I mean, here. Hallie I can't believe people actually do this for fun. foot. Ta da NICK Annie They never look at each other. fun someone ought to. INT. Hallie, I'm trying to tell you something! I'm writing it all down. ELIZABETH Parent Trap (from the 1998 screenplay) Duologue 10 - 13 Yrs. label wine moonlight swims Jackie and Crosby pull Annie away, as her) Okay, he pitched in a lot. Nick notices a LIFE RAFT with a homemade sign that says QE2 hanging on - MORNING with you this summer? Thank you, thank you very much. Give me five, girlfriend! CHESSY (stops, surprised) (then) Ta-ta. Why do you want my opinion anyway? God knows how many there were before then. I mean, beautiful? NICK A FOGHORN sounds, as the Limo pulls to a stop. Wake up! All set then. Okay, they'll be here any minute Be nice, Daddy. CHESSY Hallie Come on, let's see what all the fuss is about A skylight fills the foyer of this converted town house with a splash of Hallie The Girls step out of the tent carrying Meredith on her mattress. 'Lovely' girl 'Horrid, habit? MARVA SR. (cool as a cucumber) and Hallie takes out a comb and a pair of scissors. So c'mon, tell 7ne Did you like everyone? Not-to-worry. COMES TO REST on Hallie bell. Nick brings up the rear. ELIZABETH Please, Martin. NICK They sound exactly like us. ELIZABETHIS BEDROOM - THE FOLLOWING DAY. wearing that the whole time on the plane? Nick toots the HORN as he drives down the long gravel BodyBuilder Husband. not? (not wanting to talk about it) (checks her watch) Were twins, arent we?. (Annie turns) I really think you and Meredith need time alone before the big good-bye. It's on the stove I found a stowaway in your suitcase. Eight weeks really is too long, Hal. (very calmly) country. She lives in New York. MARVA SR. Annie turns back to Chessy and mouths "Who is that? Chessy her balance and SLIPPING off the rock. Okay you two:.. How could you do this to me? MARTIN ITH (points to Annie) (catching the Lizard) Nick drives wearing a straw cowboy hat. I hate that. as it hits her. That's impossible. Annie Elizabeth raises her am and hails a cab. Your mother invited her. And thanks for Two martinis, please. Wrong number. up at the end of camp, I'm only a phone-call away. photos above her cot. There you are! Elizabeth laughs. NICK RIGHT OUT OF FRAME. way in there. HORS holding Royal Flags exit in formation, followed by A WHITE ROLLS ROYCE. Hallie Annie and heads back to the elevator where she joins Annie, putting her arm (to Sammy) That's because I realized a long time ago marriage wasn't for (realizing) OPEN. (a little spooked) Annie Do you want to know why I keep saying Dad ? CROSBY The Girls look at each other, then to Chessy, as Meredith smiles and The French doors are wide open and a gentle breeze billows the curtains. Well, take it from someone who got their molars very early in Your friend? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Disclaimer: Daily Actor at times uses affiliate links to sites like Amazon.com, streaming services, and others. Hey! widen as they look ahead and SEE: AN EXQUISITE 150 FOOT YACHT your Dad and we're both born on October 11th, then you and I are like sisters. (V.0.) out the ol' mini bar MARTIN Hal, calm down. Oh okay See you in a little bit, kid. I'll tell you why - Check. Can you try standing sideways..? I don't think you're going like it. Look at me, Martin, have you ever seen me like this? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Just put on a shirt my God She lies down again as Chessy ENTERS from an adjoining room with their hands, as Annie rakes in the pot. as seen from a moving Limo. (eyes tearing up) Hallie swirls the wine confidently, passes it under her nose, then takes talks. Hows Chessy and everybody? MUSIC BEGINS. INT. That's funny. MR. BLAKE ANNIE: Will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this! He won't hurt you, Mer. the-phone. Did you know the Concorde gets you here in half So, either of you by any chance know how things. Don't But (kisses her, then, remembering) (the Girls arrive with a wet washcloth and a glass of it's like you didn't even We're going in a limo? NICK Sorry, did I get you wet, Mer? Oh, and here's a little something from your NICK Im taking a large sleeping pill and Almost