Particular attention is paid to Head On (Kokkinos, 1998) and Strictly Ballroom (Lurhmann, 1992), as examples of different approaches to this issue. I think different groups would have different senses of national identity and I think it means different things to different people, so its a very slippery topic to try and pin down.. 0000009964 00000 n "The audition process was eight months so we worked really hard on these characters," says Shari Sebbens, who plays the role of Sapphire Kay in the film. Made on a budget of approximately USD$1million, the film garnered approximately AUD$6,080,571 in the Australian box office after its release on November 3, 2005. The representation of Australian Indigenous people in media is one that is often composed of a biased and incomplete image of what it means to be Aboriginal. %PDF-1.3 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Gosford Park (Universal(SE) (2001)(DVD)*DISC ONLY at the best online prices at eBay! 't#DJNI.MYW\&;*";NVLPjBOoz@fjte8C_"A)d%_>X FHd>c j Ph+:x5#N"ru 01WB7j>KZsRCOU7boPTEj \O_%>-!, !l 5_TWc. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: /doi/epdf/10.1386/sac.1.1.61_1?needAccess=true. Indigenous self-representation and self-empowerment in the arts began with Bruce McGuiness - a forerunner in Indigenous filmmaking - who made two films: Blackfire (1972) and A Time to Dream (1974). A good example of this is the attempt Tick/Mitzi made to be masculine for his son with the iconic bush hat and outback clothes which actually disguises his real identity., The male characters shown in XXXX Golds advertisement, demonstrate their masculinity through their apparent lazy lifestyle and a demonstrated lack of formality, which can be harmful to the youth who may perceive this as a representation of a regular lifestyle and male character. These films provide an alternate perspective on Indigenous cultures, stories and histories. essay and paper samples. A strong voice of pride and determination is portrayed in the movie The Sapphires as the characters battle racial prejudice as well as family conflict. Out of the four in the group, Cynthia is clearly the diva and party animal of the Sapphires, who is always getting with guys, drinking, and living her life to the fullest, as an idealistic Australian would. This article originally appeared on australianscreen online in 2011 and was last updated in 2019. "When we got off the plane in Saigon, moments later there was some bombing at the airport.". "It's not just the capital cities that are seeing this film, it's the rest of Australia. I think national identity, like so many ways that we like to think about ourselves, is very much a generalisation of a particular moment, says Ruth Morgan, a senior research fellow from Monash Universitys School of Philosophical Historical and International Studies. It discusses the issues that are currently facing Australia and how as a nation these problems are still left unaddressed. Stuart Cunningham is Professor and Director of the Creative Industries Research & Applications Centre at the Queensland University of Technology. But the film is without doubt a box-office hit in Australia, with screenings Down Under generating takings of 14 million Australian dollars (9m) in nine weeks. In this paper, exclusionary practices in Australian narratives are analysed through examples of films representing Aboriginal identity. Most importantly the WhitlamGovernment domestically implemented human rights legislation in the form of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. Call us: +18883996271 It is also, he says, a deeply personal concept, and so if we do try to be prescriptive and define it, we run the risk of excluding people. My intention is to review exactly how women are represented and investigate whether fictional characters play a part in perpetuating harmful stereotypes. What do you think they say about being Australian? But the typical Australian family with the pool room, patio & trading post on the kitchen table evoke something deeper in us than a quaint fondness. Comedy is utilised to make gloomy, dull situations light hearted and easier to cope with. 0000001133 00000 n essay writers. You may not edit or shorten the text, you must attribute the article to Monash Lens, and you must include the authors name in your republication. In response, the federal government introduced the Broadcasting for Remote Aboriginal Communities Scheme to deliver radio and television to rural and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Before it made it to the big screen, though, Tony Briggs' story inspired a successful stage musical in Melbourne and Sydney. In the 1970s, a young and fiery generation of Aboriginal activists renewed the protest for Aboriginal land rights in Australia; they conveyed their political message through direct action and by utilising film and television. The Story of the Kelly Gangs premise, about a grass-roots hero revolting against the establishment, was one that cinema storytellers have returned to in countless iterations in the many years since. 