Students will be graded on the quality of your entries, staying within the prescribed timeline, consistency of your entries, quality of the interaction with me, and quality of interaction with other students. My father had the Science Series, which I absolutely adored, and my grandparents thought that I would fall similarly in love with the Civil War series. Ewell let opportunities slip and was not a very good leader, and Longstreet was slow as unhelpful as well. the subject by reading Bruce Catton's beautiful and evocative . The Souths navy received help from the British, but it did not result well from in the end. I heard about it in reviews for other books and that piqued my interest. The Union soldiers needed shoes and other clothes. Wherever your sympathies lie with respect to the war, you will get real enjoyment from Catton's brilliant writing. What impact did European demand for agricultural products from the North have on the war effort when compared with the production of cotton in the South? He uses so many words to get his point across the point gets lost in the word. In The Jewish Confederates, Robert N. Rosen introduces readers to the community of Southern Jews of the 1860s, revealing the remarkable breadth of Southern Jewry's participation in the war and their commitment to the Confederacy. However, the Federals were sending two armies at two different times so Johnstons figured his only hope was to attack Grants army before Buells arrived. This allowed Sherman the chance to take Atlanta. Union soldiers were not backwoods and were not tough lie the COnfederate soldiers. 1. First, Stonewall Jackson was now gone, and the Confederates were now led by Longstreet, Ewell, and Hill. The chapter titled "A Dark Indefinite Shore" at the end of the book recounts Abraham Lincoln's recurring -- and last -- dream. Were their other issues besides slavery that led to conflict between the North and South? 6 vividly traces one of the most moving chapters in American history, from the early division between the North and the South to the final surrender of Confederate troops. In the summer of 1863, Rosecrans and Bragg engaged in battle near Chattanooga. Ch. What would have been the results had this been proposed in 1863? This eventually turned out to be a bad thing for them and the Union Army as they got in the way of the Union Armys retreat to Washington. 2. Once it was released it obliterated Union ships and was unmatched untill it faced the Monitor, where they tied. Bruce Catton is telling an epic story, a great event, requiring the most extreme effort and sacrifice, much like the story of the 300 Spartans and the Alamo. What strategic mistakes did Halleck make in the West which cost the Union armies the momentum? On the outset of the war the American army had 500,000 small guns. It existed from 1861, when the first states began seceding and joining together, until the end of the American Civil War in 1865, . Bruce Catton's Reflections on the Civil War is the magisterial summary of a great historian who thought deeply on the Civil War and its meaning over the course of a lifetime. And the book ends with General Ulysses Grant riding off to meet General Robert E. Lee for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. The Battle of Fort Sumter showed the South was serious, and it forced Lincoln to decide if he would fight to sustain the Union or let it take its course. Catton covers all of the major battles, personalities, and factors that led to this horrible conflict. This led to poorly fought battles and many deaths that could have been averted. The middle chapters have a tad too much economic determinism in this for my tastes. The new corn planter, improved plow, cultivator, and steam driven threashing machine made farming easier. They did not have a substantial number of steam boats yet. Now for those of you too young to remember, Time-Life used to publish these monthly book series on various topics. Your Online Bookstore Company 99.2%Positive Feedback 3.0M Items sold Visit store Contact When he was defeated by Lee at the battle of Fredericksburg, he was removed from his position. They wanted to keep the sense of nostalgia for the good old days before the Civil War when the South was a somewhat picturesque representation of a simpler time. Lee was later stopped at the Battle of Antietam from taking PA, when some of his orders were lost and taken byt the Union. According to Catton, what role did slavery play as a cause of the Civil War? The Union Navy was not suited for blockading the Confederates at the beginning of the war. The demands of the Union army contributed to growth in many specific industries. The third Union victory was Phil Sheridan and his army taking the Confederates out of the Shenandoah Valley. Newly introduced by the critically acclaimed Civil War historian James M. McPherson, The Civil War vividly traces one of the most moving chapters in American history, from the early division between the North and the South to . The North, not making as much money as the South, still did not fully agree with slavery. They had begun truly beleiving cotton was king and countries, such as England and France, desperately needed the cotton from the South, and not having it would pressure them to aid the Confederate army with weapons. 144 (C.C.D. Something that covers the larger conflicts, movementsboth political and militarily, yet more well-written than your standard U.S. History textbook. This navy yard was in a pro-Confederate community and was quickly seized by the Confederates. There was increased immigration from Europe that would have helped farming even without the new innovations. I agree that Stephen Douglas was an exceptional politician. Catton was known as a narrative historian who specialized in popular histories that emphasized the colorful characters and vignettes of history, in addition to the simple dates, facts, and analysis. ch6 Sku. Sherman had agreed and tried to follow Grants objective following the breakout from Chattanooga in his effort to destroy the Confederate Army of Tennessee under Johnston and then Hood. 4. The main reason for this was the background of a Confederate soldier. yeah This book is very informative on the Army of the Pottomic and how the Lincoln administration nearly destroyed it by manhandling it. At the Battle of Shiloh, Beauregard and Johnston engaged Grant. Tension was all over continental united states. This chapter explains what happened after the war. Lincoln obliged and stuck to a one-war-at-a-time policy. 