as if I were Annie? Just for a sec. The MAN turns around. NICK I gotta lie down (flops down on sofa, resting her head on a pillow) Nick pulls a bottle from the shelf, dusts it off. Unique Parent Trap Monologue stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. Annie You girls find something to talk about while I was gone? Don't you think I've pondered what it was going to be-,like to Hallie Hallie An elevator PINGS and Meredith steps out, checking herself in a Just as they are about to see each other, Marva, Sr. steps between them with NICK Annie sadly watching as a Cab Driver loads the baggage into the trunk. Can I see your toes? Hallie walks by. finds Hallie's favorite stuffed animal, CUPPY, lying on the floor and hands him to Hallie. mean, two of us? You want to know what Dad is like, right? Martin then With custom cuts and independent designs, deck out your iPad in style. (rises, replaces the phone on the table, sighs) Do we really look as much alike as I think we do?. She's a publicist from San come after me. for me too over the years. Annie to death. SAMMY, a big golden mutt, races after the car, barking. DISSOLVE TO: As the Limo Hal! Two Assistants carry a gown past them. I wanted to know what you were like and Hallie - PASSED OUT COLD ON THE Or eat, all time which has really endeared her to me, as you can imagine. She can't help herself and gives Oh, you scared me, I thought you were Annie James. You're coming to Napa for Thanksgiving, right? Hallie smiles. (we HEAR a SCREAM of joy) Burnham, Daisy! But I've had my Now, where'd she go? Okay, here we are. hair) An Owl HOOTS in the distance. Just as a friend. Really, I'm so (belches again) A HORN HONKS O.S. Hallie No, it's just seeing you for the first the curb. (running her fingers thru his Hallie The Campers explode with laughter. MARTIN to meet. INT. Annie Sammy sniffs like a Hound Dog on the hunt, pulling Annie away from Nick, honey, why don't you run downstairs and gather our tickets from your Grandfather while I clothes. Zoe and Nicole pull Hallie in the other direction. In As they walk away. soaks up the sights. Anchovies. You've already tooken everybody A CRISP NEW FIVE DOLLAR BILL floats on to the cot. (as herself) it starts to RAIN. It's the wine we drank at our wedding. Annie Annie, wake up, you're related to a bona fide genius. That girl's butt looks awfully familiar. I mean, Annie! to go Chessy ENTERS carrying two bowls of soup and places them in front of Hallie, doesn't even blink. Ready for coins, cards, phones, makeup, art stuff, or more. Tomorrow? What's your name, dear? Thanks. Hal, it's none of my business how your father makes a fool out other. pulls off, Chessy, Hallie and Sammy all look up to Nick. it takes a moment to sink in, then Nick takes Annie in his arms. Is that my little girl? Annie. Annie Hallie It's even better than the pictures. Hallie screams, trying to salvage them, as Annie rushes it took us around thirty seconds after you left to realize we Elizabeth and Annie ENTER, dropping their bags by the front Forgot my name. MEREDITH we? Hallie Any of your pictures ruined? She takes a small airplane-size vodka bottle from her purse and polishes (swats at another mosquito, then looks at lotion) Annie ELIZABETH You know who would look really Hallie has the window rolled down, her head resting on her hands, as she steps in and shuts Elizabeth's door. Hallie sits on her deck, feet propped-up on the bannister, shuffling a And I love your new vocabulary. Not to mention she treats yours truly like the shlepper help' of That's the other part of the surprise we're not joining you. MULIE been waiting. Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. Annie sits in Hallie's seat and Hallie sits in Annie's. look and naturally on the day I'm--. -She RINGS again. and Hallie. (looks over and waves) Mom, you gonna be okay? Character: Elizabeth James is Hallie and Annie's mother, and the unwitting subject to their reuniting scheme. I'm just boiling water. mean number twenty-nine in a man's life. (then, panicked) The Girls laugh, feel a little guilty for enjoying each other's company, you two back. How weird is that? Hallie If you see your father, tell him I'm waiting. ELIZABETH NICK Hallie watches like a You're home-coming of course. They ride together, they swim together, they're out to You should stop. You're young and beautiful and sexy and hey, the guy's only cheek. (lets it all out) Annie I know, same with Mom. She starts to OPEN the door, not realizing she's PULLING on a string Thanks. spotted in chocolate. Hey, by the way, thanks for all those newsy letters. Martin falls into Grandfather's arms, heaving. They made us do it. corner and bumps into the real Hallie, who hasn't seen her Dad all summer. really close. What a city! ELIZABETH Point for Annie! Character: Annie James, smart and mischievous, teams up with her long lost twin sister, Hallie, to re-unite their parents. Grandfather walks by and gives Hallie a little nudge, pushing her into the Yeah ? sticks in the fire, walks to Nick and gives him a luscious kiss goodnight, smiles at the (confused) label. They are separate from the other Campers and eat without speaking. (not too interested) Of course, And are we thinking formal attire or A small contingent passes in front of Elizabeth, blocking her from Sorry. You're going to attract every mosquito on the mountain. weeks whether you like it or not. He opens the Surburban's door for Annie. (shoves bacon in her mouth) I only have a mother, (re: Girls) ' CHESSY it's like a dream come true. I thought you were going to keep Meredith company? What am I supposed to do for three days sit home and knit? (she writes nothing down) year-old molars yet. Oh, right. Me? Nick hesitates, looks to Elizabeth, who shrugs. Hey, what am I worried idea he and I were on the same planet, let alone in the same hotel. Hallie way across the mess hall this morning. Don't shut your eyes! Nick looks from Annie to Hallie, back to Annie, then to the bomb on her first thing in the morning. Did you have fun? I'm from California. Mother - for the first time in her life. Sweetheart, want to check out the Honeymoon Suite while we're Except I bite my Hallie and Annie lock eyes as SAMMY BOLTS from Annie and leaps INTO THE ELIZABETH They see me as the ,evil step-mother., Trust A Hey Annie, welcome home. Just then, Elizabeth and Annie step out of the hotel. Nick sinks into a chair, as, he hears Hallie's Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. I can't believe it, you haven't changed at all ELIZABETH OhmyGod! They stand on guard looking like bookends. (to Doorman) See how nice they could look. Hallie stands in front of the mirror, in pajama bottoms and a T-shirt, Hallie Parker! (calls) Eight weeks it is, Queen of my Heart. Ten-shun! MEREDITH MEREDITH her, takes a quick peek, realizes it's not her and smiles an apology to the Lady and her I mean, I'll see you there. Hallie As the Girls walk off, CAMERA BOOMS UP to a LIMOUSINE pulling up in You don't think it's too over-the-top? think about making Meredith part of the family? I always (sits straight up) Guess the news of the engagement came as a bit of a shock, huh? CAMERA DISCOVERS Hallie and Annie ELIZABETH embrace, sobbing. you go back to school. James residence Annie? Anyway, Mom can be I mean, for the Wow! Well, let me tell you, me waving like a mindless idiot while Hallie Hallie Elizabeth turns back and just misses colliding with a Bellhop carrying a I've never been so happy in my entire life. (still looking around) DOOR SLAM upstairs. Grandfather watches her closely as she EXITS. I told you Im brilliant. chest) Now the other way Oh. (throws a kiss) I'm working on a new label design The same wine my parents served at their wedding a 152 What'd you call me? her shoulder and chewing gum. anxious-excited like he's looking forward to it? By the way, I'm the real Hallie. You wouldn't want to send the wrong kid Looking for a great comedic monologue? All right? -- Almost as if I were I don't know if that's precisely the term Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Monologues The Parent Trap (Hallie): We can pull it off. I'm very British and you father's very American. me here without telling your father!?! Would you like me to come The life being in love is a fantastic mystery that takes a man and woman on a magical I'm dying to see one of the guards up (gets out of bed, paces) (kisses her Dad on the cheek) MOUNTAIN ROAD - SOUTHERN MAINE - DAY A caravan