0000007146 00000 n Lousy Little Sixpence, 1983. Russell Ward's examination of a typical Australian 'The Australian Legend' identifies the stereotypical male as having characteristics of masculinity, doubted authority highly as well as being: restless, heavy alcohol drinker, foul mouthed and an uncontrollable gambler. Once seen as shapers of national identity, these days they're thought of as little more than disadvantaged. We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditionals Owners of the land on which our Australian campuses stand. In particular, the festival will explore the diverse representations of homosexuals in Australian film and how this has influenced society's perception and acceptance. Home / Essay Samples / Entertainment / The Sapphires / Representation Of Australian Identity In The Sapphires. 0000002699 00000 n French, US and UK audiences were spooked and awed by Kents film, which in its opening weekend in the UK made 347,512 more than double its entire theatrical run at home. Thousands of Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from their families and sent to live at state institutions or with white families. Representations of things like gender roles, ethnicity, ideals and landscape within the film all clearly reflect the idea of the ocker. The United Nations challenged all countries to recognise the human rights of their citizens. 0000011059 00000 n From the Kelly Gang to Crocodile Dundee, Australian cinema has defined cultural identity down under for more than a century. The two films being examined, 'Red dog' (2011) and the 'Sapphires' (2012), are an example of the Australian identity but from different points of view. and figure out a title and outline for your paper. This model includes the dominant representations of mates, bush, and beer thus silencing the indigenous roots of Australia, women and the different ethnicities from the national identity. From the early days of radio in the 1930s through to the 1950s and the advent of television and beyond, concerns have been raised about what people listen to on radio and watch on television. Q*~d g]PGw/.*a9ZMNW76z[0Lh@9#G7aT*Yo?zWoKV?,vy/>= LqpoQ~n\3nWH:toa.k4[WH^wA/vb(=2h`nm`Fml{I bKdE}Y4cGo/Cf]vr8R[W Our identity lingers around the representations of the bush and bushmen, this was one of the first powerful shaper of our identity and how paintings and portraits show images of these masculine, rough, and tough bushmen who worked hard to tame the bush or were struggling with the drought. They joined Aboriginal activists in calling on the federal government to legislate Aboriginal land rights. Turn to our writers and order a Mauboy, a chart-topping singer Down Under and a former Australian Idol contestant, says she felt a lot of pressure to represent the actual Sapphires properly. Registered in England & Wales No. plagiarism-free paper. Unfortunately, this outdoor, alcoholic Australian male stereotype can be found in numerous advertisements and throughout the media. Definition. Australian Cinema: Representation and Identity COURSE DESCRIPTION This course examines contemporary Australian cinema and its attempt to describe a uniquely Australian identity. Laura Mulvey will be intermittently mentioned as a pioneering figure of feminist film theory, her discourse will be applied and challenged within the following pages., The nature of Australians national identity has been an ongoing debate for many years. They became legendary trailblazers in the Indigenous arts world. We are too diverse.. Media codes and conventions, together with such factors as the degree of realism intended in the text, the cultural contexts of the time and place of production and legal restraints, help shape a products structure and meaning. An understanding voice is highlighted in the film through a character named Dave Lovelace, who was the piano player and manager of the girl group. Do you think they work as well as Australian ones. In August 2004 Qantas launched a new version of their long-running cinema and television campaign to coincide with the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens. 0000007820 00000 n 0000004273 00000 n With a background in commercial television, Ralph Rigby, AIAS Video Fellow in the 1980s, facilitated rural and remote Aboriginal community access to video technology. From leather-clad road warriors to singing drag queens, here are 10 such examples of Australias impact on the cinematic world stage. Unfortunately, this misinterpretation of Indigenous peoples and their cultures in turn influenced and perpetuated the broader populations perceptions. stream Both films are geared towards a male audience, and their success lies in their representation of maleness, even though both films do it in a starkly different way." Sample of Sources Used: Elliott, S., (dir) (1994), The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, motion picture, Australian Film Finance Corporation, Australia. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous) at Monash University describes Australias national identity as complex and fractured. 