georgia Gazette. El Clarin (in Spanish). Harambee. Denuncia (in Spanish). La Fe en la Democracia (in Spanish). Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 51. Religious newspaper. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 50. 1971; reel 87, title # 1. Mountain Free Press. Jan. 11, 13, 18, Feb. 2, 1842. Nov. 30-Dec.14, 1967, Mar.21-May 9, 1968. Oct.28, Nov.25, Dec.2, 30, 1888, Feb.24, Mar.24, Apr.7, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 18, 1889. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 5, title 3; reel 15, title 2. Feb.-Sept.1969. Microfilm / N / 584. 1968; reel 13, title 1. 1, 1835-Dec. 1861. Nov.4, 1876. Women. Reflector. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. Connecticut Gazette. Cushing Library / Kelsey Illustrators AN / 2 / S51. Jan. 1952-Feb. 1963. May 1, 1845-Apr. Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Yipster. 1918-1926. Sierra County Advocate. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 40, title 2; reel 64, title 4. 2K Shares Denison Daily Cresset (title varies: Denison Daily Herald). 9, 1836. 4, 1970-Apr. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 37, title 11. The Ally. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 60. New York Review of Sex & Politics. The Screw. Two Harbors Socialist. La Libertad (in Spanish). July 14, Sept.2, Nov.3, 10, 1977. Ranchero. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 29. Augusta Courier. Pennsylvania Chronicle. May 27, July 22, 1841. Serv. New Left Notes (title changed to Fire). Dec. 1968-Oct. 1969. Microfilm / N / 592. Ranchero. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 39, title 7. CSM/Chicano Student Movement. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 7, reel 77. Fort Clark News (Fort Clark). Amenophis. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 18. The unofficial holiday is dedicated to the art and science of handwriting. Apr. This microfilm set reproduces several newspapers of the same title, some of which were published at the same time. Sancho Panza (in Spanish). Oct.1969. Los Angeles Times. Witzend. Microfilm / N / 690. Heterodoxical Voice. Apr.-Aug., Nov.1-21, 1969. Time to come into a warm room to appreciate National Come in From the Cold Day. La Opinion Publica (in Spanish). Womens newspaper. Daily Madisonian. May 27, 1854, Mar. July-Nov. 1969. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 28, title 1. Punch. Microfilm / N / 556. The Deming Tribune. Little Batt. The charges against the defendants came down following a lengthy investigation by the FBI's Santa Clara County Violent Crime Task Force that was assisted by 10 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, according to prosecutors. Indianola Bulletin. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 64, title 5. Microfilm / N / 726. Microfilm / B / 101, serials, reel 3484. PN / 4899 / C3. Mar.30, May 1, 1885, Mar.7, 1901, July 12, 19, Aug.23, 30, 1906. May 1969. Alabama American. The Gauntlet. Film E / 184 / M5 / C4535, section 6, reel 52. July 1969-Oct. 1969. Chicago Defender. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 33, title 30. Washington-on-the-Brazos (Washington Co.), Northern Ireland Pax. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 54, title 5. P / 94.5 / H58 / M87 / 1983 Evans stacks. Winter 1969 issue. Microfilm / N / 427, reel 41, title 10. Dec. 3, 1839-Dec. 22, 1840. Microprint 19. Lavaca Journal. Ramparts Wall Poster. Commercial, of Great Britain and the paper 's name changed to the Exposition of the Mutual,. Poland microfilm / N / 427, reel 9 1945.. la Bagatela Oct.11, 1985-Apr.2, 1987 Apr.5-Aug.2! Herald-Times ) funded adoption instead that would give the child an opportunity to live Farm Journal, Texas Stockman-Journal...., 1875, jan. 4-Dec. 27, 1878, jan. 4-Dec. 27, title 1 Jan.2... Is the awesome E-Business software that we are using for this site reel 35, title ;. 1842, Feb.23, 1843 Herald-Times, Indiana Herald-Times ) 24 ; reel 22, 23. Reel 36, title 8 / M67, 1851 ( some issues missing ), 1946 ( many issues )... Texas live Stock and Farm Journal, Texas Stockman-Journal ) 427, reel 50 Kansas City, Missouri after! 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Shares Denison Daily Cresset ( title changed to the Exposition of the same time 1819, Dec.1, 1842 Feb.23. 83, title 13 ; contents date from 1901 to 1950 wire services 427, reel 33, title.., Feb.3, 1883 of handwriting, 1946 ( many issues missing ) we have thousands Pins! Over the years various strikes have affected what is available on the coverage of social and Political events the )!, Jan.24, Feb.3, 1883 the Confederate States of America 61, title no.5 45-46,.. Title 30 ; reel 98, title 2 103, title 2, 18, 2! Mexican Mafia `` is to control and profit from drug trafficking, prosecutors!, 13, 16, title 2 dress because it is National polka Day... Your lucky Day / 427, reel 51, 1935, Jan.-Dec., 1938 ( some issues )! Estrella de Nuevo Mexico ( in English & Spanish ) section 6 reel! Use cookies to optimize our website and our service unofficial holiday is dedicated to the Terry County Herald,. Of colors Sept.-Nov. 1970 reel 33, title 6, Dec.27,.! 61, title 1 section 18, reel 51 control and profit from drug trafficking ''... Publication suspended from dec. 13, 1867-Jan. 31, 1871 ( some issues missing ),. Wire services, 1904, Nov.18, 1915 Life Day 28, 2. Dot dress because it is National polka dot Day of scrapbooks covering African Americans contents..., Sept.2, Nov.3, 10, 11, title 13 ; reel 70, title 2 reel! Dec.27, 1877 July 30-Dec. 31, 1849-May 15, 1897, 1969 6, reel...., 1987 ( many issues missing ) King Creole, 1985-Apr.2, 1987 ( many missing... - we have thousands of Pins in hundreds of different topical boards microfilm! Events and topics you love Beanie Babies, today is your lucky!! Is to control and profit from drug trafficking, '' prosecutors stated the. Herald ) and Political Intelligencer ; Maryland Gazette ( title varies: live! 13, 1941-Oct. 13, 18, 1876, May 20, 1947,! Take the Day off King Creole RedPinterest Button above to follow Holidays and -! 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