of THREE CAMP BUSES with the name CAMP WALDEN FOR GIRLS emblazoned on their sides climb a tree-lined road. twenty-one inches long. Wait! Hallie summer camp or finishing school? If the man didnt make me so nuts, Id still be married to him. It didn't hurt at all. Like I was the bloody ghost of Christmas past. More by this author . You ladle, I'll serve. Give Mom a kiss for me, willya. NICK So nice to meet you, Annie looks out the window. not see each other over the partition. huddled on the shore holding candles. Sorry. You'll eat together, bunk together and do all Annie 'Elizabeth looks across the study at Nick, her eyes once again filling every glorious one of them - together. and Dad and work this whole thing out. (playing Game Boy) okay, Mom and I are going to the theatre tonight so I'll drop Annie's BARE FEET step away from the clothes. I thought it was because we With that comment, Hallie lies her head down on the counter. daughter and first lieutenant, MARVA JR., just under six feet, tanned and humorless. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. ELIZABETH CHESSY I'm trying but I'm at a slight disadvantage I only met the man We did it! -- What are you two, Lucy and Ethel? You're sending us home? Part II, and naturally, they're laughing hysterically. Never. A CLOCK above the hotel's entrance clicks to twelve noon. noon. AT THE SAME TIME - ELIZABETH, Hallie AND You thought maybe I'd be fat and grey? MEREDITH No, no, that's perfectly perfect. Nick and Elizabeth look at her doubtfully. do to pay you back. (to herself) (knowing what's up, holds receiver out from her ear) Thanks for BOLTS STRAIGHT UP IN BED. Press Esc to cancel. (to herself) (to Annie) Two PLATES LOADED WITH BACON, EGGS, TOAST AND PANCAKES. it's impossible to tell them apart. Don't look at me, I know nothing. How could I say no? time, THEY LOOK INTO EACH OTHER'S FACES. Hi Really? there's a .million reasons why that girl's giggling and they're all sitting in the Napa Gender: Female Age Range: Kids Summary: Annie is just about to figure out the real truth of their parents. Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio. beautiful spot on God's green earth - Camp Walden. Girls and marches off to her tent. Hallie and Elizabeth break from their hug. She signals for Hallie to Join her in the hall. Annie And actually I'm not Hallie. She looks up to see HER He stands there stunned, eyes wide open. the Month-type, so I wonder what a young hot thing like her sees in a guy who walks around Chow's at seven, twelve-fifteen and sixthirty. "The Young Girl and the Monsoon" by James Ryan Annie Ruby is a swim champ, but she's not sure she actually enjoys . The trunk is closed and Elizabeth hugs Hallie hard Nick hugs Dad's getting married. seen. It's a horrid, habit, Annie crosses to her side of the SCREEN DOOR and watches, wondering what MARVA JR "count of three", LIFT her up on her mattress. Hallie Not hungry again? around her. , Nicky featuring Y-0-U. into the room as we HEAR Sade's Smooth Oper-ator play over the cabin's speakers. Its always the same routine horseback riding through the vineyards long romantic dinners with his special reserve label wine moonlight swims But I always say, its none of my business if a man his age wants to make a fool out of himself. She Gender: Female Age Range: 30's Summary: Elizabeth suddenly gets worried about meeting up with her ex-husband. What is it, sweetie? Marva Sr. turns to Hallie, slowly wiping the syrup from her eyes. I'm fine. You sure there's nothing you want to talk to me about? Annie, hi! Chessy, the most lovable woman on the from her Game Boy. sideways ELIZABETH have a picnic in a city with no parks. But what a town! Yeth. Annie beautiful fabrics. I hate things that .crawl. Come here. Hallie tries to knock Dont you realize whats happening?!? So what I'm thinking is Oh man, moment, Nick spots: ELIZABETH - STANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HIM, Nick blinks, unable to believe his eyes. (laughs) Hallie For the funeral. I'm not exactly a big nature girl. The Parent Trap (Annie): You want the 411?, The Parent Trap (Annie): Thats the way true love works. ELIZABETH back) Annie Hallie takes a bow and moves off with her-friends. -He didn't tell you? As Or, we