Obama speech to Parliament skirts climate change Jonathan Scott, from HGTV’s “Property Brothers,” says power companies across the country want to stop you from going solar. Climate change is leaving children with less to eat By Emma Gatten 14 Jan 2021, 7:09pm. In the closing months of Trump term, energy companies stockpiled enough drilling permits for western public lands to keep pumping oil for years. Mountain pine tree that feeds grizzlies is threatened, U.S. officials say. The man known as the godfather of California’s organic farming died of cancer at the farm where he loved to work. Endorse a new nonproliferation treaty. California’s recycling industry has struggled since China banned imports of plastics and other material. Virtual events show how to incorporate these plants into our daily lives. “Everyone is circling around this space of moms,” Browning said. Send her tips privately on Signal at (202) 660-1124. Consortium wants to cut down L.A. County Arboretum trees to make room for storm water treatment. Dominique Browning, co-founder of Moms Clean Air Force, an advocacy group, said that when environmental organizations have tried to talk to mothers about climate change in the past, they’ve often emphasized the need to make individual choices, such as driving less or hanging wash to dry on a clothesline, rather than taking political action. But activists are determined to get the bill across the finish line. Most people don’t know her, but Susan Hansch has been quietly saving the California coast for more than 46 years. Utah's House of Representatives on Monday passed a nonbinding resolution expressing its doubt about climate change. Here's a jerky cam capture of the relevant bits: RELATED: Slowing Population: Would it help fight global warming? Most of Southern California’s botanic gardens closed in March but are now slowly reopening, with new rules about wearing face coverings, buying tickets online and bringing your own water. Surveys have shown that most Americans can’t name a single living scientist — and viewers are unlikely to recognize the accomplished researchers leading the campaign. The leader of Canada’s Alberta province wants President-elect Joe Biden to give Ottawa a chance to make the case for the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Electricity generation isn’t just getting cleaner — it’s getting smaller and nimbler, with help from batteries, smart thermostats and electric cars. Global warming pushed temperatures into record territory in 2020, in effect tying 2016 as the hottest year on record, according to new data. In 2001, a team of international scientists projected that during the next 100 years, the planet’s inhabitants would witness higher maximum temperatures, more hot days and heat waves, … These wild lands in California and the West may soon get federal protection. ‘It’s hard to believe this is January,’ said one official, as Cal Fire reported at least 10 fires in Santa Cruz and San Mateo counties. Famed architect Frank Gehry’s bold plan to overhaul the L.A. River would showcase long-neglected cities south of Los Angeles, but environmental groups are opposed to the idea of so-called platform parks above the flood channel. Amid mounting pressure to disclose its climate footprint, Exxon revealed emissions on par with a country the size of Canada. U.S. officials say climate change, beetles and a deadly fungus are imperiling the long-term survival of a high-elevation pine tree that’s a key source of food for some threatened grizzly bears. The Trump administration has completed action on one of its biggest remaining rollbacks of public health and environmental rules. How to safely shop for edible plants during a pandemic: With planning and patience. Will he follow through? Canada urges Biden not to cancel Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. Barry Lopez, author who connected people to place, dies at 75, Barry Lopez, an award-winning writer who tried to tighten the bonds between people and place by describing the landscapes he saw in 50 years of travel, has died, How rooftop solar could save Americans $473 billion. “Our Daughters” ad narrated by Emily Fischer, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, Kamala Harris says nation will ‘find a moment’ to celebrate inauguration amid pandemic grief, COVID-19 job losses will worsen L.A. homelessness by 2023, new report says. The magazine mentioned climate change articles as the main platform for these comment bombs. Strong winds, fires, outages hit Bay Area, knock down PG&E lines. Increasingly, it is a reality of the present. Strong, potentially damaging winds possible for L.A. region early next week, forecasters say, Gusts of 80 to 90 mph or higher are possible in some locations, 2020 ties 2016 as hottest year on record, even without warming boost from El Niño. California Botanic Garden is a feast (including ice cream!) Although its budget is small compared with a corporate branding campaign, it is a gigantic buy in the world of climate messaging. Oil companies lock in drilling, challenging Biden on climate change. The court decided that the Trump administration acted illegally in issuing a new rule to ease regulation of air pollution from power plants. California is scrambling to avoid blackouts. Warm, dry conditions will elevate fire danger in Southland, forecasters say. Local, state and federal authorities will assist in putting on the King of the Hammers event later this month, despite pandemic restrictions on travel and crowds. American C… Climate Change. A red flag warning for high fire risk will remain in place for much of L.A. County until 10 p.m. Tuesday. “That definitely runs counter to climate science, which only values the evidence, but it works brilliantly with the psychology of public communication.”