5G is key to their plan and must be stopped. These are certainly time-honored and effective strategies for the political elites. Belligerents like America and Israel put their own priorities above international laws. There have been several Youtubers who've taken it upon themselves to debunk the original fall of the cabal series. Bernanke’s Fed has meticulously sabotaged the economy in order to create a crisis in classic Hegelian fashion. The United States is no more a monolithic union than the nations of the world are a global brotherhood. Read article here, Nazis, Eugenics, Floride and The Rockefeller Foundation. We have also been hearing a lot of other stories about our food – antibiotics and growth hormones in meat or radiation and chemicals in fish from the sea. Truth is an unwelcome entity. All commercial transactions / contracts have been designed to remove the men and women from the equation and replace with a legal fictional entity in the matrix system. The wall street bailout con jobs, outlined in detail in this Rolling Stone article. This is book number 3 in the Johannes Cabal Novels series. We’ve reached the point that any person with critical thinking skills can no longer deny that we are being deliberately poisoned. Opt in for free daily update from this free blog. DisclosureLibrary Permalink. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Will you be subject to detention when martial law is imposed during a major national emergency? Possibly the biggest and most public 9/11 story to date. It destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and causes organ and metabolic toxicities. He recently finished his my second action book about a Vampire. Globalist influences have broken down national borders. That's rather obscure, and I'm surprised you picked upon that. In this book, Cabal initially makes a deal with Satan in exchange for his soul. Access below. Conversely, the disruption of rice cultivation would threaten to mire hundreds of millions in deeper debt, inescapable destitution, and all of the negative socioeconomic implications that follow. It outlines the subjects that need to be discussed, the areas of corruption and areas of government tyranny. United we stand. Dr. Mita states that all 23 districts of Tokyo are contaminated, with the eastern area worst affected — up to 4 000 Bq/kg. Eventually extraditing and prosecuting Julian Assange as an enemy of the state is an important element in the effort to kill the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. What is unfolding before us is not a revolution. Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt is a regular Bilderberg attendee. We can punish multinational companies who commit flagrant fouls on humanity and the environment by boycotting them. He risked great personal harm. No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing. The cabal trashed the country without any qualms-or shame. Human Status Of A Corporation = Enfranchisement Vs Natural Person, Living in todays nazi fascist police state, understanding the corrupt system they use to control us cattle is of great importance. Read article here. EMR adversely affects the blood cells of ALL individuals, whether they feel the effects or not. They are the biotch of the large Mega Corporations that put out propaganda for the Council of 300, the Bilderberg Group, and global power brokers. When it comes to the truth, these pictures speak volumes. This film is a big picture understanding of the plans that are being carried out around the world to cull the population. Please specify the time offset in the video where the issue occurs. Israel’s a longstanding imperial partner. Just like the rest of the mass media circus. With the power of the internet, email and activism, the truth movement is spreading, and the corrupt, evil, war mongering, genocidal few that are in power now, are loosing their grip on the world because people are learning the truth and doing something about it. It stars Craig Sheffer, Anne Bobby, David Cronenberg, Charles Haid, Hugh Quarshie, and Doug Bradley. The Japan earthquake and “accidents” at the Fukushima’s 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 Were deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan, and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. It threatens to topple two more before the end of February: Yemen and Egypt. It is bad government (Big Government) that approved the GMOs. Read 11 Articles on Bradley Manning here, US Suspends Constitution In Permanent World War On Terror. Cabal/Lord of the Illusions Wars are being waged, millions of innocent lives are taken for profit and greed. Top 5 Special Interest Groups Lobbying To Keep Marijuana Illegal: 1. It also outlines what WHO must do to reverse this destructive course—for itself and for the global citizens it is supposed to protect. This was his last speech before being assassinated by the CIA. Via its International EMF Project, WHO is supposed to be protecting us from the harmful effects of this radiation—radiation that we cannot see, smell or taste, even though it penetrates and affects every cell of our electromagnetic bodies. Excellent critical thinking explanation of the situation that is upon us all. The first novel of his Russalka Chronicles trilogy, "Katya's World," a YA science fiction story that takes place on the dangerous and unforgiving ocean-covered world of Russalka, was published in 2012, the first sequel, "Katya's War," following in 2013. A transitional government has been installed. The Obama “Hope” campaign successfully detached the reality of who Obama is and what he stands for and bundled him up as a neat little answer to our problems; what most people hoped would be the deliverance from the countries empirical aims. These findings confirm what the nuclear physicist Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Nuclear Education found in 2012, when he picked up five random soil samples in Tokyo from between paving stones, in parks and playgrounds. According to a Forbes.com article from earlier this year, the systemic failure of Iceland’s banking system back in 2008, which was the direct result of the same globalist takeover that has already taken place in the U.S. and throughout much of Europe, led to an eventual revolt where Icelanders indicted those responsible and basically kicked them out of all levels of power. Despite their planning efforts, technology, and billions of dollars spent on martial law training, a handful of activists can utilize simple  yet powerful tools to ensure martial law is never implemented. To help support BitChute or find out more about our creator monetization policy: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRizDPuLs8c4/, . To complete the login process, please enter the one time code that was sent to your email address. No surprises, just built to fail from inception. Cell phones, Smart meters, Wifi, Cell towers and their connection to chemtrails. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Perpetual war, genocide, and fascist rule continue because the masses live with the assumption that if they ignore the fact that their government is against them, that it will not affect them. I will understand that an asymptomatic carrier is a normal, healthy person and I will not buy into the fear that I might “catch something” from a normal, healthy person. The motivation of this site is to enable the population to see the forest for the trees and to wake up everyone to the reality that we are being controlled by an evil few. The age of wireless technology, ubiquitous microwave transmissions and countless cellphone towers have transformed the planet in profound and fundamental ways. Read 11 Articles on Libya in 1 here, “Support The Troops” Is One Of The Most Cruel Hoaxes In History. Today American citizens, once a free people protected by law, can be assassinated and detained in prison indefinitely without any evidence being presented to a court of their guilt, and they can be sentenced to prison on the basis of secret testimony by anonymous witnesses not subject to cross examination. I flew threw it. Party only had tens of thousands of participants. Read Article here, Truth11 Films | 911 Truth to Ticks and Leeches by Tool, An insidious brainwashing program set to be launched next week will “organically” weave the government’s political propaganda into prime time network television shows, with positive talking points about Obama’s environmental, bailout, health care and “servitude” agenda being seamlessly integrated into the content of dramas, reality shows and comedies. Read Article Here, In America today, there are approximately five unemployed workers for every single job opening, The truth is that there are not nearly enough jobs out there for everyone that wants one. This goes beyond the question of whether the disaster is real or imagined. The first rule of the elite was and is; to ‘Divide and Concur’. There is no enemy. Hope Fades for End of the American Empire under Obama. Read article here, Al Qaeda: A CIA Database | Not A Terrorist Group, Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Read article here. Once the government decides that its role is to keep us safe, whether economically or physically, they can only do so by taking away our liberties. At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China. We are witnessing the deliberate collapse of this system and a move toward The New World Order End Game. Already the Commission had placed its members in the top posts the U.S. had to offer,”, …“A former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher [Lord Christopher Monckton] says the real purpose of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on Dec. 7-18 is to use global warming hype as a pretext to lay the foundation for a one-world government,” Read article here | See also this article. A select group of diabolic oligarch globalists and their puppet cronies embedded within the United States government are heavily involved in crimes against humanity. As time is running out, we will upload one part every week. Obama reflects the worst of US governance. 8 days of peace per year could fund the analyzation of world hunger. The Fall of Cabal the sequel. Utopia is possible. ‎In this sequel to Final Solution, the Alastor, a cabal sworn to re-establish the old republic, is in trouble. This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. There is so much evidence for this now that only the fools still relying on Satanic corporate propaganda do not realize it yet. In reality, the same destructive energy that powers one, powers the other. Is This The Excuse They Need To Shut Down The Internet? “Official” 9/11 story destroyed! Its time to wake up. Have faith in humanity!. Read article here. The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal documentary is as mind-blowing as the original! Just another addition to the long list of diminishing human rights. As we brutally enforce our will on foreign countries, we create more people that hate us. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance. “Johannes Cabal the Necromancer” is the first book in the series. ‎ The wizards of the Cold War must uncover a secret cabal responsible for the Kennedy assassination in The Shadow Commission , New York Times bestselling author David Mack's globe-spanning historical fantasy sequel to The Iron Codex. Money talks, and it is corrupting politics and markets all over the world. Concise and effective, it breaks down the coming global information control grid in all its horrifying detail. Read article here, Truth11 Films lastest film The Enemy Within. Read article here, UK Government to install surveillance cameras in private homes. They license/sell food seeds. First, the senate is debating an expansion of the already broad powers of the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) so the U.S. can essentially engage any area in the world in the war on terror, including America. Read article here, Tokyo Contaminated From Fukushima; Not Fit for Habitation. This plan is known as Globalist Shutdown. Doing so denies any possibility of judicial fairness. Depopulation programs forged by the Rockefeller foundation in association with the Nazis were the basis of modern day incarnations of eugenics like fluoride poisoning and vaccinations. Who is the Cabal? ‘The Collective Evolution’ is a documentary aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. … The use of such technology is not only a complete violation of the Fourth Amendment, it also eviscerates the notion of innocent until proven guilty, and therefore totally undermines everything America stands for. Covering the education system, poisoning of citizens, fluoridation, and over medication of the population. Bad government enforced the medical monopoly and allowed the pesticides to kill the honeybees. Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference, which has been based at the Grove since 2007, immediately precedes the Bilderberg Group conference by a matter of days.” Bilderberg’s “being recast as ‘Google-Berg’ – partly because of efforts on behalf of activists to tear away the veil of Bilderberg’s much cherished secrecy, and partly as a means of re-branding authoritarian, undemocratic secret gatherings of elites as trendy, liberal, feel-good philanthropic-style forums like Google Zeitgeist and TED. Creators are allowed to post content they produce to the platform, so long as they comply with our, https://t.me/joinchat/JOILTFPFqsc_YCDIOiWzMg, Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over. NSA spying on innocent Americans. This short film is a call to those with the ability to help the truth movement in this medium (Just do it anonymously or collectively) . As time is running out, we will upload one part every week. RAND was instrumental in developing the strategy behind the use of nuclear weapons, and how they actively promoting nuking the entirety of Eastern Europe as well as China in case of problems in Western Europe, a policy that could easily have sparked off a catastrophic nuclear holocaust.