4 0 obj Films express and implicitly shape national images and symbolic representations of cultural fictions in which ideas about Indigenous identity have been embedded. In fact, there is a way to get an original essay! send you account related emails. startxref As we are poised to enter the third decade of the 21st century, Australian Aboriginal filmmakers stand on solid ground within the Australian film and television industry, as they continue to write, direct and produce television series, shorts, documentaries and feature films. Samson and Delilah screened in the Un Certain Regard section at Cannes (where it won the Camra d'Or) and received an emphatic response from critics and audiences. All through the 20th century the image of a typical Australian as a tall, rugged man made it hard for other people to perceive about them in a different way. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. It's about empowerment. When Indigenous people did get to play a major role in feature films, it was as the subordinate sidekick or a primitive savage. Yet actress Miranda Tipsell, who plays Sapphire Cynthia in the film, says many people affected had already passed away. Aboriginal activists then spearheaded a new movement and initiated a revolution in Indigenous policy in Australia. You would find fair-minded and tolerant and yet exclusive and xenophobic. This media exposure rallied activists from the anti-war, civil rights and feminist movements, and enlisted new supporters from more conservative quarters. Today one in every five Australians were born overseas and immigrated to Australia creating the cultural representation of an accepting, tolerant country where all people have an opportunity to get along and to achieve., In the perception of many Americans, Australia was regarded as a very different, distant place, with different, sometimes bizarre way of life. This traditional conception of Australian identity is often negatively bias, to create the image that all Australians are beer drinking, foul mouthed bogans. 0000011112 00000 n With mounting domestic pressure to divert international exposure, the Australian Government removed numerous discriminatory references from its laws and, through a referendum, from the Australian constitution. Hugh Mackay believes that addressing these issues will improve our Australian identity and bring us closer together as a nation. If you have any questions, please email [email protected],, Chief Marketing Officer, Strategic Marketing and Communications, We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditionals Owners of the land on which our, Celebrating and saving Indigenous Australian stories through film, Reimagining Australia Day (Episode 10: A Different Lens). This proves the positive values of an Australian by showing acceptance of race which displays the values that the voice holds. During the late 1950s, television spread throughout Australia as many improvements and adjustments were made to the reception and price, therefore, many people began to purchase it mainly for entertainment purposes. The same year the Australian Film Commission commissioned a report by Shirley McPherson and Michael Pope, Promoting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Involvement in the Film and Television Industry (1992). Do you see this as a problem? A panning shot is used to show her dancing and strutting throug the crowd of men, having the time of her life. Creating An Australian ImageIn August 2004 Qantas launched a new version of their long-running cinema and television campaign to coincide with the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens. How do I view content? It symbolises the relentless heat in the outback. 0000009761 00000 n You can view his full biography at From Wireless to Web. These representations involve the selection of images, words or sounds and the ways in which they are presented, related and ordered. Despite their to some extent typical Australian foolishness we see that they are a family that is, Part of our culture there has been many ideas to what the Australian narrative has become. This was not always the case, as prior to World War II there was a degree of cultural uniformity in Australia due to its predominantly British heritage. These predominant stereotypes can have consequential detrimental effects on the youth, such as encouraging such a lifestyle that is seemingly relaxed but unviable socially and financially; which is very harmful as a representation of masculinity in the media, corroborating with Giglis point regarding the presence of unrealistic and harmful stereotypes in the. The scene depicting the latter proved enormously controversial. Over time the concepts of identity are continually being challenged within Australian society as individuals question and struggle to fit into social groups and communities as they deal with how they see others, and how others see them. During this time, Greg Mclean's low-budget horror film Wolf Creek (2005) was released. <<48F1EF95EBC25F4C9C2FD9C20D52914B>]>> Speaking to Woman's Hour on Radio 4, Peeler says the experience was "quite frightening". "It's the first time that Indigenous Australians [like us] - or one of the few times - have really been able to define our identity by ourselves," says Sebbens. 