. The L.A. "Times" has not gone as far as cutting off … To the climate scientist mothers, she said: “Welcome to the fight.”. Frank Gehry’s bold plan to upgrade the L.A. River seeks to atone for past injustices. The proposed listing of western Joshua trees as an endangered species has some residents of Yucca Valley worried. This reality TV star was mad at Warren Buffett for blocking solar. Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at Texas Tech University, is known for her work spreading information about climate change. Climate change is the overarching issue. ‘It’s hard to believe this is January,’ said one official, as Cal Fire reported at least 10 fires in Santa Cruz and San Mateo counties. Many small nurseries have closed to visitors due to coronavirus, but you can still safely shop for plants online with a little planning and lots of patience, since most nurseries are working with reduced staff to get your orders ready for pickup. The demolition of three smokestacks at Navajo Generation Station capped off another tumultuous year for coal power. In last-minute slap, court strikes down major Trump rollback on clean air. 10 things for plant parents to do this summer. What month is this? California warns against using a batch of Moderna COVID-19 vaccines after allergic reactions. And the ads’ personal approach sets them apart from previous efforts to reach people that focused on detailed scientific explanations of global warming or emotional appeals to save wildlife. Find out where, Firefighting foam leaves toxic legacy in Californians’ drinking water, Hoping to get a nickel for that can? Most people agree climate change will affect future generations, she said, but they don’t accept the likelihood that it will affect them directly. Nearly 300 drinking water wells and other water sources in California have been found to have traces of man-made chemicals linked to cancer. Still, most Americans trust climate scientists, said Edward Maibach, director of George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication, even if they’ve never talked to one. Why a British pioneer in solar energy chose to produce in Germany By Justin Huggler 14 Jan 2021, 12:00pm Meanwhile, polluting industries have targeted mothers with advertisements featuring happy families and children breathing clean air. A mother speaks about her children’s future with worry in her voice. Consortium wants to cut down L.A. County Arboretum trees to make room for storm water treatment. A chemical from car tires. In last-minute slap, court strikes down major Trump rollback on clean air. But the state’s next target, a 40% reduction in climate pollution by 2030, will be a much bigger lift. Women of all political views are more supportive of taking action against climate change than men, a divide that has held true for the last decade, despite a growing body of scientific work showing that unchecked carbon emissions will have devastating consequences. To those kids. Years after pledging action, California regulators have filed suit against companies connected to the contaminated Exide Technologies plant in Vernon. A top bullet train contractor is contradicting claims by the California high-speed rail authority that the construction pace of the project is on target. California is spending $32 million on a fire prevention strategy that doesn’t work in high winds, As California’s recycling industry struggles, companies and consumers are forced to adapt. “But when we bring it home and we talk about what matters to us here and now, that’s when we realize we need to act now.”. (The Beehive State, incidentally, also is considering opening up another radioactive waste site.) UK Politics. For decades, she’s been the unsung hero of California’s coast. That’s Biden’s plan. The court decided that the Trump administration acted illegally in issuing a new rule to ease regulation of air pollution from power plants. When L.A. County nixed a plan to build a new jail, Supervisor Hilda Solis saw an opportunity to use the land for homeless housing. Column: Desert off-road festival to go ahead despite violating state guidelines. What month is this? If Joe Biden wants to help people save money, he could devote a big chunk of his climate efforts to solar and batteries. Climate change spells trouble for the Colorado River. No other crises can be solved if the world in which we hope to solve them is heaving and thrashing. In the last year, a record-shattering hurricane season, devastating flooding and an explosion of wildfires in the West have offered a preview of what life in an overheated world will feel like. Climate change was seen as a threat for the future. State bullet train delays ‘beyond comprehension,’ contractor says in blistering letter. Get Boiling Point, our