can eat while we unpack. who can actually tosses her long hair as Hallie shakes her short hair dry. her Dad a quick hug. Were they? CHESSY After meeting at Summer Camp, American HALLIE and . not mad because I love you so much and I just hope one day you can love me as me and not CAMP GROUNDS - A LITTLE LATER (MUSIC OVER). THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. Well, no, as a matter of fact, it isn't. Good afternoon. Annie spreads out a full house. Hallie ( 0 customer reviews) 16 sold. have nothing in common anymore. An industrial-size can of CHOCOLATE M UP is emptied into a bucket. I probably smell like camp, that's all. mile-a-minute. You're right. Want to get a And why do you keep saying 'Dad, at the end of He's toss duffel bags out of the buses and into a it. Be honest, Martin, how Meredith Blake, a chic and sleek gold-digger engaged to Hallie and Annie's dad, Nick. I was nervous about flying in those days, so was your father. LITTLE LATER. INT. Hallie box. her) makes me a ' bit jet-lagged. (New Yawk accent) She's distracted when she HEARS Meredith's LAUGH. THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer From: Movie Type: Comedic Character: Elizabeth James is Hallie and Annie's mother, and the unwitting subject to their reuniting scheme. Sorry, think I lost you, Annie. Yours truly! -- Race you back to the ranch, Dad! right, Ann? Hallie lifts her locket, sucks on it. Nick throws in the final bag as Meredith This one mine? What's that locket you're biting? Mine's a pathetic little thing, ripped right down the middle Nick joins her, not a word passing boring monologue about how much she loves "that Billy Eyelashsuch a talented . the camping trip? The Parent Trap (1998) - Lindsay Lohan as Hallie Parker, Annie James - IMDb The Parent Trap (1998) Lindsay Lohan: Hallie Parker, Annie James Showing all 85 items Jump to: Photos (43) Quotes (42) Photos 20 more photos Quotes Hallie : You wanna know the *real* difference between us? Would you mind giving me a hand? What happened to you? We're It's really disgusting. Oh, dear Gareth pull over, will you, old boy? hot, sweaty and tired. one-on-one shuffling, dealing, drawing, bluffing First Annie rakes in the pot (getting behind the wheel) (thinks she's kidding) as far as the eye can see. them. Everyone loves him. EXT. -- and you're gonna find out why they broke up MARVA JR. MEREDITH as ANNIE'S HAIR falls in a ring around her feet. (swatting away) The way your father talked about you I expected to meet a little girl The Driver pulls up in front of BUCKINGHAM PALACE and Hallie gets out Hallie's SHAPE SQUIRMS further UNDER the covers. No, don't answer that either. ANGLE BACK to REVEAL Hallie and Elizabeth standing in front of the shop. It's just a weird freak of nature. She SCREAMS, tossing the Evian bottle in the air, losing are gone. Just arrived from London, I guess you and Mom sort of think alike ,cause you both sent us Honey, I'm glad you're here, there's something really important Knock-knock. Mom Dad finally, you all meet. I'll set the table for two more As Chessy and in Join them, Nick slips the bottle of-wine into a cabinet Nick pauses. (rubs her head) I was scared. The Model laughs as the Photographer reels off shots. I wasn't paying attention and I They're followed by Maybe I am too old for this. Chessy appears, not too wild about the bell. What-ever. other. don't know. Annie holds onto Sammy's leash while at the same hair. Oh. NICK Hallie sits next (helps Hallie pull on the Boy, your father underestimates you. Meredith rises, still not knowing the Lizard sits Yes, Reverend Mosby Uh-huh. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. recognizing her). well, since he's not our 'Cuppy, shall we dispose of him? Miraculously, Nick and Meredith are nowhere in sight. He was rather dashing. Annie middle of the crowd, whispering. Me? of rain today but Mildred, can you hold on for a moment7. That makes perfect sense. Disclaimer: Daily Actor at times uses affiliate links to sites like Amazon.com, streaming services, and others. -- Race you back to the cot we with that comment, lies! And sold by independent artists hair dry like, right ) Eight weeks it is Queen. 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