0000009690 00000 n "You can learn through joyousness and I think it just about manages to skate that line.". In the mid-1970s a small group of Indigenous people attended a workshop at the Black Theatre in Redfern, to gain access to training in the arts. WARNING: this article may contain names, images or voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 0000006481 00000 n The on-screen quartet believed it was important that the film involved an Aboriginal cast and crew. But after studying a range of Australian poems, I broadened my knowledge of how Australia is viewed by different types of people, by decoding their thoughts and opinions through their works of poetry., Some feel it is a strongly Australian story with Kelly as the archetypal Australian challenging authority., The opinions views and beliefs of our Australian population combined with influence from other countries and major voices are the main contributors towards our constantly changing and diverse Australian identity. (Credit: World History Archive/Alamy), In 1984, actor and comedian Paul Hogan starred in an Australian tourism campaign, which coined the now-famous shrimp on the barbie expression. This interview with Stuart Cunningham was recorded for the website From Wireless to Web, produced in 2005. Symbolic Codes 2. In addition to preserving Australias filmmaking past and present, the NFSA also recognises the importance of learning from filmmakers themselves. Surprisingly, the film was even more financially successful in the US market, making . He attempts to communicate with as many Australians as he can with these various issues such as asylum seekers, different school funding, global warming and tries to target those that may have a vested interest. The documentary Ningla A-Na (1972), produced and directed by Alessandro Cavadini, documents this historic event. More than 30 years later, he penned the script on which The Sapphires is based. The course thus has two interrelated points of inquiry. CAAMA aimed to utilise audiovisual technology for cultural maintenance, self-expression and empowerment. In this report we will examine a couple of Australian movies which offer representations of Australian masculinities and discuss how men are represented and the relationship between this and questions of Australian identity. In particular, the colour of the dust (rustic red or orange) is an iconic and distinctly Australian outback colour. Throughout the countrys history, the national identity has not remained constant, and currently it is a debate to what Australians true national identity is., They were a weird mob, the Australians of 2013 is written by Hugh Mackay and is an opinion piece that appeared in The Saturday Age on the 26th of January, 2013. Gallipoli showcased the worst of times, though, it is definitely is the absolute best Australian film to highlight our country, our challenges and our authentic identity. The degree of intensity is the strong blocks of red that is established in this scene. "It's all about soul music. For more information, please visit our Permissions help page. In trying to articulate Australias identity, words and phrases and values like mateship, a fair go, the Aussie battler, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, larrikinism, and the lucky country are often cited, but do they all really apply today? If we observe Australians in everyday life, they are people with fierce determination and never stoop down without giving a fight. Read about our approach to external linking. She says it is possible to repair these things but that it will take good will and political willpower and bravery on the parts of politicians. Another prominent voice throughout the movie is Gails, who is the oldest. And this movie related to Australians in many ways, grossing $10 million Australian (a considerable haul, given it was produce for around $19,000 Australian). The commission recommended that media bodies develop codes and policies for the presentation of Indigenous issues and establish training for Indigenous people. The Australian film industry has always battled for eyeballs in a market saturated with foreign content but to say it has pulled off some coups along the way is something of an understatement. The first full-length narrative feature film ever made was not produced in the US, where the Hollywood studio system emerged in the second decade of the 20th Century or even in France, where inventors such as the Lumire brothers screened some of the first moving pictures. "I didn't think it was something that was going to try and take on the world.". On-Screen quartet believed it was important that the voice holds in 2019 more than 30 years later he...: this article may contain names, images or voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait people... And Director of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 enlisted new supporters from more conservative quarters established in this paper exclusionary. Rights of their citizens was recorded for the presentation of Indigenous issues and establish for. Time, Greg Mclean & # x27 ; s low-budget horror film Wolf Creek 2005. 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