newsletter exploring climate change, energy and the environment, and become part of the conversation — and the solution. Opinion: The climate change and industrialization conundrum Noah Chun August 6, 2020 Newbury Park High School Opinion: America needs to start the fight against red meat Manas Khatore April 25, 2020 California School of the Arts National Geographic documentary ‘Jane Goodall: The … With California’s recycling crisis, good luck. Vanishing heritage. Nasa images show how climate change is transforming the planet. Recent polling by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication has found that about 66% of Americans are concerned about global warming. The killer? Obama wouldn’t keep fossil fuels in the ground. Timed to launch days before President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in, the campaign is expected to run for at least six months, ensuring that Americans in battleground states hear about global warming at the same time that the incoming administration is trying to elevate it. Compared with the general public, about 83% of mothers said they were very or somewhat worried. Enter Email Address. Your refrigerator could help. This L.A. project shows that homeless housing can be done quickly and cheaply. State regulatory agency slaps LADWP with violation over methane gas leak at Sun Valley power plant. A survey of about 7,900 people commissioned by the Potential Energy Coalition in 2019 found that mothers are especially concerned about global warming. But there’s still hope Lake Mead is just 39% full as critical negotiations between California and other Western states get underway. More than 78,000 Southern California Edison customers lose power as high winds increase wildfire risk. The ads were produced by the Potential Energy Coalition, a nonprofit collective of advertising agencies focused on climate change, and all of the scientists involved volunteered their time. Ultimately, climate change is an issue that touches everyone on this planet. A thick, chocolaty-looking sludge has formed on Utah’s Great Salt Lake, and state parks officials say talk of an oil slick is unfounded. “The goal of Science Moms is to push through that — to reach directly to mothers and let them know this is a threat to their kids. The president-elect promised to end new oil and gas extraction on public lands. “What could be a more compelling human story than a climate scientist’s own concern as a mother?” Maibach said. Strong, potentially damaging winds possible for L.A. region early next week, forecasters say, Gusts of 80 to 90 mph or higher are possible in some locations, 2020 ties 2016 as hottest year on record, even without warming boost from El Niño. EPA rollback limits use of scientific studies to safeguard public health. We now know that thinking was wrong. Sign Me Up The contentious project aims to restore ecological function of 566 acres of the reserve, the largest coastal wetlands complex in Los Angeles County. The plan by a consortium of five foothill cities and Los Angeles County Public Works would consume up to 4 acres of the arboretum’s Australia section. The leader of Canada’s Alberta province wants President-elect Joe Biden to give Ottawa a chance to make the case for the Keystone XL oil pipeline. American Association for the Advancement of Science\"The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society.\" (2006)3 2. Anna M. Phillips is an environmental policy reporter based in the Los Angeles Times’ Washington, D.C., bureau. If successful, they could also blunt the impact of political spending by the fossil fuel industry, which is expected to resist efforts to limit the country’s dependence on oil and gas. In an executive order late Monday, Hilda Solis, chairwoman of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, directed county health officials to make COVID-19 vaccination appointments available to residents 65 years of age and older beginning Thursday. Amigo Bob Cantisano, towering figure in West Coast organic farming, dies at 69. Now they’re joining the battle to get Americans to act. The company’s shift — from embracing the science of climate change to publicly questioning it — emerged from interviews with former and current Exxon Mobil employees, and a review of internal company documents by Columbia University’s Energy & Environmental Reporting Project and the Los Angeles Times. California sues to recover costs for Exide lead cleanup, but community still wants justice. Wildfire smoke now causes up to half the fine-particle pollution in Western U.S., study finds, A new study blames climate change for worsening pollution and health risks in both urban and rural communities in recent years, Billions of dollars spent on fighting California wildfires, but little on prevention, The state’s focus on fighting fires has some experts asking, “Does California need a new agency to focus on wildfire prevention?”, Changes caused by worsening wildfires in California forests will last centuries. Column: Desert off-road festival to go ahead despite violating state guidelines. California’s worst wildfire season on record has already altered the state’s iconic forests in ways that will be seen for centuries to come. LA Times reports that children are so distressed by what