1. The movements had to become second nature. Never was a great army so poorly served by its officers. One example was appointing Sherman as Commander of all armies in the West. McDowell planned on attacking a much inferior army numerically. 9 But when he arrived in Kentucky the recruits that he planned on arriving were very few in number so his drive slowed down significantly and Buell caught up to him and they met at Perryville, Kentucky and after basically a standoff battle Bragg had concluded that he had been a failure and retreated to eastern Tennessee. Hooker decided not fight at Fredericksburg, but he still left a third of his men their to keep Lees attention. The terms of surrender made by Lee and Grant were quite different from a lot of surrenders at that time. Chapter 7 was all about alliance and foreign aid. While this volume cannot be considered a complete history of the war, though, it does provide an interesting, informative, and very detailed look at North's Army of the Potomac. But I guess everyone just assumed that these threats were only politically motivated and posed no real problem. Also, how did the all but guarantee that the British would not enter the war on the side of the Confederacy? Ch. The Northerners set fire to the Merrimac before they were driven away, but the South was able to salvage the ship because it was only partly destroyed by the fire. The flow of this book, truly captured what occurred during this tough time of our country's history. In the cases of both these men, Lincoln showed that he was very good at making an enemy into a loyal supporter and valuable help. The Confederate army also used a lot of backwoods guerrilla tactics that European armies did not use. Your entry may follow one of my questions oryou may provide yourown unique insight into each chapter. They tried to pressure other countries such as England and France into sending them supplies but it did not work out for them. Chapter 18 discusses John Wilkes Booth and his assassination of President Lincoln, and the negotiations between Generals Sherman and Johnston. Chapter 7 discusses foreign affairs during the Civl War, as well as the potential for intervention by England, France, and Russia. The Northerners were from rural areas and not use to the backwoods ways of a Southern soldier, such as handling horses; therefore, allowing the Southerners an advantage on that part of the war. In the North, Lincoln was also surrounded by impressive men like Seward and Stanton. Why was this controversial? Neither of the Cabinets were very capable, but if one had to be picked, Lincolns cabinet would be the better one. The author correctly noted the material, economic, and manpower advantages the North had, but any objective analysis of the war will also identify the moral superiority the Union held over the Confederacy. Ch. I especially enjoyed the latter chapters on the Army of the Tennessee and the War in the West, an area that I have largely overlooked til now. The reaction of the United States government was the immediately repeal the treaty and write another one. What allowed the production of wheat and other foodstuffs to increase in the face of a reduction in manpower created by the war? What had to be the objective Union army in fighting an unlimited war? With that being said, the South took the initiative to build iron clad steam boats. Catton does a fantastic job giving the reader an overall picture of the political, social, military aspects of the war in a non biased, concise and easy-to-read work of nonfiction. I found it interesting that the first fighting in the Civil War, after that of Fort Sumter, was that of men in uniform against civilians. Yes, the North didnt own slaves, but they did take profits from the injustice. If you like the smell of old books and history of the Civil War, this is one to look for in your local book shop. The north did not get any direct reward that was really worth what they had fought for, in my opinion. The south, before surrendering, tried to make an offer with european countries over freeing slaves, but was refused. 12 Rosecrans did what he was suppose to do. The writing is superb making the book a pleasure to read. 13 summary of the required practical work examined in the A-level specifications. How could the south have taken advantage of the first year of the paper blockade to prepare for war? Also, no significant land was gained through this victory. Chapter 10 provided an interesting look at the armies and types of people in the armies in the Civil War. Buy The Civil War By Bruce Catton. The North did not make as much money because short-staple cotton grew in the South and the Northern states were mainly used for manufacturing. 3. His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes. This was a good strategy by Johnston as it caught Grant off-guard and forced him and his troops into retreat. Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Mariner Books; Reprint edition (December 14, 2004). How was Braggs army reenforced at LaFayette? Because we were a weak nation during this period, napoleon easily took control of the mexico area. Even after this battle, neither side was really prepared, and it took both sides a while to get war ready. Lee lost about 1/3 of his army and was forced to retreat. His education at Oberlin College, Ohio, was interrupted by two years of naval service in World War I and was subsequently abandoned for a career in journalism. Bull Run was the first example that a defensive battle is easier to win, but it would not have been possible at all without Johnstons escape to Manassas. Format: Hardcover. But Lincolns cabinet was very loyal to him, helped him a lot in spite of several of them having run against him for the Republican nomination, and was the more capable cabinet. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Most importantly, the ship was covered in four inches of iron. On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered the Army of Northern VA. Chapter 12 was is my favorite period of the Civil War, partly due to our proximity with the Battle of Chattanooga and Chickamauga, but also because of the role that geography played in the battle. The Union retreated, having lost 17,000 men. Chap8 Slavery played a very big part in events leading up to the civil war. Great narratives explaining the mindset of the Union generals. Lee flanked Pope and the Union Army was soundly defeated just as McClellan was arriving. Through trick maneuvers and flanking Pope, Lee won the battle . Chapter Three: What two groups combined to nominate Lincoln and Johnson in 1864? Chapter 5 discusses how weak that the US navy was at the time. Since these two generals handled this surrender very peacefully, it helped form the new union peacefully as well. Because the south was on the verge of losing the war, Britain and France refused. The Northern Attack on Slavery VII. # 2. There were either going to be extremely good consequences coming out of it or extremely bad. The ship was deemed unseaworthy and therefore scuttled. With 45,000 men, they looked to defeat Braggs 37,000 troops as Murfreesboro. 3. Who was in command of the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River? Union strategy had been to focus on destroying the armies of the Confederacy, not to destroy or take certain cities. Hooker sp;it his army into three armies. What were the military consequences? So the South did not get any assistance from the French that were in Mexico. Rosecrans wanted more, but Bragg forced him backed to Chattanooga. It's a well written book and if your a Civil War nut like myself it should be in your library. The coming Pres. To win the Civil war, leaders needed broad powers. America is said to be a nation of poker players understood all about the business of calling bluffs. Because the South had been threatening seceding for years, the North did not take it very seriously. Catton believed that Booth was pretty much insane, as did most people at the time. Major Robert Anderson and General Beauregard were the commanders in the Battle of Fort Sumter. Political Revolt XI. Discounts, promotions, and special offers on best-selling magazines. Ch. Chapter Nineteen: In the long line of Civil War historians, Catton is arguably the most prolific and popular of all, with Shelby Foote his only conceivable rival. 6 Halleck split his huge force. Unless the citizens were forced to suffer, the war would continue indefinitely. Grant noticed that theUnion Army of the Potomac and the Confederate Army of Tennessee had the same excellent record but both did not have adequate leadership so he put Phil Sheridan in charge of the Army of the Potomacs cavalry corps and he moved with it. Do you know why Lincoln waited until after the Battle at Antietam to deliver the Emancipation Proclamation? McClellans reinstatement was against many Union leaders views. Wanting to get a nice, easy, and quick summary of The Civil War without getting bogged down in the minutiae details, I chose to read Catton's book. Anyone interested in the Civil War who hasn't read Catton's trilogy should do so and see what great story telling is like. Sherman wanted to show that the Confederacy couldnt protect its own citizens and their property. Also, many people in the Confederacy had their own horses they could provide for the war while the North had to buy horses to supply the cavalry. # 4. There were bloody fights on the streets in both of these cities between the Union army and citizens. ch7 If in your opinion, someone has already effectively discussed a major point accurately and in detail, move on to another topic within the chapter so that all are discussed. He left part of his men in Fredericksburg, while taking 45,000 of his men to Chancellorsville to Hooker. The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. As Grant was attacking Jackson, Mississippi in order to position his army on the eastern side of Vicksburg, the Confederate General Pemberton received conflicting orders from General Joe Johnston and President Jefferson Davis. The Breakup of the Union Chapter Fifteen: The South could have built up a navy to compete with the navy that the North was building, but they did not have to raw materials or factories to do so. What was the reaction of the United States government? If you have any questions regarding this activity, please feel free to e-mail me at your convenience. Lee was forced to fight before he was prepared, and he was not free to maneuver because, without Stuart, Lee couldnt tell were the Northern troops were. In addition, you will need to make additional entries in response to direct questions I ask pertaining to your initial entry for each chapter. I just didn't prefer the style he told it in. Although they had the will to fight, they did not have the supplies to fight. The Union lost about 13,000 men while the Confederates lost only about 10,000. As a result, you will need to read a minimum of three chapters in a seven day week and make at least three entries on the blog. John Wilkes, aboard the U.S.S San Jacinto, heard about their journey, and he took them from the Trent. Though, their backing was dependent on the Confederates success. What was the impact of the Wilmot Proviso, the Fugitive Slave Act, and Uncle Toms Cabin on hostility between the North and South? Neither of the armies were prepared enough for battle. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 14, 2015, An excellent account of the American Civil War, An excellent account of the American Civil War, the waste the lack of trained soldiers and leaders. I was surprised that both North and South didnt take threats of war seriously. Pope returning the fight was confused when Lee and his army followed Jacksons path and ended up there too. Details; Description; Reviews; I think things looked pretty good for the Union in late 1862 to 63. The Unions back was at the TN River, leaving them nowhere to go. Whose army was he attempting to first engage at Nashville? 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