Lu-Tze also appears in Night Watch, Unseen Academicals, and Raising Steam in a smallbut significantrole. His most famous housing project, Empirical Crescent, tends to drive residents insane if they do not move out quickly or simply disappear. Due to his lack of experience with human patients, much of his advice was flawed ("walk him round a bit on loose reinand no oats"). The last mention of Queen Keli comes from Raising Steam, when she is noted to be at the opening of the new Rail Line between Sto Lat and Ankh-Morpork. This is a list of characters from the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien, which include The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Verence had gone through much of the story subtly trying to deal with a major problem, namely that he was not quite sure how to actually consummate the marriage. When Vimes got a copy of Tacticus' autobiography from the Librarian, he formulated a characteristically cynical opinion as to why Tacticus, although respected, was not much liked by history: Tacticus did not get a huge number of his men killed by his own arrogance and incompetence. He is generally referred to just as "Sweeper". A Holy Wood actress in Moving Pictures. [5] The wizards could then use punched cards to control which tubes the ants could crawl through, enabling it to perform simple mathematical functions. Sergeant Jackrum suspects all along that Corporal Strappi is not what he seems, and is right, because at the end of Monstrous Regiment, Corporal Strappi actually turns out to be a political through and through, promoted to the rank of Captain. really liked it 4.00 avg rating 363,846 ratings. It is now believed that they are enjoying a relationship, as she was seen walking with him. The latest Tweets from Lego Ankh-Morpork (@LegoAnkhMorpork). It may also be a reference to the classic fairy tale of the same name written in 1842 by John Ruskin, particularly considering that the Ruskin work is written for Euphemia "Effie" Gray (compare Harry King's wife), and also possibly a play on the mystical "King of the Silver River" character who appears in the Tolkien-derived fantasy Shannara series by American writer Terry Brooks. In Snuff, it is revealed that Harry King has since been given a Knighthood. In The Light Fantastic, he says he is 87 years old, and in later books he estimates that he is between 90 and 95 years of age. At one point, War refers to Death as "Mort" but we later learn that the only people in the room (other than Twoflower), were Death, Famine, Pestilence and War ("mort" is "death" in Quirmian/French). He appears in the books The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic and Interesting Times and in the computer game NetHack as the quest leader for the tourist class. A considerable testament to his skills, considering that the horse had, in fact, died coming up to the starting line. He also has a sort of appearance in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, in the form of a series of memos drawn to appear pinned to some of the pages. (Gollancz, 1989) The sign outside his yard reads "King of the Golden River, Recycling Nature's Bounty." At the end of Thief of Time he shares an unspecified "perfect moment" with Susan Sto Helit (a.k.a. He has a shock of bright red hair, and walks as if he is made entirely of knees. In fact, it outclasses him, and is usually referred to in text as being almost another character entirely, who occasionally arrives ahead of Ron, opts to stick around for a while after his departure, and even goes to upper-class parties without him. When first encountered she is a sixteen-year-old girl with silver hair and silver eyes who, it transpires, has been sixteen for thirty-five Discworld 'years' (no time passes in Death's Domain). Twoflower also has a rich imagination as he is able to summon a dragon through his mind. In Jingo, it's noted that "D'reg" is not actually their name for themselves, but a name given to them by others. Her entire life has been controlled by her fairy godmother, Lady Lilith de Tempscire, to ensure that she marries Lady Lilith's pawn, the Duc (pronounced "Duck") (actually a frog). She wishes to be a hairdresser, but Discworld-style genetics keep getting in the way, causing her to instinctively kill people who threaten her. The Duck Man is regarded as the intellectual of the group, and appears to be relatively sane. Discworld is a point-and-click adventure game, developed by Teeny Weeny Games and Perfect 10 Productions, and based upon Terry Pratchett 's novels of the same name. Bursar is a job position not a name, several characters have had the position of bursar during the Discworld series. In it, Henry goes "Cough, gack, ptui". Son of the Baron of the Chalkland. As a boy, he "messed around in boats". Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his Almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies. He was the finest military mind on the continent of Klatch. He films several movies with Ginger Withel (aka Delores De Syn), and eventually uses the magic of Holy Wood to defeat the Things from the Dungeon Dimensions with Ginger's help. It is possible that Mr Pin and Mr Tulip are taken as analogues of the Marvel Comics characters, the Kingpin and the Rose, organised crime figures. The Colour of Magic. In Raising Steam, swayed by the new steam engine by Dick Simnel (who becomes romantically involved with Harry King's favorite niece, Emily King), Harry provides the capital to build the "Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway", and at the end of the book is given a peerage. There were quite a lot, and rincwind keeps running into them. He became a zombie after having been convicted of a crime and decapitated but, since he defended himself, refuses to pass on until his descendants pay the legal fees. Literally; a cart ran over his legs several years ago and he now gets around on a wheelbarrow, usually pushed by the Duck Man. As Nobby Nobbs put it after being told of the 'Soggy Mountain Dew' claim of '150% proof', "It ain't got no proofjust circumstantial evidence.". Gaspode both resents canine subservience to humanity and yearns for masterly companionship, being able to shout commands at dogs as would a human, much to his disgust. Blouse is promoted to the rank of Major by the end of the book. Rate. When his aunts block up his bedroom door to stop him from leaving, he muses that he has only been left with a false panelled hidden door, a passage behind a tapestry and a trap door in his floor. Brutha was an Ommnian novice in Small Gods. In Interesting Times, it is revealed that he eventually became the commander of the Watch in an unnamed city. A worker at the Unseen University's candle vats, though he seldom does any work, leaving most of it to the affable goblin (actually orc) Mr. Nutt. First appearing in Soul Music, Hex is an elaborate, magic-powered, self-building computer (not unlike the 'shamble', a kind of magical device used by the Witches of the Discworld) featuring ants and cheese as part of its architecture, and is housed in the basement of the High Energy Magic Building at the Unseen University (UU) in the twin city of Ankh-Morpork. Jackrum has, over the years, been the sergeant in command of (or under) a number of young soldiers who then rose up to the Army's high command, and thus wields considerable influence. Using the name Delores De Syn, she starred in several movies with Victor Tugelbend, usually as the maiden to be rescued. Christine's father told her that a "dear little pixie" would help her career, and she thinks that Agnes might be that pixie. Roland personally apologised to Tiffany when his father made out that he had in fact rescued her, as would be expected in such a story. The Discworld Mapp. Whereas Leonard of Quirm makes absent-minded brilliantly inventive doodles in the margins of his notebook, B.S. This list consists of human characters. However, following the events of Going Postal, in which the destruction of his collection coincided with the invention of the postage stamp, he redirected his obsession to stamp collecting and philately. According to rumour, Hobson employs an Igor with a talent for taking body parts of different horses, and stitching them together into a "new" animal (see chop shop). Other characters in this series include Adora Belle Dearheart, Lipwig's acerbic, chain-smoking love interest; Gladys, a golem who develops a strange crush on Lipwig; Stanley Howler, an obsessive young man who was raised by peas and becomes the Discworld's first stamp collector; and the very old Junior Postman Groat, who never got promoted to By this time, however, Victor had left Unseen University to become an actor in Holy Wood, under the stage name Victor Maraschino, and the test paper in question was, instead, received by accident by Ponder Stibbons. An Ankh-Morpork tradesman, owner of Sonky's Rubber Goods, and maker of Sonky's Preventatives. Eric was relatively unsuccessful as a demonologist until, with some unknown assistance, he managed to summon Rincewind from the Dungeon Dimensions, originally intending to summon a demon to grant him wishes, namely mastery of the kingdoms of the world, to meet the most beautiful woman ever to have lived, to live forever, and to have a large chest of gold. His son, Gravid, was an entrepreneur involved in a scheme in which goblins were captured in the Shires (a border region between Ankh-Morpork and Quirm) and enslaved on Howondaland tobacco plantations with the resultant cigars and snuff (as well as assorted troll narcotics) being smuggled into Ankh-Morpork; after this was discovered, Gravid was disinherited and exiled to Fourecks. Harry ends up betraying the Horde (as a villain, it is his job), though when the horde confronts him about his betrayal they praise him for still being a reliable Dark Lord even at the end. He became a Private Investigator. Carcer is captured by Vimes at the end of Night Watch, likely to be sentenced to death. In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Drumknott is portrayed by Steve Pemberton. Plinge is an awkward, nervy figure in a beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera Ghost. She appears in The Colour of Magic. One of his little fingers is missing. Hrun is extremely displeased at the event, having been denied both lordship and intimate contact with Liessa through their actions. Like her half-brother she is keen to get in some decent plumbing. Hrun also has some fame, because Twoflower gets very excited at the prospect of meeting Hrun the Barbarian. It was previously thought they might all be related, but the Discworld Companion explains that this is parallel evolution. More Options 840 results Nijel meets Rincewind in a snake pit and they escape together. Lucky Hank | March 19th, 2023. His debut novel, A Man With One of Those Face s - a comic crime novel - was published in 2016 and spawned The Dublin Trilogy books and the spin-off McGarry Stateside series. He lives in a barrel inside the wall of the palace of the Tyrant in Ephebe, crafting bespoke philosophies, axioms or aphorisms for scraps. It is revealed that he is a father and a widower; his wife died after tax collectors attacked Bes Pelargic, with his recollections of the event being the only times he has displayed anger. During The Truth he was seemingly attacked by the Patricianlater revealed to be a lookalike hired to try to get Vetinari deposedand by the time of Going Postal, was responsible for relaying the orders of the Patrician in assigning tasks to other clerks. How many Dibblers? Both men can become violent, but Mr Pin's violence is more directed and instrumental. He is present briefly in Night Watch. Groat does not trust doctors, which is perfectly understandable since there are very few reliable doctors in Ankh-Morpork. People to whom Lu-Tze was a vaguely glimpsed figure behind a very slow broom would have been surprised at his turn of speed, especially in a man six thousand years old who ate nothing but brown rice and drank only green tea with a knob of rancid butter in it (p.317). His name is most likely a mistranslation by Rincewind; his real name is Billy (Bi-Lily = two flower). He appears in Maskerade, where he makes a great deal of money out of Nanny's book, and is surprised she wants some of it. Meanwhile, Nobby considers letting her down gently because she did not know her way around a kitchen. Guards! He falls in love with Conina (a barbarian heroine who wants to be a hairdresser but cannot due to her genes) at first sight, and she with him. In The Truth, the existence of a talking dog has become as well-known a rumour as the existence of a rightful King of Ankh-Morpork walking the streets of the city (both of which are true). The Dark Side of the Sun. During this time he showed several unique powers, being able to sense the direction of a time disturbance, balancing the "load" of time down to less than a second after a Time Crash (which a man with 50,000 years experience claims he could not even hope to do) and reacting to (and being reacted to by) the Mandala, a visual display of Time on the Disk. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". For the contribution history and old versions of the redirected page, please see its history; for the discussion at that location, see its talk page. Johnson achieves the same effect through unforeseen side effects of devices invented for other purposes, and in the process creates some of the Disc's most impressive, dangerous, and unusual works of architecture, art, and engineering. For biographies of noted members of the Discworld's "ethnic minorities" (dwarfs, trolls, undead, etc. Since his campaigns were as expensive as they were effective, the rulers of Ankh-Morpork tried to get rid of Tacticus in a respectful and appropriate way. Given a barbarian hero's attractiveness to nubile young maidens, Cohen has quite a lot of children; in The Last Hero he mentions casually that he has dozens. After fusing with Jeremy, Lobsang inherited all of Time's powers (though due to his inexperience he needs "time" to recharge them initially) and eventually takes over her role. He sold strange green liquid made by monks living on a mountain according to an ancient recipe (Lance-Constable Carrot disputes this, but it turns out that it is actually true; however, the monks making the liquid for him have no idea what he does with it). In Jingo his name is given as Gen. A. Tacticus. At the last, even their own soldiers were killing farmers, desperate to find any food. Dragon through his mind yard reads `` King of the Discworld series adaptation of Going Postal Drumknott... Beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera Ghost the Duck Man is as. Jingo his name is Billy ( Bi-Lily = two flower ) maiden to be sentenced death! Can become violent, but mr Pin 's violence is more directed and.! ( a.k.a Discworld series and Raising Steam in a snake pit and they escape.... Simply disappear name is Billy ( Bi-Lily = two flower ) in an unnamed city Watch an. Hrun also has a rich imagination as he is made entirely of knees whose alter-ego the. 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