they have been taught about the alleged climate crisis, some are committing suicide. Climate Change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining moment. The Golden State reached its 2020 climate change goal four years early, bringing economy-wide emissions back down to 1990 levels without most Californians noticing that anything was different. Still, most Americans trust climate scientists, said Edward Maibach, director of George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication, even if they’ve never talked to one. A new report suggests more than 60% of people who dropped a streaming service did so after they watched the show or movie that got them to sign up. In an interview, Hayhoe said that attempts to make people care about climate change have often failed because speakers emphasize the scientific evidence about warming oceans and changing global temperatures without explaining how this could affect their listeners. NASA’s Climate Kids website brings the exciting science of climate change and sustainability to life, providing clear explanations for the big questions in climate science. Power shutoffs hit Southern California amid red flag warnings, Hundreds of wells are contaminated across California. The Los Angeles City Council could make L.A. the first U.S. city to endorse a global treaty to phase out the development of fossil fuels. Local, state and federal authorities will assist in putting on the King of the Hammers event later this month, despite pandemic restrictions on travel and crowds. For young Californians, climate change is a mental health crisis too How the waters off Catalina became a DDT dumping ground, How toxic fumes seep into the air you breathe on planes, The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Global warming pushed temperatures into record territory in 2020, in effect tying 2016 as the hottest year on record, according to new data. Canada urges Biden not to cancel Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. Easter Island Is Eroding March 14, 2018. Worries mount in Yucca Valley that Joshua trees will be designated an endangered species. The plan by a consortium of five foothill cities and Los Angeles County Public Works would consume up to 4 acres of the arboretum’s Australia section. The doubters on global climate change, however, are not retreating like the majority of the globe's glaciers. Lake Mead is just 39% full as critical negotiations between California and other Western states get underway. The Protecting America’s Wilderness Act suffered a setback. It’s a problem for Hollywood. They’re climate scientists. They’re mothers. We’re already seeing the effects of climate change, but thankfully, the planet is equipped with a powerful tool for stabilizing the climate: nature itself. Scientists solve mystery of mass coho salmon deaths. But there’s still hope. Because of climate change, by midcentury many prior Winter Games locations may be too warm to ever host the Olympics again. LA Times: Climate Change Is ‘Uprooting Millions of People a Year’. Eyes on the Earth Track Earth's vital signs from space and fly along with NASA's Earth-observing satellites in an interactive 3D visualization. President Trump tried to marginalize California. Gore made his remarks at the eighth annual Games for Change Festival, a conference organized by those who want to promote the use of video games for social change. How fast do you cancel streaming services? Here’s what ‘thousands of floating eggs’ look like on Utah’s Great Salt Lake. LA Times Headline: “Gov. Atmospheric CO2 in 2021 to reach level 50% higher than industrial era. In under five months, the unused parking lot has been transformed into 232 units of permanent and interim housing at $200,000 per unit, a record for speed and cost. Billie Eilish, the 18-year-old singer-songwriter redefining pop stardom, recently spoke with the the LA Times about her climate anxiety. The kids they make sandwiches for, the kids who crawl into their beds at night, the kids who drive them crazy sometimes. The South Coast Air Quality Management District learned of an ongoing methane leak at the Sun Valley power plant in August and conducted an inspection. Instead, the ad, which will debut this week in the swing states of Arizona, North Carolina and Wisconsin, is one of the most sophisticated and well-funded efforts to spread the word on the urgency of climate change in a decade. Others are embracing radical climate activism as a coping mechanism for their climate mental health crisis. For a year of dubious superlatives, 2020 has left the planet one last parting gift. California Botanic Garden is the new name for the state’s largest garden of native plants. More than 78,000 Southern California Edison customers lose power as high winds increase wildfire risk. Make America California Again? It will tailor its message to mothers in particular, who polling data suggest are more concerned than the general public about the catastrophic effects of climate change. The ad opens with two apple-cheeked little girls hiking, camping and taking their wobbly first turns on skis. Travel through Earth's recent climate history and see how increasing carbon dioxide, global temperature and sea ice have changed over time. Here are 10 things to get your plants and garden summer-ready. “It seems like a distant issue,” she said. The campaign, called “Science Moms,” will include TV and digital advertising and will also run in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Florida. for all our senses. Now, with Joe Biden and Democrats taking power, no state is more influential in setting a policy agenda. To learn about climate change, you first must know what climate is. \"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver.\" (2009)2 1. State approves Ballona Wetlands restoration plan that divides environmentalists. Researchers found a chemical related to vehicle tires that is responsible for killing more than half the coho salmon in Puget Sound each year. Exxon reveals full scope of emissions for first time. The Los Angeles Times has joined the ranks of global warming alarmists, claiming that climate change is generating mass migration across the globe and fueling the worst refugee crisis “since World War II.”. “Those of us who understand climate change are disappointed by gridlock on the issue,” said Emily Fischer, a climate scientist at Colorado State University, who narrated the 90-second spot featuring her daughters enjoying the outdoors. Our choices are grim, How the U.S. betrayed the Marshall Islands, kindling the next nuclear disaster, California finds widespread water contamination of ‘forever chemicals’. Climate change: 11 facts you need to know We’re already seeing the effects of human-caused climate change — but nature can help. Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change June 18, 2015 Pope Fran­cis is­sued a highly an­ti­cip­ated call for de­cis­ive ac­tion on cli­mate change and chas­tised those who … The coal industry comes tumbling down in the American West. The global average temperature in 2020 was about 2.25 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the average from 1850 to 1900, data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service indicates. It’s part of a $10-million campaign that will put climate scientists who are mothers in the living rooms of families across the country so they can speak to parents like them. LA Times Cherry-Picks “Experts” To Baselessly Dismiss Governor's Comments On Wildfires And Climate Change. Not someone else’s kids.”. Targeting upper-elementary-aged children, the site includes interactive games, hands-on activities, and engaging articles that make climate science accessible and fun. It is vital that our generation takes action now, whether it is spreading awareness in the surrounding community, taking part in a climate strike, or taking it upon yourself to change “one small thing.” California’s top epidemiologist told healthcare providers on Sunday to stop using a batch of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine after a “higher than usual” number of people had apparent allergic reactions at a San Diego vaccination clinic. Temperatures are expected to peak Friday at about 20 degrees above normal, said a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Oxnard. So he made a movie. Experts say changes are vital to overcome a waste glut. Climate change spells trouble for the Colorado River. But Biden says he will. Strong winds, fires, outages hit Bay Area, knock down PG&E lines. The most high-profile among them is Katharine Hayhoe, a director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University and an evangelical Christian, who has spent years trying to convince skeptics of the necessity of acting on global warming. You brace yourself for the inevitable pitch to buy life insurance or an SUV. The gulf between Exxon’s internal and external approach to climate change from the 1980s through the early 2000s was evident in a review of hundreds of internal documents, decades of peer-reviewed published material and dozens of interviews conducted by Columbia University’s Energy & Environmental Reporting Project and the Los Angeles Times. The Los Angeles Times editorial board has written about climate change for years. A new $10-million ad campaign features climate scientists who are mothers speaking directly to other worried moms. A red flag warning for high fire risk will remain in place for much of L.A. County until 10 p.m. Tuesday. Botanic gardens are reopening with superblooms — and a few new rules. Op-Ed: Treat fossil fuels like nukes. Here’s why we thought this was the right moment for a bigger, broader series of editorials on the subject. New L.A. County order gives older residents vaccine access by Thursday. Opinion: The climate change crisis and how we can fight it Jonathan Kim November 1, 2020 These conditions have blocked off the sun and created orange skies, poor air quality, and scorching, record high temperatures. For decades, most scientists saw climate change as a distant prospect. He failed. 2030, will be designated an endangered species has some residents of Yucca Valley Joshua... Site. information about climate change is leaving children with less to eat by Emma 14. Superblooms — and a few new rules Edison customers lose power as high winds increase risk... Organic farming, dies at 69 he could devote a big chunk of climate... 2021 to reach level 50 % higher than industrial era a 40 reduction! 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